Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_SubD, including all inherited members.
ActiveLevel() const | ON_SubD | |
ActiveLevelIndex() const | ON_SubD | |
AddEdge(class ON_SubDVertex *v0, class ON_SubDVertex *v1) | ON_SubD | |
AddEdge(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, class ON_SubDVertex *v0, class ON_SubDVertex *v1) | ON_SubD | |
AddEdge(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, class ON_SubDVertex *v0, class ON_SubDVertex *v1, ON_SubDEdgeSharpness sharpness) | ON_SubD | |
AddEdgeForExperts(unsigned int candidate_edge_id, ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, class ON_SubDVertex *v0, double v0_sector_coefficient, class ON_SubDVertex *v1, double v1_sector_coefficient, unsigned int initial_face_capacity) | ON_SubD | |
AddEdgeForExperts(unsigned int candidate_edge_id, ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, class ON_SubDVertex *v0, double v0_sector_coefficient, class ON_SubDVertex *v1, double v1_sector_coefficient, ON_SubDEdgeSharpness sharpness, unsigned int initial_face_capacity) | ON_SubD | |
AddEdgeWithSectorCoefficients(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, class ON_SubDVertex *v0, double v0_sector_coefficient, class ON_SubDVertex *v1, double v1_sector_coefficient) | ON_SubD | |
AddEdgeWithSectorCoefficients(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, class ON_SubDVertex *v0, double v0_sector_coefficient, class ON_SubDVertex *v1, double v1_sector_coefficient, ON_SubDEdgeSharpness sharpness) | ON_SubD | |
AddFace(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdge * > &edges) | ON_SubD | |
AddFace(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges) | ON_SubD | |
AddFace(class ON_SubDEdge *const *edges, unsigned int edge_count) | ON_SubD | |
AddFace(const class ON_SubDEdgePtr *edges, unsigned int edge_count) | ON_SubD | |
AddFaceEdgeConnection(ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int i, ON_SubDEdge *edge, ON__UINT_PTR edge_direction) | ON_SubD | |
AddFaceEdgeConnection(ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int i, ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr) | ON_SubD | |
AddFaceEdgeConnection(ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int i, ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr, bool bAddbAddFaceToRelativeVertex0, bool bAddbAddFaceToRelativeVertex1) | ON_SubD | |
AddFaceForExperts(unsigned candidate_face_id, const class ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge, unsigned int edge_count) | ON_SubD | |
AddFaceTexturePoints(const class ON_SubDFace *face, const class ON_3dPoint *texture_points, size_t texture_points_count) const | ON_SubD | |
AddQuadFace(class ON_SubDEdge *edge0, class ON_SubDEdge *edge1, class ON_SubDEdge *edge2, class ON_SubDEdge *edge3) | ON_SubD | |
AddQuadFace(ON_SubDEdgePtr edge0, ON_SubDEdgePtr edge1, ON_SubDEdgePtr edge2, ON_SubDEdgePtr edge3) | ON_SubD | |
AddSymmetrySetsToComponentList(bool bAddVertexSymmetrySets, bool bAddEdgeSymmetrySets, bool bAddFaceSymmetrySets, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &component_list) const | ON_SubD | |
AddSymmetrySetsToComponentList(bool bAddVertexSymmetrySets, bool bAddEdgeSymmetrySets, bool bAddFaceSymmetrySets, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &component_list) const | ON_SubD | |
AddTriangleFace(class ON_SubDEdge *edge0, class ON_SubDEdge *edge1, class ON_SubDEdge *edge2) | ON_SubD | |
AddTriangleFace(ON_SubDEdgePtr edge0, ON_SubDEdgePtr edge1, ON_SubDEdgePtr edge2) | ON_SubD | |
AddVertex(const double *P) | ON_SubD | |
AddVertex(ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag, const double *P) | ON_SubD | |
AddVertexForExperts(unsigned int candidate_vertex_id, ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag, const double *P, unsigned int initial_edge_capacity, unsigned int initial_face_capacity) | ON_SubD | |
AggregateComponentStatus() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
AggregateEdgeAttributes() const | ON_SubD | |
AllocateFaceTexturePoints(const class ON_SubDFace *face) const | ON_SubD | |
Append(const ON_SubD &subd, double tolerance, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents) | ON_SubD | |
Append(const ON_SubD &subd, double tolerance, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents, bool bPermitDisjointAppend, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *merge_map) | ON_SubD | |
Append(const ON_SubD &subd, double tolerance, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, const ON_SubDComponentTest &this_vertex_filter, const ON_SubDComponentTest &subd_vertex_filter, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents, bool bPermitDisjointAppend, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *merge_map) | ON_SubD | |
AppendDisjoint(const ON_SubD &disjoint_subd, bool bMarkOriginalComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents) | ON_SubD | |
AppendDisjoint(const ON_SubD &disjoint_subd, bool bMarkOriginalComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *merge_map) | ON_SubD | |
AttachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
AutoBridge(ON_SubDEdgeTag bridge_boundary_edge_tag, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *start_edges, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *end_edges, unsigned int edge_count, bool bMarkNewFaces) | ON_SubD | |
AutoBridge(ON_SubDEdgeTag bridge_boundary_edge_tag, const ON_SubDEdgePtr start_edge, const ON_SubDEdgePtr end_edge, bool bMarkNewFaces) | ON_SubD | |
AutomaticMeshToSubD(ON_SubD::AutomaticMeshToSubDContext context) | ON_SubD | static |
AutomaticMeshToSubDContext enum name | ON_SubD | |
AutomaticMeshToSubDRestoreDefaults(ON_SubD::AutomaticMeshToSubDContext context) | ON_SubD | static |
AutoMultiPatch(ON_SubD::PatchStyle patch_style, ON_SubDEdgeTag patch_boundary_edge_tag, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &unsorted_edges, bool bMarkNewFaces) | ON_SubD | |
AutoMultiPatch(ON_SubD::PatchStyle patch_style, ON_SubDEdgeTag patch_edge_tag, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &unsorted_edges, bool bMarkNewFaces) | ON_SubD | |
