Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_Mesh, including all inherited members.
AddNgon(const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_fi) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgon(const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_fi, bool bPermitHoles) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgon(unsigned int Fcount, const unsigned int *ngon_fi) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgon(unsigned int Fcount, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, bool bPermitHoles) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgon(unsigned int Vcount, const unsigned int *ngon_vi, unsigned int Fcount, const unsigned int *ngon_fi) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgon(ON_MeshNgon *ngon) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgon_Expert(unsigned int Fcount, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, bool bPermitHoles, ON_MeshVertexFaceMap *vertexFaceMap) | ON_Mesh | |
AddNgons(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list) | ON_Mesh | |
AddPlanarNgons(const unsigned int *const *vertex_face_map, double planar_tolerance, unsigned int minimum_ngon_vertex_count, unsigned int minimum_ngon_face_count, bool bAllowHoles) | ON_Mesh | |
AggregateComponentStatus() const | ON_Object | virtual |
AllocateNgon(unsigned int Vcount, unsigned int Fcount) | ON_Mesh | |
Append(const ON_Mesh &) | ON_Mesh | |
Append(int count, const ON_Mesh *const *meshes) | ON_Mesh | |
Append(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const ON_Mesh >>) | ON_Mesh | |
AppendDuplicateVertex(unsigned int vertex_index) | ON_Mesh | |
Area(double *error_estimate=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
AreaCentroid(double *area=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
AreaMassProperties(class ON_MassProperties &mp, bool bArea=true, bool bFirstMoments=true, bool bSecondMoments=true, bool bProductMoments=true) const | ON_Mesh | |
AttachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
BoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
BrepForm(class ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
CachedTextureCoordinates(const ON_UUID &mapping_id) const | ON_Mesh | |
Cleanup(bool bRemoveNgons, bool bRemoveDegenerateFaces, bool bCompact) | ON_Mesh | |
Cleanup(bool bRemoveNgons) | ON_Mesh | |
ClearAllComponentStates() const | ON_Object | |
ClearBoundingBox() | ON_Geometry | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_Object | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_Object | virtual |
ClearVertexColors() | ON_Mesh | |
CollapseEdge(int topei) | ON_Mesh | |
CombineCoincidentVertices(ON_3fVector, double) | ON_Mesh | |
CombineIdenticalVertices(bool bIgnoreVertexNormals=false, bool bIgnoreTextureCoordinates=false) | ON_Mesh | |
Compact() | ON_Mesh | |
ComponentIndex() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
ComputeFaceNormal(int) | ON_Mesh | |
ComputeFaceNormals() | ON_Mesh | |
ComputeVertexNormals() | ON_Mesh | |
ConvertNonPlanarQuadsToTriangles(double planar_tolerance, double angle_tolerance_radians, unsigned int split_method) | ON_Mesh | |
ConvertNonPlanarQuadsToTriangles(double planar_tolerance, double angle_tolerance_radians, unsigned int split_method, bool bDeleteNgonsContainingSplitQuads) | ON_Mesh | |
ConvertQuadsToTriangles() | ON_Mesh | |
ConvertTrianglesToQuads(double angle_tol_radians, double min_diagonal_length_ratio) | ON_Mesh | |
CopyComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, class ON_Mesh *destination_mesh) const | ON_Mesh | |
CopyComponents(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list, class ON_Mesh *destination_mesh) const | ON_Mesh | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) | ON_Object | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
CountQuads() | ON_Mesh | |
CreateFrom2dPointsAndEdges(size_t point_count, size_t point_stride, const double *points, size_t edge_count, size_t edge_stride, const unsigned int *edges, size_t edge_orientation_stride, const unsigned char *edge_orientations, bool bOuterBoundaryIsConvexHull, bool bPermitVertexAdditions, bool bPermitEdgeSplitting, ON_Mesh *destination_mesh) | ON_Mesh | static |
CreateFrom2dPointsAndEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &points, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2udex > &edges, const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned char > &edge_orientations, bool bOuterBoundaryIsConvexHull, bool bPermitVertexAdditions, bool bPermitEdgeSplitting, ON_Mesh *destination_mesh) | ON_Mesh | static |
CreateFrom2dPointsAndEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &points, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2udex > &automatic_edges, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2udex > &oriented_boundary_edges, bool bOuterBoundaryIsConvexHull, bool bPermitVertexAdditions, bool bPermitEdgeSplitting, ON_Mesh *destination_mesh) | ON_Mesh | static |
