Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_Brep, including all inherited members.
AddEdgeCurve(ON_Curve *) | ON_Brep | |
AddSurface(ON_Surface *) | ON_Brep | |
AddTrimCurve(ON_Curve *) | ON_Brep | |
AggregateComponentStatus() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
Append(const ON_Brep &) | ON_Brep | |
AreaMassProperties(ON_MassProperties &mp, bool bArea=true, bool bFirstMoments=true, bool bSecondMoments=true, bool bProductMoments=true, double rel_tol=1.0e-6, double abs_tol=1.0e-6) const | ON_Brep | |
AttachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
BoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
BrepComponent(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const | ON_Brep | |
BrepForm(ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
ChangeVertex(int old_vi, int new_vi, bool bClearTolerances) | ON_Brep | |
Clear_edge_user_i(int) const | ON_Brep | |
Clear_edge_user_i() const | ON_Brep | |
Clear_face_user_i() const | ON_Brep | |
Clear_loop_user_i() const | ON_Brep | |
Clear_trim_user_i() const | ON_Brep | |
Clear_user_i() const | ON_Brep | |
Clear_vertex_user_i() const | ON_Brep | |
ClearAllComponentStates() const | ON_Object | |
ClearBoundingBox() override | ON_Brep | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
ClearEdgeVertices() | ON_Brep | protected |
ClearPerFaceColors() const | ON_Brep | |
ClearPerFaceMaterialChannelIndices() | ON_Brep | |
ClearTrimVertices() | ON_Brep | protected |
CloseTrimGap(ON_BrepTrim &trim0, ON_BrepTrim &trim1) | ON_Brep | |
CollapseEdge(int edge_index, bool bCloseTrimGap=true, int vertex_index=-1) | ON_Brep | |
CombineCoincidentEdges(ON_BrepEdge &, ON_BrepEdge &) | ON_Brep | |
CombineCoincidentVertices(ON_BrepVertex &, ON_BrepVertex &) | ON_Brep | |
CombineContiguousEdges(int edge_index0, int edge_iindex1, double angle_tolerance_radians=ON_PI/180.0) | ON_Brep | |
Compact() | ON_Brep | |
ComponentIndex() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
ComputeLoopType(const ON_BrepLoop &) const | ON_Brep | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) | ON_Object | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
Create(ON_Surface *&pSurface) | ON_Brep | |
Create(ON_NurbsSurface *&pNurbsSurface) | ON_Brep | |
Create(ON_PlaneSurface *&pPlaneSurface) | ON_Brep | |
Create(ON_RevSurface *&pRevSurface) | ON_Brep | |
Create(ON_SumSurface *&pSumSurface) | ON_Brep | |
CreateMesh(const ON_MeshParameters &mp, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Mesh * > &mesh_list) const | ON_Brep | |
CullUnused2dCurves() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnused3dCurves() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnusedEdges() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnusedFaces() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnusedLoops() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnusedSurfaces() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnusedTrims() | ON_Brep | |
CullUnusedVertices() | ON_Brep | |
DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
Delete2dCurve(int c2_index) | ON_Brep | |
Delete3dCurve(int c3_index) | ON_Brep | |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) | ON_Object | virtual |
DeleteEdge(ON_BrepEdge &edge, bool bDeleteEdgeVertices) | ON_Brep | |
DeleteFace(ON_BrepFace &face, bool bDeleteFaceEdges) | ON_Brep | |
DeleteLoop(ON_BrepLoop &loop, bool bDeleteLoopEdges) | ON_Brep | |
DeleteSurface(int s_index) | ON_Brep | |
DeleteTrim(ON_BrepTrim &trim, bool bDeleteTrimEdges) | ON_Brep | |
DeleteVertex(ON_BrepVertex &vertex) | ON_Brep | |
Destroy() | ON_Brep | |
DestroyMesh(ON::mesh_type mesh_type, bool bDeleteMesh) | ON_Brep | |
DestroyMesh(ON::mesh_type mesh_type) | ON_Brep | |
DestroyRegionTopology() | ON_Brep | |
DestroyRuntimeCache(bool bDelete=true) override | ON_Brep | virtual |
DetachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
Dimension() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
DisconnectEdgeFaces(int eid) | ON_Brep | |
