Conduit Draw Shaded Mesh

Demonstrates how to draw a shaded mesh using a display conduit.

public class DrawShadedMeshConduit : Rhino.Display.DisplayConduit
  public Rhino.Geometry.Mesh Mesh { get; set; }

  protected override void CalculateBoundingBox(Rhino.Display.CalculateBoundingBoxEventArgs e)
    if (null != Mesh)
      Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox bbox = Mesh.GetBoundingBox(false);
      // Unites a bounding box with the current display bounding box in
      // order to ensure dynamic objects in "box" are drawn.

  protected override void PostDrawObjects(Rhino.Display.DrawEventArgs e)
    if (null != Mesh)
      Rhino.Display.DisplayMaterial material = new Rhino.Display.DisplayMaterial();
      material.Diffuse = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
      e.Display.DrawMeshShaded(Mesh, material);

partial class Examples
  public static Rhino.Commands.Result ConduitDrawShadedMesh(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc)
    Rhino.Geometry.Mesh mesh = MeshBox(100, 500, 10);
    if (null == mesh)
      return Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure;

    DrawShadedMeshConduit conduit = new DrawShadedMeshConduit();
    conduit.Mesh = mesh;
    conduit.Enabled = true;

    string outputString = string.Empty;
    Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetString("Press <Enter> to continue", true, ref outputString);

    conduit.Enabled = false;

    return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success;

  public static Rhino.Geometry.Mesh MeshBox(double x, double y, double z)
    Rhino.Geometry.Mesh mesh = new Rhino.Geometry.Mesh();
    mesh.Vertices.Add(0, 0, 0);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(x, 0, 0);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(x, y, 0);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(0, y, 0);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(0, 0, z);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(x, 0, z);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(x, y, z);
    mesh.Vertices.Add(0, y, z);
    mesh.Faces.AddFace(3, 2, 1, 0);
    mesh.Faces.AddFace(4, 5, 6, 7);
    mesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 5, 4);
    mesh.Faces.AddFace(1, 2, 6, 5);
    mesh.Faces.AddFace(2, 3, 7, 6);
    mesh.Faces.AddFace(3, 0, 4, 7);
    if (mesh.IsValid)
      return mesh;
    return null;
Partial Friend Class Examples
  Public Shared Function ConduitDrawShadedMesh(ByVal doc As Rhino.RhinoDoc) As Rhino.Commands.Result
	Dim mesh As Rhino.Geometry.Mesh = MeshBox(100, 500, 10)
	If Nothing Is mesh Then
	  Return Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure
	End If

	Dim conduit As New DrawShadedMeshConduit()
	conduit.Mesh = mesh
	conduit.Enabled = True

	Dim outputString As String = String.Empty
	Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetString("Press <Enter> to continue", True, outputString)

	conduit.Enabled = False

	Return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success
  End Function

  Public Shared Function MeshBox(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal z As Double) As Rhino.Geometry.Mesh
	Dim mesh As New Rhino.Geometry.Mesh()
	mesh.Vertices.Add(0, 0, 0)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(x, 0, 0)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(x, y, 0)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(0, y, 0)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(0, 0, z)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(x, 0, z)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(x, y, z)
	mesh.Vertices.Add(0, y, z)
	mesh.Faces.AddFace(3, 2, 1, 0)
	mesh.Faces.AddFace(4, 5, 6, 7)
	mesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 5, 4)
	mesh.Faces.AddFace(1, 2, 6, 5)
	mesh.Faces.AddFace(2, 3, 7, 6)
	mesh.Faces.AddFace(3, 0, 4, 7)
	If mesh.IsValid Then
	  Return mesh
	End If
	Return Nothing
  End Function
End Class
# No Python sample available