CreateNgonMap() | ON_Mesh | |
CreateNgonMap(unsigned int *ngon_map) const | ON_Mesh | |
CreateNgonMap(ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &map) const | ON_Mesh | |
CreatePartition(int, int) | ON_Mesh | |
CullClashingFaces(int what_to_cull) | ON_Mesh | |
CullDegenerateFaces() | ON_Mesh | |
CullDegenerates() | ON_Mesh | |
CullUnusedVertices() | ON_Mesh | |
DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
DeallocateNgon(ON_MeshNgon *ngon) | ON_Mesh | |
DeleteComponent(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) | ON_Mesh | |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, bool bIgnoreInvalidComponents, bool bRemoveDegenerateFaces, bool bRemoveUnusedVertices, bool bRemoveEmptyNgons) | ON_Mesh | |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, bool bIgnoreInvalidComponents, bool bRemoveDegenerateFaces, bool bRemoveUnusedVertices, bool bRemoveEmptyNgons, unsigned int *faceMap) | ON_Mesh | |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
DeleteComponents(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list) | ON_Mesh | |
DeleteFace(int meshfi) | ON_Mesh | |
DeleteMeshParameters() | ON_Mesh | |
Destroy() | ON_Mesh | |
DestroyDoublePrecisionVertices() | ON_Mesh | |
DestroyHiddenVertexArray() | ON_Mesh | |
DestroyPartition() | ON_Mesh | |
DestroyRuntimeCache(bool bDelete=true) override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
DestroyTopology() | ON_Mesh | |
DestroyTree(bool bDeleteTree=true) | ON_Mesh | |
DetachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
Dimension() const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
DissolveOrDelete(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list) | ON_Mesh | |
DoublePrecisionVertices() | ON_Mesh | |
DoublePrecisionVertices() const | ON_Mesh | |
Dump(ON_TextLog &) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
DuplicateBorder(ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > &polylines, bool joinOverUnweldedVertices) const | ON_Mesh | |
DuplicateFace(int face_index, ON_Mesh *mesh) const | ON_Mesh | |
EmergencyDestroy() | ON_Mesh | |
Empty | ON_Mesh | static |
EvaluateMeshGeometry(const ON_Surface &) | ON_Mesh | |
EvaluatePoint(const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
FaceCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
FaceIsHidden(int meshvi) const | ON_Mesh | |
FaceUnsignedCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
FirstUserData() const | ON_Object | |
Flip() | ON_Mesh | |
FlipFaceNormals() | ON_Mesh | |
FlipFaceOrientation() | ON_Mesh | |
FlipNgonOrientation() | ON_Mesh | |
FlipVertexNormals() | ON_Mesh | |
From3dPolygon(size_t polygon_points_count, const ON_3dPoint *polygon_points, double planar_tolerance, ON_Mesh *destintation_mesh) | ON_Mesh | static |
From3dPolygon(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &polygon_points, double planar_tolerance, ON_Mesh *destintation_mesh) | ON_Mesh | static |
FromFilteredFaceList(const ON_Mesh &original, bool *pattern, unsigned patternLength) | ON_Mesh | static |
GetBBox(double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
GetBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetBoundingBox(ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetCachedTextureCoordinates(const class ONX_Model &onx_model, const ON_Texture &texture, const ON_MappingRef *mapping_ref) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetCachedTextureCoordinates(const class CRhinoDoc &rhino_doc, const ON_Texture &texture, const ON_MappingRef *mapping_ref) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetClashingFacePairs(int max_pair_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &clashing_pairs) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetClosestPoint(const ON_3dPoint &P, class ON_MESH_POINT *Q, double maximum_distance=0.0) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetComponentsWithSetStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const | ON_Object | virtual |
GetConnectedComponents(bool bUseVertexConnections, bool bTopologicalConnections, ON_SimpleArray< int > &facet_component_labels) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetConnectedComponents(bool bUseVertexConnections, bool bTopologicalConnections, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Mesh * > *components) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetCurvatureStats(ON::curvature_style, ON_MeshCurvatureStats &) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetIntersections(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &withTheseOtherMeshes, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *perforatingResults, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *overlapResults, ON_Mesh *overlapMeshResult, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetIntersections(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &withTheseOtherMeshes, ON_MeshIntersectionCache *cacheForOtherMeshes, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *perforatingResults, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *overlapResults, ON_Mesh *overlapMeshResult, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMappingMeshInfo() const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edge_list, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges, unsigned int edge_type_partition[6]) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edge_list, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges, ON_SimpleArray< int > &ci_meshtop_edge_map, unsigned int edge_type_partition[6]) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edge_list, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges, ON_SimpleArray< int > &ci_meshtop_edge_map, ON_SimpleArray< int > &ci_meshtop_vertex_map, unsigned int edge_type_partition[6]) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edge_list, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges, bool bOmitHiddenEdges, unsigned int edge_type_partition[6]) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edge_list, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges, bool bOmitHiddenEdges, ON_SimpleArray< int > &ci_meshtop_edge_map, unsigned int edge_type_partition[6]) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edge_list, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges, bool bOmitHiddenEdges, ON_SimpleArray< int > &ci_meshtop_edge_map, ON_SimpleArray< int > &ci_meshtop_vertex_map, unsigned int edge_type_partition[6]) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshEdges(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edges) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshFaceSideList(const unsigned int *Vid, class ON_MeshFaceSide *&sides) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshNakedEdgeList(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &naked_edge_list, ON_SimpleArray< int > *ci_meshtop_vertex_map=nullptr, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges=false) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetMeshNakedEdgeListEx(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &naked_edge_list, ON_SimpleArray< int > *ci_meshtop_vertex_map=nullptr, bool bLookForNgonInteriorEdges=false, ON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshFaceSide > *faceSides=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetNgonBoundaryPoints(const ON_MeshNgon *ngon, bool bAppendStartPoint, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &ngon_boundary_points) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetNgonBoundaryPoints(const ON_MeshNgon *ngon, bool bAppendStartPoint, ON_3dPoint *ngon_boundary_points) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetNgonOuterBoundary(unsigned int ngon_fi_count, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetRenderMeshInfo() const | ON_Mesh | |
GetSelfIntersections(double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *perforatingResults, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *overlapResults, ON_Mesh *overlapMeshResult, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetSilhouette(const ON_SilhouetteParameters parameters, const ON_PlaneEquation *clipping_planes, size_t clipping_plane_count, ON_ClassArray< ON_SIL_EVENT > &silhouettes, ON_ProgressReporter *progress, ON_Terminator *terminator) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetTightBoundingBox(class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
GetTightBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_PlaneEquation > &clipping_planes, const ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetUserData(const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserString(const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStringKeys(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStrings(ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const | ON_Object | |
GetVertexEdges(int vcount, const int *vertex_index, bool bNoDuplicates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &edges) const | ON_Mesh | |
GetVertexLocationIds(unsigned int first_vid, unsigned int *Vid, unsigned int *Vindex) const | ON_Mesh | |
HasBrepForm() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
HasCachedTextureCoordinates() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasDoublePrecisionVertices() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasFaceNormals() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasMeshTopology() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasNgons() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasPackedTextureRegion() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasPrincipalCurvatures() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasSinglePrecisionVertices() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasSurfaceParameters() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasSynchronizedDoubleAndSinglePrecisionVertices() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasTextureCoordinates() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasVertexColors() const | ON_Mesh | |