Dump(ON_TextLog &) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
DuplicateFace(int face_index, bool bDuplicateMeshes) const | ON_Brep | |
DuplicateFaces(int face_count, const int *face_index, bool bDuplicateMeshes) const | ON_Brep | |
Edge(int edge_index) const | ON_Brep | |
Edge(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX edge_index) const | ON_Brep | |
EdgeCurveUseCount(int c3_index, int max_count=0) const | ON_Brep | |
EmergencyDestroy() | ON_Brep | |
ErrorCount | ON_Brep | static |
EvaluatePoint(const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
ExtractFace(int face_index) | ON_Brep | |
Face(int face_index) const | ON_Brep | |
Face(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX face_index) const | ON_Brep | |
FaceIsSurface(int) const | ON_Brep | |
FirstUserData() const | ON_Object | |
Flip() | ON_Brep | |
FlipFace(ON_BrepFace &) | ON_Brep | |
FlipLoop(ON_BrepLoop &) | ON_Brep | |
FlipReversedSurfaces() | ON_Brep | |
GetBBox(double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
GetBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetBoundingBox(ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetComponentsWithSetStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
GetConnectedComponents(ON_SimpleArray< ON_Brep * > &components, bool bDuplicateMeshes) const | ON_Brep | |
GetEdgeParameter(int trim_index, double trim_t, double *edge_t, bool bOkToBuildTrimPline=true) const | ON_Brep | |
GetMesh(ON::mesh_type mesh_type, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshes) const | ON_Brep | |
GetSilhouette(const ON_SilhouetteParameters parameters, const ON_PlaneEquation *clipping_planes, size_t clipping_plane_count, ON_ClassArray< ON_SIL_EVENT > &silhouettes, ON_ProgressReporter *progress, ON_Terminator *terminator) const | ON_Brep | |
GetTangentConnectedComponents(ON_SimpleArray< ON_Brep * > &components, double angle_tol, bool bDuplicateMeshes) const | ON_Brep | |
GetTightBoundingBox(class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
GetTrim2dEnd(int, ON_2dPoint &) const | ON_Brep | |
GetTrim2dStart(int trim_index, ON_2dPoint &) const | ON_Brep | |
GetTrim3dEnd(int, ON_3dPoint &) const | ON_Brep | |
GetTrim3dStart(int, ON_3dPoint &) const | ON_Brep | |
GetTrimParameter(int trim_index, double edge_t, double *trim_t, bool bOkToBuildTrimPline=true) const | ON_Brep | |
GetUserData(const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserString(const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStringKeys(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStrings(ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const | ON_Object | |
HasBrepForm() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
HasPerFaceColors() const | ON_Brep | |
HasPerFaceMaterialChannelIndices() const | ON_Brep | |
HasRegionTopology() const | ON_Brep | |
HasSlits() const | ON_Brep | |
HasSlits(const ON_BrepFace &F) const | ON_Brep | |
HasSlits(const ON_BrepLoop &L) const | ON_Brep | |
HopAcrossEdge(int &, int &) const | ON_Brep | protected |
Initialize() | ON_Brep | protected |
Internal_AttachV5RegionTopologyAsUserData(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const | ON_Brep | protected |
Internal_RegionTopologyPointer(const ON_Brep *brep, bool bValidateFaceCount) | ON_Brep | protectedstatic |
IsCorrupt(bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | |
IsDeformable() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
IsDuplicate(const ON_Brep &other, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const | ON_Brep | |
IsKindOf(const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const | ON_Object | |
IsManifold(bool *pbIsOriented=nullptr, bool *pbHasBoundary=nullptr) const | ON_Brep | |
IsMorphable() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
IsPointInside(ON_3dPoint P, double tolerance, bool bStrictlyInside) const | ON_Brep | |
IsSolid() const | ON_Brep | |
IsSurface() const | ON_Brep | |
IsValid(class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
