Determining the Active Viewport
Windows only


You are trying to determine if the current active view is a detail or a standard view. You are having some trouble differentiating between an active page layout and an active detail in a page layout.


Standard Rhino views are represented by the CRhinoView class. Layout views are represented by the CRhinoPageView class. This class is derived from CRhinoView. A CRhinoPageView object maintains an array of CRhinoDetailViewObject objects - one for each detail in the layout.

To determine whether a layout or one if it’s details is active, get the UUID of the layout’s active detail object. If the returned UUID is nil, then the layout itself is active. Otherwise, the detail object that has the returned UUID is active.


CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  CRhinoView* view = RhinoApp().ActiveView();
  if (nullptr == view)
    return CRhinoCommand::failure;

  CRhinoPageView* page_view = static_cast<CRhinoPageView*>(view);
  if (page_view)
    ON_wString layout_name = page_view->MainViewport().Name();
    ON_UUID active_detail_uuid = page_view->ActiveDetailObject();
    if (ON_UuidIsNotNil(active_detail_uuid))
      ON_wString detail_name = page_view->ActiveViewport().Name();
      RhinoApp().Print(L"The detail \"%s\" on layout \"%s\" is active.\n", 
        static_cast<const wchar_t*>(detail_name), 
        static_cast<const wchar_t*>(layout_name)
      RhinoApp().Print(L"The layout \"%s\" is active.\n", 
        static_cast<const wchar_t*>(layout_name)
    ON_wString viewport_name = view->ActiveViewport().Name();
    RhinoApp().Print(L"The viewport \"%s\" is active.\n", 
      static_cast<const wchar_t*>(viewport_name)

  return CRhinoCommand::success;