HasVertexColors(ON_MappingTag color_tag) const | ON_Mesh | |
HasVertexNormals() const | ON_Mesh | |
HiddenVertexArray() const | ON_Mesh | |
HiddenVertexCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
InsertNgon(unsigned int ngon_index, const ON_MeshNgon *ngon) | ON_Mesh | |
IntersectArray(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshes, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *perforatingResults, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *overlapResults, ON_Mesh *overlapMeshResult, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) | ON_Mesh | static |
IntersectArrayPredicate(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshesA, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > *meshesB, ON_MeshIntersectionCache *cacheForMeshesB, double tolerance, bool *anyTypeOfIntersection, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > *pairs, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) | ON_Mesh | static |
IntersectMesh(const ON_Mesh &meshB, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Line > &lines) const | ON_Mesh | |
IntersectMesh(const ON_Mesh &meshB, ON_ClassArray< ON_SimpleArray< ON_MMX_POINT > > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0) const | ON_Mesh | |
IntersectPlane(ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *perforations, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > *overlaps, ON_MeshIntersectionCache *cache=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
IntersectPlane(ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Line > &lines) const | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidateBoundingBoxes() | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidateCachedTextureCoordinates(bool bOnlyInvalidateCachedSurfaceParameterMapping=false) | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidateCurvatureStats() | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidateTextureCoordinateBoundingBox() | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidateVertexBoundingBox() | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidateVertexNormalBoundingBox() | ON_Mesh | |
InvalidFaceCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsClosed() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsCorrupt(bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Mesh | |
IsDeformable() const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
IsEmpty() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsKindOf(const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const | ON_Object | |
IsManifold() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsManifold(bool bTopologicalTest, bool *pbIsOriented=nullptr, bool *pbHasBoundary=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
IsMorphable() const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
IsNotEmpty() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsOriented() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsPointInside(ON_3dPoint test_point, double tolerance, bool bStrictlyInside) const | ON_Mesh | |
IsSolid() const | ON_Mesh | |
IsSwappableEdge(int topei) | ON_Mesh | |
IsValid(class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
IsValidMeshComponentIndex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const | ON_Mesh | |
IsValidNewNgonInformation(unsigned int Vcount, const unsigned int *ngon_vi, unsigned int Fcount, const unsigned int *ngon_fi) const | ON_Mesh | |
IterativeCleanup(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshes, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Mesh * > &results) | ON_Mesh | static |
m_C | ON_Mesh | |
m_Ctag | ON_Mesh | |
m_dV | ON_Mesh | |
m_F | ON_Mesh | |
m_FN | ON_Mesh | |
m_H | ON_Mesh | |
m_hidden_count | ON_Mesh | |
m_invalid_count | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_K | ON_Mesh | |
m_kstat | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_mesh_parameters | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_N | ON_Mesh | |
m_nbox | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_Ngon | ON_Mesh | |
m_NgonAllocator | ON_Mesh | |
m_NgonMap | ON_Mesh | |
m_packed_tex_domain | ON_Mesh | |
m_packed_tex_rotate | ON_Mesh | |
m_parent | ON_Mesh | |
m_partition | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_quad_count | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_S | ON_Mesh | |
m_srf_domain | ON_Mesh | |
m_srf_scale | ON_Mesh | |
m_T | ON_Mesh | |
m_tbox | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_TC | ON_Mesh | |
m_top | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_triangle_count | ON_Mesh | protected |