IsValidEdge(int edge_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidEdgeGeometry(int edge_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidEdgeTolerancesAndFlags(int edge_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidEdgeTopology(int edge_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidFace(int face_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidFaceGeometry(int face_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidFaceTolerancesAndFlags(int face_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidFaceTopology(int face_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidForV2() const | ON_Brep | |
IsValidForV2(const ON_BrepTrim &) const | ON_Brep | |
IsValidForV2(const ON_BrepEdge &) const | ON_Brep | |
IsValidGeometry(ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const | ON_Brep | |
IsValidLoop(int loop_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidLoopGeometry(int loop_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidLoopTolerancesAndFlags(int loop_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidLoopTopology(int loop_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidTolerancesAndFlags(ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const | ON_Brep | |
IsValidTopology(ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const | ON_Brep | |
IsValidTrim(int trim_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidTrimGeometry(int trim_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidTrimTolerancesAndFlags(int trim_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidTrimTopology(int trim_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidVertex(int vertex_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidVertexGeometry(int vertex_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidVertexTolerancesAndFlags(int vertex_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
IsValidVertexTopology(int vertex_index, ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Brep | protected |
JoinEdges(ON_BrepEdge &edge, ON_BrepEdge &other_edge, double join_tolerance, bool bCheckFaceOrientaion=true) | ON_Brep | |
LabelConnectedComponent(int face_index, int label) const | ON_Brep | |
LabelConnectedComponents() const | ON_Brep | |
LabelTangentConnectedComponent(int face_index, double atol, int label) const | ON_Brep | |
LabelTangentConnectedComponents(double angle_tol) const | ON_Brep | |
Loop(int loop_index) const | ON_Brep | |
Loop(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX loop_index) const | ON_Brep | |
Loop2dCurve(const ON_BrepLoop &loop) const | ON_Brep | |
Loop3dCurve(const ON_BrepLoop &loop, bool bRevCurveIfFaceRevIsTrue=false) const | ON_Brep | |
Loop3dCurve(const ON_BrepLoop &loop, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &curve_list, bool bRevCurveIfFaceRevIsTrue=false) const | ON_Brep | |
LoopDirection(const ON_BrepLoop &) const | ON_Brep | |
LoopIsSurfaceBoundary(int) const | ON_Brep | |
m_aggregate_status | ON_Brep | mutableprotected |
m_bbox | ON_Brep | protected |
m_brep_user | ON_Brep | mutable |
m_C2 | ON_Brep | |
m_C3 | ON_Brep | |
m_E | ON_Brep | |
m_F | ON_Brep | |
m_is_solid | ON_Brep | protected |
m_L | ON_Brep | |
m_region_topology | ON_Brep | protected |
m_S | ON_Brep | |
m_T | ON_Brep | |
m_V | ON_Brep | |
MakeDeformable() override | ON_Brep | virtual |
MakeTrimCurveNurb(ON_BrepTrim &T) | ON_Brep | |
MakeValidForV2() | ON_Brep | |
MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
MatchTrimEnds(ON_BrepTrim &T0, ON_BrepTrim &T1) | ON_Brep | |
MatchTrimEnds(int trim_index) | ON_Brep | |
MatchTrimEnds(ON_BrepLoop &Loop) | ON_Brep | |
MatchTrimEnds() | ON_Brep | |
MemoryRelocate() override | ON_Brep | virtual |
MergeFaces(int fid0, int fid1) | ON_Brep | |
MergeFaces() | ON_Brep | |
ModelObjectId() const | ON_Object | virtual |
Morph(const ON_SpaceMorph &morph) override | ON_Brep | |
ON_Geometry::Morph(const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) | ON_Object | |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
