Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_CurveTreeNode, including all inherited members.
AdjustParameter() const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
Evaluate(double t, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v, int side=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
FindLeaf(double t, int side=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
GetClosestPoint(ON_3dPoint P, double *t, ON_3dPoint *closestpt=0, double maximum_distance=0.0, const ON_Interval *cdomain=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
GetTightBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IntersectCurve(const class ON_CurveTreeNode *cnodeB, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curveA_domain=0, const ON_Interval *curveB_domain=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IntersectPlane(const class ON_PlaneEquation &plane_equation, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IntersectPlane(const class ON_Plane &plane, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IntersectSelf(ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IntersectSurface(const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *snodeB, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curveA_domain=0, const ON_Interval *surfaceB_udomain=0, const ON_Interval *surfaceB_vdomain=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IsFartherThan(double d, const ON_PlaneEquation &e) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IsFartherThan(double d, const ON_3dPoint &P) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IsFartherThan(double d, const ON_CurveTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IsFartherThan(double d, const ON_SurfaceTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IsFartherThanAlt(double d, const ON_SurfaceTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
IsValid(ON_TextLog *text_log=0, int level=0, int side=-1, const ON_Curve *curve=0) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_bbox | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_bez | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_bezmem | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_domain | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_down | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_nodemem | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_nodesn | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_nodetype | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_reserved_ON_CurveTreeNode | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_treesn | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
m_up | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MaximumDistanceUpperBound(ON_3dPoint P) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MaximumDistanceUpperBound(const ON_CurveTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MaximumDistanceUpperBound(const ON_SurfaceTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MinimumDistanceLowerBound(ON_3dPoint P) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MinimumDistanceLowerBound(const ON_CurveTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MinimumDistanceLowerBound(const ON_SurfaceTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MinimumDistanceUpperBound(ON_3dPoint P) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MinimumDistanceUpperBound(const ON_CurveTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
MinimumDistanceUpperBound(const ON_SurfaceTreeNode *other) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
NextLeaf() const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
ON_CurveTreeNode() | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
PrevLeaf() const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
SetBezier(const ON_BezierCurve &Crv) | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
SetBezier(int dim, bool is_rat, int order, const double *cv, int stride) | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
Split(double s, ON_CurveTreeNode &left_node, ON_CurveTreeNode &right_node) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
TreeContaining(ON_Interval range) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
TreeContaining(double t0, int side) const | ON_CurveTreeNode | |
~ON_CurveTreeNode() | ON_CurveTreeNode |