m_Ttag | ON_Mesh | |
m_V | ON_Mesh | |
MakeDeformable() override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent() const | ON_Object | virtual |
MemoryRelocate() override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
MergeFaceSets(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list) | ON_Mesh | |
MeshComponent(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const | ON_Mesh | |
MeshComponentRef(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const | ON_Mesh | |
MeshFaceTree(bool bCreateIfNoneExists) const | ON_Mesh | |
MeshParameters() const | ON_Mesh | |
MeshPart(const ON_MeshPart &mesh_part, ON_Mesh *mesh) const | ON_Mesh | |
MeshTree() const | ON_Mesh | |
MeshTree(bool bCreateIfNoneExists) const | ON_Mesh | |
ModelObjectId() const | ON_Object | virtual |
ModifyNgon(unsigned int ngon_index, unsigned int Vcount, const unsigned int *ngon_vi, unsigned int Fcount, const unsigned int *ngon_fi) | ON_Mesh | |
ModifyNgon(unsigned int ngon_index, const ON_MeshNgon *ngon) | ON_Mesh | |
Morph(const ON_SpaceMorph &morph) override | ON_Mesh | |
ON_Geometry::Morph(const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) | ON_Object | |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
Ngon(unsigned int ngon_index) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonBoundaryBoundingBox(unsigned int ngon_index) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonBoundaryBoundingBox(const ON_MeshNgon *ngon) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonBoundaryEdgeCount(unsigned int ngon_index) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonCenter(unsigned int ngon_index) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonCenter(const ON_MeshNgon *ngon) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonFromComponentIndex(class ON_MeshNgonBuffer &ngon_buffer, ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonIndexFromFaceIndex(unsigned int face_index) const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonMap() const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonMap(bool bCreateIfMissing) | ON_Mesh | |
Ngons() const | ON_Mesh | |
NgonUnsignedCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
NormalizeTextureCoordinates() | ON_Mesh | |
ObjectType() const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
OffsetMesh(const double distance, const ON_3dVector &direction) const | ON_Mesh | |
ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Geometry(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Mesh() | ON_Mesh | |
ON_Mesh(int initial_face_array_capacity, int initial_vertex_array_capacity, bool has_vertex_normals, bool has_texture_coordinates) | ON_Mesh | |
ON_Mesh(const ON_Mesh &) | ON_Mesh | |
ON_Object() ON_NOEXCEPT | ON_Object | |
ON_Object(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
operator=(const ON_Mesh &) | ON_Mesh | |
ON_Geometry::operator=(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object::operator=(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
OrientNgons(bool bPermitHoles) | ON_Mesh | |
Partition() const | ON_Mesh | |
PurgeUserData() | ON_Object | |
QuadCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &) override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
RemoveAllCreases() | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveAllNgons() | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveEmptyNgons() | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveMappingMeshInfo() | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveNgon(unsigned int ngon_index) | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveNgonInteriorVertices(const unsigned int *const *vertex_face_map, unsigned int ngon_index0, unsigned int ngon_index1) | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveNgonMap() | ON_Mesh | |
RemoveNgons(unsigned int ngon_index_count, const unsigned int *ngon_index_list) | ON_Mesh | |
RequireIterativeCleanup(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshes, double tolerance) | ON_Mesh | static |
ReserveVertexCapacity(size_t new_vertex_capacity) | ON_Mesh | |
ReverseSurfaceParameters(int dir) | ON_Mesh | |
ReverseTextureCoordinates(int dir) | ON_Mesh | |
Rotate(double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Rotate(double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Scale(double scale_factor) | ON_Geometry | |
SeparateNgons(unsigned int **vertex_face_map, unsigned int ngon_index0, unsigned int ngon_index1) | ON_Mesh | |
SetCachedTextureCoordinates(const class ON_TextureMapping &mapping, const class ON_Xform *mesh_xform=0, bool bLazy=true) | ON_Mesh | |
SetCachedTextureCoordinatesEx(const class ON_TextureMapping &mapping, const class ON_Xform *mesh_xform=0, bool bLazy=true, bool bSeamCheck=true) | ON_Mesh | |
SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromMaterial(const class ONX_Model &onx_model, const ON_Material &material, const ON_MappingRef *mapping_ref) const | ON_Mesh | |
SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromMaterial(const class CRhinoDoc &rhino_doc, const ON_Material &material, const ON_MappingRef *mapping_ref) const | ON_Mesh | |
SetClosed(int closed) | ON_Mesh | |
SetComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const | ON_Object | virtual |
SetComponentStatus(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const | ON_Object | virtual |
SetCurvatureColorAnalysisColors(bool bLazy, ON_SurfaceCurvatureColorMapping kappa_colors) | ON_Mesh | |
SetDraftAngleColorAnalysisColors(bool bLazy, ON_SurfaceDraftAngleColorMapping draft_angle_colors) | ON_Mesh | |
SetMappingMeshInfo(const ON_MappingMeshInfo &info) | ON_Mesh | |
SetMeshParameters(const ON_MeshParameters &) | ON_Mesh | |
SetNgonCount(unsigned int ngon_count) | ON_Mesh | |
SetNgonVertexNormals(unsigned int ngon_index0, unsigned int ngon_index1) | ON_Mesh | |
SetQuad(int, int, int, int, int) | ON_Mesh | |
SetRenderMeshInfo(const ON_RenderMeshInfo &info) | ON_Mesh | |
SetSolidOrientation(int solid_orientation) | ON_Mesh | |
SetSurfaceParamtersFromTextureCoodinates() | ON_Mesh | |
SetTextureCoord(int, double, double) | ON_Mesh | |
SetTextureCoordinates(const class ON_TextureMapping &mapping, const class ON_Xform *mesh_xform=0, bool bLazy=true) | ON_Mesh | |
SetTextureCoordinatesEx(const class ON_TextureMapping &mapping, const class ON_Xform *mesh_xform=0, bool bLazy=true, bool bSeamCheck=true) | ON_Mesh | |
SetTriangle(int, int, int, int) | ON_Mesh | |
SetUserString(const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) | ON_Object | |
SetUserStrings(int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) | ON_Object | |
SetVertex(int, const ON_3dPoint &) | ON_Mesh | |
SetVertex(int, const ON_3fPoint &) | ON_Mesh | |
SetVertexHiddenFlag(int meshvi, bool bHidden) | ON_Mesh | |
SetVertexNormal(int, const ON_3dVector &) | ON_Mesh | |
SetVertexNormal(int, const ON_3fVector &) | ON_Mesh | |
SizeOf() const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
SolidOrientation() const | ON_Mesh | |
Split(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshesThatSplit, double tolerance, bool splitAtCoplanar, bool createNgons, bool *somethingHappened, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Mesh * > &results, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) const | ON_Mesh | |
SplitArray(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshesToSplit, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshesThatSplit, double tolerance, bool splitAtCoplanar, bool createNgons, bool *somethingHappened, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Mesh * > &results, ON_TextLog *log, ON_Terminator *cancel, ON_ProgressReporter *reporter) | ON_Mesh | static |
SwapCoordinates(int, int) override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
SwapEdge(int topei) | ON_Mesh | |
ThisIsNullptr(bool bSilentError) const | ON_Object | |
TightBoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
Topology() const | ON_Mesh | |
TopologyExists() const | ON_Mesh | |
Transform(const ON_Xform &) override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
TransformMappingMeshInfo(const ON_Xform &xform) | ON_Mesh | |
TransformUserData(const class ON_Xform &xform) | ON_Object | |
Translate(const ON_3dVector &translation_vector) | ON_Geometry | |
TransposeSurfaceParameters() | ON_Mesh | |
TransposeTextureCoordinates() | ON_Mesh | |
TriangleCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
UnitizeFaceNormals() | ON_Mesh | |
UnitizeVertexNormals() | ON_Mesh | |
Unset | ON_Geometry | static |
UpdateDoublePrecisionVertices() | ON_Mesh | |
UpdateReferencedComponents(const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) | ON_Object | virtual |
UpdateSinglePrecisionVertices() | ON_Mesh | |
UserDataConflictResolution enum name | ON_Object | |
UserStringCount() const | ON_Object | |
V4V5_DestroyNgonList() | ON_Mesh | |
V4V5_ModifyNgonList() | ON_Mesh | |
V4V5_NgonList() const | ON_Mesh | |
Vertex(int vertex_index) const | ON_Mesh | |
VertexCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
VertexIsHidden(int meshvi) const | ON_Mesh | |
VertexUnsignedCount() const | ON_Mesh | |
Volume(ON_3dPoint base_point=ON_3dPoint::Origin, double *error_estimate=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
VolumeCentroid(ON_3dPoint base_point=ON_3dPoint::Origin, double *volume=nullptr) const | ON_Mesh | |
VolumeMassProperties(class ON_MassProperties &mp, bool bVolume=true, bool bFirstMoments=true, bool bSecondMoments=true, bool bProductMoments=true, ON_3dPoint base_point=ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint) const | ON_Mesh | |
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &) const override | ON_Mesh | virtual |
~ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
~ON_Mesh() | ON_Mesh | |
~ON_Object() | ON_Object | virtual |