New() | ON_Brep | static |
New(const ON_Brep &) | ON_Brep | static |
NewConeFace(const ON_BrepVertex &vertex, const ON_BrepEdge &edge, bool bRevEdge) | ON_Brep | |
NewCurveOnFace(ON_BrepFace &face, ON_BrepEdge &edge, bool bRev3d=false, int c2i=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewEdge(int=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewEdge(ON_BrepVertex &, ON_BrepVertex &, int=-1, const ON_Interval *=nullptr, double edge_tolerance=ON_UNSET_VALUE) | ON_Brep | |
NewFace(int si=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewFace(const ON_Surface &surface) | ON_Brep | |
NewFace(ON_Surface *pSurface, int vid[4], int eid[4], bool bRev3d[4]) | ON_Brep | |
NewLoop(ON_BrepLoop::TYPE) | ON_Brep | |
NewLoop(ON_BrepLoop::TYPE loop_type, ON_BrepFace &face) | ON_Brep | |
NewOuterLoop(int face_index) | ON_Brep | |
NewOuterLoop(int face_index, int vid[4], int eid[4], bool bRev3d[4]) | ON_Brep | |
NewPlanarFaceLoop(int face_index, ON_BrepLoop::TYPE loop_type, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &boundary, bool bDuplicateCurves=true) | ON_Brep | |
NewPointOnFace(ON_BrepFace &face, double s, double t) | ON_Brep | |
NewRuledFace(const ON_BrepEdge &edgeA, bool bRevEdgeA, const ON_BrepEdge &edgeB, bool bRevEdgeB) | ON_Brep | |
NewSingularTrim(const ON_BrepVertex &vertex, ON_BrepLoop &loop, ON_Surface::ISO iso, int c2i=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewTrim(int c2i=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewTrim(bool bRev3d, ON_BrepLoop &loop, int c2i=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewTrim(ON_BrepEdge &edge, bool bRev3d, int c2i=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewTrim(ON_BrepEdge &edge, bool bRev3d, ON_BrepLoop &loop, int c2i=-1) | ON_Brep | |
NewVertex() | ON_Brep | |
NewVertex(ON_3dPoint vertex_point, double vertex_tolerance=ON_UNSET_VALUE) | ON_Brep | |
NextEdge(int current_edge_index, int endi, int *next_endi=nullptr) const | ON_Brep | |
NextNonsingularTrim(int) const | ON_Brep | |
NextTrim(int) const | ON_Brep | |
ObjectType() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
ON_BinaryArchive::ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_FAC(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_Brep | friend |
ON_BinaryArchive::ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_SHL(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_Brep | friend |
ON_Brep() | ON_Brep | |
ON_Brep(const ON_Brep &) | ON_Brep | |
ON_BrepFace class | ON_Brep | friend |
ON_BrepFaceSide class | ON_Brep | friend |
ON_BrepRegion class | ON_Brep | friend |
ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Geometry(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object() ON_NOEXCEPT | ON_Object | |
ON_Object(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
ON_SleepLockGuard class | ON_Brep | friend |
ON_V5_BrepRegionTopologyUserData class | ON_Brep | friend |
operator=(const ON_Brep &) | ON_Brep | |
ON_Geometry::operator=(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object::operator=(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
PackFaces(bool from_subd=true) | ON_Brep | |
PrevEdge(int current_edge_index, int endi, int *prev_endi=nullptr) const | ON_Brep | |
PrevNonsingularTrim(int) const | ON_Brep | |
PrevTrim(int) const | ON_Brep | |
ProxyBrepSubDRuntimeSerialNumber() const | ON_Brep | |
PurgeUserData() | ON_Object | |
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &) override | ON_Brep | virtual |
Read100_BrepCurve(ON_BinaryArchive &) const | ON_Brep | protected |
Read100_BrepSurface(ON_BinaryArchive &) const | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadOld100(ON_BinaryArchive &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadOld101(ON_BinaryArchive &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadOld200(ON_BinaryArchive &, int) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadV1_LegacyFaceStuff(ON_BinaryArchive &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadV1_LegacyLoop(ON_BinaryArchive &, ON_BrepFace &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadV1_LegacyLoopStuff(ON_BinaryArchive &, ON_BrepFace &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadV1_LegacyShellStuff(ON_BinaryArchive &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadV1_LegacyTrim(ON_BinaryArchive &, ON_BrepFace &, ON_BrepLoop &) | ON_Brep | protected |
