Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_MeshNgon, including all inherited members.
AppendToString(class ON_String &s) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
AppendToString(class ON_wString &s) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
BoundaryEdgeCount(const ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
BoundaryEdgeCount(const ON_Mesh *mesh) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
Capacity() const | ON_MeshNgon | |
Compare(const ON_MeshNgon *A, const ON_MeshNgon *B) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
ContentHash() const | ON_MeshNgon | |
CRC32() const | ON_MeshNgon | |
Dump(class ON_TextLog &text_log) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
FindNgonBoundaries(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, const class ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, ON_MeshVertexFaceMap *vertex_face_map, size_t ngon_fi_count, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi_markers) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
FindNgonBoundary(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, const class ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, const unsigned int *const *vertex_face_map, size_t ngon_fi_count, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
FindNgonBoundary(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, const class ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, ON_MeshVertexFaceMap *vertex_face_map, size_t ngon_fi_count, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
FindNgonOuterBoundary(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, const class ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, const unsigned int *const *vertex_face_map, size_t ngon_fi_count, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
FindNgonOuterBoundary(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, const class ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, ON_MeshVertexFaceMap *vertex_face_map, size_t ngon_fi_count, const unsigned int *ngon_fi, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_vi) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
FindPlanarNgons(const class ON_3dPointListRef &vertex_list, const class ON_MeshFaceList &face_list, const unsigned int *const *vertex_face_map, double planar_tolerance, unsigned int minimum_ngon_vertex_count, unsigned int minimum_ngon_face_count, bool bAllowHoles, class ON_MeshNgonAllocator &NgonAllocator, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &NgonMap, ON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshNgon * > &Ngons) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
GetBoundarySides(const class ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &ngon_boundary_sides) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
GetOuterBoundaryPoints(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, bool bAppendStartPoint, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &ngon_boundary_points) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
GetOuterBoundaryPoints(const class ON_3dPointListRef &mesh_vertex_list, bool bAppendStartPoint, ON_3dPoint *ngon_boundary_points) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
IsValid(const ON_MeshNgon *ngon, unsigned int ngon_index, ON_TextLog *text_log, unsigned int mesh_vertex_count, unsigned int mesh_face_count, const ON_MeshFace *mesh_F) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
IsValid(const ON_MeshNgon *ngon, unsigned int ngon_index, ON_TextLog *text_log, unsigned int mesh_vertex_count, unsigned int mesh_face_count, const ON_MeshFace *mesh_F, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &workspace_buffer) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
m_Fcount | ON_MeshNgon | |
m_fi | ON_MeshNgon | |
m_Vcount | ON_MeshNgon | |
m_vi | ON_MeshNgon | |
NgonFromMeshFace(class ON_MeshNgonBuffer &ngon_buffer, unsigned int mesh_face_index, const unsigned int *fvi) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
NgonListFromMeshFace(class ON_MeshNgonBuffer &ngon_buffer, unsigned int mesh_face_index, const unsigned int *fvi) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
NgonListFromMeshFaceOrNgonComponent(class ON_MeshNgonBuffer &ngon_buffer, ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci, const class ON_Mesh *mesh, const class ON_MeshNgon *const *&ngon_list) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
Orientation(const ON_MeshFaceList &mesh_face_list, bool bPermitHoles) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
Orientation(const ON_Mesh *mesh, bool bPermitHoles) const | ON_MeshNgon | |
OuterBoundaryEdgeCount() const | ON_MeshNgon | |
ReverseOuterBoundary() | ON_MeshNgon | |
ToString() const | ON_MeshNgon | |
ToWideString() const | ON_MeshNgon | |
TriangulateNgon(size_t point_index_count, size_t point_index_stride, const unsigned int *point_index_list, const class ON_3dPointListRef &point_list, ON_Plane projection_plane, double planar_tolerance, unsigned int triangle_index_type, ON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshTriangle > &triangle_list, ON_Plane *ngon_plane, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > *points2d_list) | ON_MeshNgon | static |
TriangulateNgon(size_t boundary_vertex_count, const class ON_3dPoint *boundary_vertex_list, ON_SimpleArray< ON_MeshTriangle > &triangle_list) | ON_MeshNgon | static |