Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_DepthImage, including all inherited members.
AddCustomClippingConvexRegion(const ON_PlaneEquation *plane_equations, size_t plane_equation_count) | ON_DepthImage | |
all_bits_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
BoundingBoxClipStatus(const class ON_BoundingBox *bbox) const | ON_DepthImage | |
CLIP_STATUS enum name | ON_DepthImage | |
ClipCoordinateCustomClippingRegion() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ConvexHullClipStatus(size_t point_count, size_t point_stride, const double *points) const | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_1 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_10 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_11 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_12 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_13 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_14 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_15 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_16 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_2 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_3 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_4 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_5 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_6 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_7 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_8 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_9 enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
custom_clip_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
CustomClippingConvexRegionCount() const | ON_DepthImage | |
CustomClippingPlaneCount() const | ON_DepthImage | |
CustomClippingRegionVisibility(const class ON_DepthImageCustomClippingRegion *ccr, unsigned int bitwise_and_point_set_clip_status, unsigned int bitwise_or_point_set_clip_status) | ON_DepthImage | static |
degenerate enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
DeleteCustomClippingRegions() | ON_DepthImage | |
DEPTH_TEST enum name | ON_DepthImage | |
DestroyImage() | ON_DepthImage | |
Draw3dBezierCurve(bool bIsRational, int order, size_t cv_stride, const double *cv, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImagePointShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
Draw3dLineSegment(const double *world_point0, const double *world_point1, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImagePointShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
Draw3dPoint(const double *world_point, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImagePointShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawBezierCurve(const ON_BezierCurve &bezier_curve, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImagePointShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawBrep(const class ON_Brep &brep, class ON_DepthImageTriangleMesh *triangle_mesh, ON::mesh_type mesh_type, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImageTriangleShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawCurve(const ON_Curve *curve, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImagePointShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawExtrusion(const class ON_Extrusion &extrusion, class ON_DepthImageTriangleMesh *triangle_mesh, ON::mesh_type mesh_type, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImageTriangleShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawMesh(const class ON_Mesh &mesh, class ON_DepthImageTriangleMesh *triangle_mesh, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImageTriangleShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawNurbsCurve(const ON_NurbsCurve &nurbs_curve, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImagePointShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawTriangle(const double *world_point1, const double *world_point2, const double *world_point3, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImageTriangleShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawTriangle(const float *world_point1, const float *world_point2, const float *world_point3, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImageTriangleShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
DrawTriangleMesh(const class ON_DepthImageTriangleMesh &triangle_mesh, ON__UINT_PTR id, const class ON_DepthImageTriangleShader *shader) | ON_DepthImage | |
ErasedDepthValue() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ErasedIdValue() const | ON_DepthImage | |
EraseImageDepth(double erased_depth) | ON_DepthImage | |
EraseImageId(ON__UINT_PTR erased_id) | ON_DepthImage | |
frustum_clip_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
FrustumVisibility(unsigned int bitwise_and_point_set_clip_status, unsigned int bitwise_or_point_set_clip_status) | ON_DepthImage | static |
GetPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, ON__UINT_PTR *id, double *depth) const | ON_DepthImage | |
GetPixel(int x, int y, ON__UINT_PTR *id, double *depth) const | ON_DepthImage | |
GetPointDepth(const double point[3], double *image_depth) const | ON_DepthImage | |
GetWorldPoint(double image_x, double image_y, double depth, double *world_point) const | ON_DepthImage | |
GetWorldPoints(ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points) const | ON_DepthImage | |
GetWorldPoints(ON__UINT_PTR id_filter, ON_Interval depth_filter, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points) const | ON_DepthImage | |
Height() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ignored enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
infrus enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
INTERP_LINE_SEGMENT | ON_DepthImage | friend |
IsVisibleBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox bbox, double expansion_distance, const ON_DepthImage::DEPTH_TEST depth_test, double depth_bias) | ON_DepthImage | |
IsVisibleTriangleMesh(class ON_DepthImageTriangleMesh &triangle_mesh, unsigned int triangle_status_mask, const ON_DepthImage::DEPTH_TEST depth_test, double depth_bias, class ON_DepthImagePixel *pixel, class ON_DepthImageTriangle *visible_triangle, double *visible_triangle_depth) | ON_DepthImage | |
liminal enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
MaximumCustomClippingPlaneCount() | ON_DepthImage | static |
ModelTransformation() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ModelTransformationInverse() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ModelTransformationStackCount() const | ON_DepthImage | |
not_custom_clip_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
ObjCoordinateCustomClippingRegion() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ON_DepthImage() | ON_DepthImage | |
PassesDepthTest(ON_DepthImage::DEPTH_TEST depth_test, double incoming_depth, double current_image_depth) | ON_DepthImage | static |
PopAllModelTransformations() | ON_DepthImage | |
PopModelTransformation() | ON_DepthImage | |
ProjectionId() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ProjectionViewport() const | ON_DepthImage | |
ProjectPoint(const double point[3], double image_point[3]) const | ON_DepthImage | |
PushModelTransformation() | ON_DepthImage | |
PushModelTransformation(ON_Xform cumulative_model_transformation) | ON_DepthImage | |
SetCustomClippingConvexRegion(const ON_PlaneEquation *plane_equations, size_t plane_equation_count) | ON_DepthImage | |
SetModelTransformation(ON_Xform cumulative_model_transformation) | ON_DepthImage | |
SetPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, ON__UINT_PTR id, double depth) | ON_DepthImage | |
SetPixel(int x, int y, ON__UINT_PTR id, double depth) | ON_DepthImage | |
SetProjection(const ON_Viewport &vp, unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height, ON_UUID projection_id) | ON_DepthImage | |
tridir_ccw enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
tridir_cw enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
tridir_none enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
tridir_status_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
tridir_unset enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
unset enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
VISIBILITY enum name | ON_DepthImage | |
Visibility(const class ON_DepthImageCustomClippingRegion *ccr, unsigned int bitwise_and_point_set_clip_status, unsigned int bitwise_or_point_set_clip_status) | ON_DepthImage | static |
visibility_status_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
Width() const | ON_DepthImage | |
WorldCoordinateCustomClippingRegion() const | ON_DepthImage | |
xmax_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
xmin_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
xyz_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
xyzd_mask enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
ymax_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
ymin_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
zbehind_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
zfar_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
znear_clip enum value | ON_DepthImage | |
~ON_DepthImage() | ON_DepthImage |