ReadV1_LegacyTrimStuff(ON_BinaryArchive &, ON_BrepFace &, ON_BrepLoop &) | ON_Brep | protected |
RebuildEdges(ON_BrepFace &face, double tolerance, bool bRebuildSharedEdges, bool bRebuildVertices) | ON_Brep | |
RebuildTrimsForV2(ON_BrepFace &face, const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs_surface) | ON_Brep | |
RebuildTrimsForV2(ON_BrepFace &face, const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs_surface, double min_tol) | ON_Brep | |
RegionTopology() const | ON_Brep | |
RemoveNesting(bool bExtractSingleSegments, bool bEdges=true, bool bTrimCurves=true) | ON_Brep | |
RemoveSlits() | ON_Brep | |
RemoveSlits(ON_BrepFace &F) | ON_Brep | |
RemoveSlits(ON_BrepLoop &L) | ON_Brep | |
RemoveWireEdges(bool bDeleteVertices=true) | ON_Brep | |
RemoveWireVertices() | ON_Brep | |
Rotate(double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Rotate(double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Scale(double scale_factor) | ON_Geometry | |
Set_user(ON_U u) const | ON_Brep | |
SetComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetComponentStatus(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetCurvatureColorAnalysisColors(bool bLazySet, ON_SurfaceCurvatureColorMapping kappa_colors) const | ON_Brep | |
SetDraftAngleColorAnalysisColors(bool bLazySet, ON_SurfaceDraftAngleColorMapping draft_angle_colors) const | ON_Brep | |
SetEdgeCurve(ON_BrepEdge &edge, int c3_index, const ON_Interval *sub_domain=nullptr) | ON_Brep | |
SetEdgeDomain(int, const ON_Interval &) | ON_Brep | |
SetEdgeTolerance(ON_BrepEdge &edge, bool bLazy=false) const | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetEdgeTolerances(bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetEdgeVertex(const int, const int, const int) | ON_Brep | protected |
SetLoopVertices(const int) | ON_Brep | protected |
SetSolidOrientationForExperts(int solid_orientation) | ON_Brep | |
SetTolerancesBoxesAndFlags(bool bLazy=false, bool bSetVertexTolerances=true, bool bSetEdgeTolerances=true, bool bSetTrimTolerances=true, bool bSetTrimIsoFlags=true, bool bSetTrimTypeFlags=true, bool bSetLoopTypeFlags=true, bool bSetTrimBoxes=true) | ON_Brep | |
SetTolsFromLegacyValues() | ON_Brep | protected |
SetTrimBoundingBox(ON_BrepTrim &trim, bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetTrimBoundingBoxes(ON_BrepLoop &loop, bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetTrimBoundingBoxes(ON_BrepFace &face, bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetTrimBoundingBoxes(bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetTrimCurve(ON_BrepTrim &trim, int c2_index, const ON_Interval *sub_domain=nullptr) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimDomain(int, const ON_Interval &) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimIsoFlag(int, double[6]) | ON_Brep | protected |
SetTrimIsoFlag(int) | ON_Brep | protected |
SetTrimIsoFlags() | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimIsoFlags(ON_BrepFace &) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimIsoFlags(ON_BrepLoop &) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimIsoFlags(ON_BrepTrim &) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimStartVertex(const int, const int) | ON_Brep | protected |
SetTrimTolerance(ON_BrepTrim &trim, bool bLazy=false) const | ON_Brep | virtual |
SetTrimTolerances(bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimTypeFlags(bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimTypeFlags(ON_BrepFace &, bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimTypeFlags(ON_BrepLoop &, bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetTrimTypeFlags(ON_BrepTrim &, bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetUserString(const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) | ON_Object | |