AutoPatch(ON_SubD::PatchStyle patch_style, ON_SubDEdgeTag patch_boundary_edge_tag, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges, bool bMarkNewFaces) | ON_SubD | |
BoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
BrepForm(ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ChainType enum name | ON_SubD | |
ChangeGeometryContentSerialNumberForExperts(bool bChangePreservesSymmetry) | ON_SubD | |
ChangeRenderContentSerialNumber() const | ON_SubD | |
Clear() | ON_SubD | |
ClearAllComponentStates() const | ON_Object | |
ClearBoundingBox() override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ClearComponentGroupIds(bool bClearVertexGroupIds, bool bClearEdgeGroupIds, bool bClearFaceGroupIds) const | ON_SubD | |
ClearComponentMarkBits(bool bClearVertexMarkBits, bool bClearEdgeMarkBits, bool bClearFaceMarkBits) const | ON_SubD | |
ClearComponentMarks() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearComponentMarks(bool bClearVertexMarks, bool bClearEdgeMarks, bool bClearFaceMarks, ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_SubDComponentBase * > *marked_component_list) const | ON_SubD | |
ClearComponentStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_SubDComponentPtr component_ptr, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_SubD | |
ClearControlNetComponentTree() | ON_SubD | |
ClearEdgeGroupIds() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearEdgeMarkBits() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearEdgeMarks() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearEdgeSharpness() | ON_SubD | |
ClearEvaluationCache() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearFaceGroupIds() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearFaceMarkBits() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearFaceMarks() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearFacePackIds() | ON_SubD | |
ClearFacePackingTopologyHashForExperts() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearFragmentColors(bool bClearFragmentColorsMappingTag) | ON_SubD | |
ClearFragmentTextureCoordinatesTextureSettingsHash() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearFragmentTree() | ON_SubD | |
ClearGroupIds() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearHigherSubdivisionLevels(unsigned int max_level_index) | ON_SubD | |
ClearInactiveLevels() | ON_SubD | |
ClearLowerSubdivisionLevels(unsigned int min_level_index) | ON_SubD | |
ClearMarkBits() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearPerFaceColors() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearPerFaceMaterialChannelIndices() | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetry() | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetForExperts(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetForExperts(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetForExperts(const ON_SubDFace *face) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetForExperts(ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetNextForExperts(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetNextForExperts(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetNextForExperts(const ON_SubDFace *face) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetNextForExperts(ON_SubDComponentPtr component) | ON_SubD | |
ClearSymmetrySetsForExperts() | ON_SubD | |
ClearTexturePoints() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearVertexGroupIds() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearVertexMarkBits() const | ON_SubD | |
ClearVertexMarks() const | ON_SubD | |
ColorsMappingTag() const | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edge_chain0, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edge_chain1, double combined_edge_location, ON_SubDEdgeTag combined_edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain0, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain1, double combined_edge_location, ON_SubDEdgeTag combined_edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &edge_chain0, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &edge_chain1, double combined_edge_location, ON_SubDEdgeTag combined_edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &edge_chain0, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &edge_chain1, double combined_edge_location, ON_SubDEdgeTag combined_edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryEdges(const ON_SubDEdgePtr edge0, const ON_SubDEdgePtr edge1, double merged_edge_location, ON_SubDEdgeTag merged_edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryEdges(const ON_SubDEdge *edge0, const ON_SubDEdge *edge1, double merged_edge_location, ON_SubDEdgeTag merged_edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryVertices(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex0, const ON_SubDVertex *vertex1, ON_3dPoint combined_vertex_control_net_point, ON_SubDVertexTag combined_vertex_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryVertices(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDVertex * > &ci_list, ON_SubDVertexTag combined_vertex_tag) | ON_SubD | |
CombineBoundaryVertices(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &vertex_list, ON_SubDVertexTag combined_vertex_tag) | ON_SubD | |
ComponentCount(ON_SubDComponentPtr::Type component_type) const | ON_SubD | |
ComponentIndex() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ComponentPtrFromComponentIndex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index) const | ON_SubD | |
ComponentPtrFromComponentIndex(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &cptr_list) const | ON_SubD | |
ComponentPtrFromComponentIndex(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, bool bIncludeVertices, bool bIncludeEdges, bool bIncludeFaces, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &cptr_list) const | ON_SubD | |
ComponentRingEdgeCount(size_t component_ring_count) | ON_SubD | static |
ComponentRingFaceCount(size_t component_ring_count) | ON_SubD | static |
ComponentRingIsValid(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count) | ON_SubD | static |
ComponentStatusSerialNumber() const | ON_SubD | |
const | ON_SubD | |
ContentIsSymmetric() const | ON_SubD | |