SetUserStrings(int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) | ON_Object | |
SetVertexTolerance(ON_BrepVertex &vertex, bool bLazy=false) const | ON_Brep | |
SetVertexTolerances(bool bLazy=false) | ON_Brep | |
SetVertices(void) | ON_Brep | |
ShrinkSurface(ON_BrepFace &face, int DisableSide=0) | ON_Brep | |
ShrinkSurfaces() | ON_Brep | |
SimplifyEdge(int edge_index, double tolerance) | ON_Brep | |
SizeOf() const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
SolidOrientation() const | ON_Brep | virtual |
SortFaceLoops(ON_BrepFace &face) const | ON_Brep | |
SplitBipolarFaces(bool bShrinkInSplitDirection) | ON_Brep | |
SplitBipolarFaces() | ON_Brep | |
SplitClosedFaces(int min_degree, bool bShrinkInSplitDirection) | ON_Brep | |
SplitClosedFaces(int min_degree=0) | ON_Brep | |
SplitEdge(int edge_index, double edge_t, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &trim_t, int vertex_index=-1, bool bSetTrimBoxesAndFlags=true) | ON_Brep | |
SplitEdgeAtParameters(int edge_index, int edge_t_count, const double *edge_t) | ON_Brep | |
SplitKinkyEdge(int edge_index, double kink_tol_radians=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE) | ON_Brep | virtual |
SplitKinkyFace(int face_index, double kink_tol_radians=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE) | ON_Brep | virtual |
SplitKinkyFaces(double kink_tol_radians=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE, bool bCompactIfNeeded=true) | ON_Brep | |
Standardize() | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeEdgeCurve(int edge_index, bool bAdjustEnds) | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeEdgeCurve(int edge_index, bool bAdjustEnds, int EdgeCurveUse) | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeEdgeCurves(bool bAdjustEnds) | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeFaceSurface(int face_index) | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeFaceSurfaces() | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeTrimCurve(int trim_index) | ON_Brep | |
StandardizeTrimCurves() | ON_Brep | |
SubBrep(int subfi_count, const int *sub_fi, ON_Brep *sub_brep=0) const | ON_Brep | |
SurfaceUseCount(int surface_index, int max_count=0) const | ON_Brep | |
SwapCoordinates(int, int) override | ON_Brep | virtual |
SwapLoopParameters(int) | ON_Brep | protected |
SwapTrimParameters(int) | ON_Brep | protected |
ThisIsNullptr(bool bSilentError) const | ON_Object | |
TightBoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
Transform(const ON_Xform &) override | ON_Brep | virtual |
TransformUserData(const class ON_Xform &xform) | ON_Object | |
Translate(const ON_3dVector &translation_vector) | ON_Geometry | |
Trim(int trim_index) const | ON_Brep | |
Trim(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX trim_index) const | ON_Brep | |
TrimCurveUseCount(int c2_index, int max_count=0) const | ON_Brep | |
TrimType(const ON_BrepTrim &trim, bool bLazy=true) const | ON_Brep | |
Unset | ON_Geometry | static |
UpdateReferencedComponents(const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) | ON_Object | virtual |
UserDataConflictResolution enum name | ON_Object | |
UserStringCount() const | ON_Object | |
Vertex(int vertex_index) const | ON_Brep | |
Vertex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX vertex_index) const | ON_Brep | |
VolumeMassProperties(ON_MassProperties &mp, bool bVolume=true, bool bFirstMoments=true, bool bSecondMoments=true, bool bProductMoments=true, ON_3dPoint base_point=ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint, double rel_tol=1.0e-6, double abs_tol=1.0e-6) const | ON_Brep | |
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &) const override | ON_Brep | virtual |
~ON_Brep() | ON_Brep | |
~ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
~ON_Object() | ON_Object | virtual |