ControlPointRadiusFromSurfacePointRadius(unsigned int point_count, double surface_point_radius) | ON_SubD | static |
CopyEvaluationCacheForExperts(const ON_SubD &src) | ON_SubD | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) | ON_Object | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
CreateControlNetFromNurbsCurves(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_NurbsCurve * > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromNurbsCurves(const ON_ClassArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromNurbsCurves(const ON_ObjectArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromPolylines(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Polyline * > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromPolylines(const ON_ClassArray< ON_Polyline > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromPolylines(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_PolylineCurve * > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromPolylines(const ON_ClassArray< ON_PolylineCurve > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateControlNetFromPolylines(const ON_ObjectArray< ON_PolylineCurve > &polylines, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateCylinder(const class ON_Cylinder &cylinder, unsigned circumference_face_count, unsigned height_face_count, ON_SubDEndCapStyle end_cap_style, ON_SubDEdgeTag end_cap_edge_tag, ON_SubDComponentLocation radius_location, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromBoundary(const class ON_Curve &curve, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromBoundaryControlPoints(const class ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &boundary_control_points, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromLoftCurves(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_NurbsCurve * > &curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromLoftCurves(const ON_ClassArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromLoftCurves(const ON_ObjectArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, bool bCorners, unsigned int span_divisions, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromMesh(const class ON_Mesh *level_zero_mesh, const class ON_SubDFromMeshParameters *from_mesh_parameters, ON_SubD *subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateFromSurface(const class ON_Surface &surface, const ON_SubDFromSurfaceParameters *from_surface_parameters, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateRotateSymmetryFromTwoFacesAndAxis(unsigned primary_face_id, unsigned secondary_face_id, ON_Line rotation_axis, double cleanup_tolerance) const | ON_SubD | |
CreateSubDBox(const ON_3dPoint corners[8], ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, unsigned int facecount_x, unsigned int facecount_y, unsigned int facecount_z, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDBox(const ON_3dPoint corners[8], double edge_sharpness, unsigned int facecount_x, unsigned int facecount_y, unsigned int facecount_z, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_chain, size_t edge_count, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points, bool bInterpolatePoints, bool bPeriodicClosedCurve, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const ON_3dPoint *points, size_t point_count, bool bInterpolatePoints, bool bPeriodicClosedCurve, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const double *points, size_t point_count, int point_stride, bool bInterpolatePoints, bool bPeriodicClosedCurve, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const double *points, size_t point_count, int point_stride, bool bInterpolatePoints, bool bPeriodicClosedCurve, const bool *creases, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const class ON_Curve &curve, int cv_count, bool bPeriodicClosedCurve, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const class ON_Curve &curve, int cv_count, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyCurve(const class ON_Curve &curve, class ON_NurbsCurve *destination_curve) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlyIsoCurves(const class ON_Surface &surface, int iso_dir, ON_ClassArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &loft_curves, bool &bPeriodicClosedLoft, ON_SimpleArray< bool > &loft_creases, ON_SimpleArray< double > &loft_parameters) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlySurface(const ON_ObjectArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &cubic_curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, class ON_NurbsSurface *destination_surface) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlySurface(const ON_ClassArray< ON_NurbsCurve > &cubic_curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, class ON_NurbsSurface *destination_surface) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlySurface(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_NurbsCurve * > &cubic_curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, class ON_NurbsSurface *destination_surface) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlySurface(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_NurbsCurve * > &cubic_curves, bool bPeriodicClosedLoft, const bool *creases, class ON_NurbsSurface *destination_surface) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDFriendlySurface(const class ON_Surface &surface, class ON_NurbsSurface *destination_surface) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDGlobeSphere(const ON_Sphere sphere, ON_SubDComponentLocation vertex_location, unsigned axial_face_count, unsigned equatorial_face_count, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDIcosahedron(const ON_Sphere sphere, ON_SubDComponentLocation vertex_location, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDQuadSphere(const ON_Sphere sphere, ON_SubDComponentLocation vertex_location, unsigned quad_subdivision_level, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSubDTriSphere(const ON_Sphere sphere, ON_SubDComponentLocation vertex_location, unsigned tri_subdivision_level, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
CreateSymmetryPrimaryMotif(ON_Symmetry symmetry, ON_SubDComponentIdList &motif_outer_vertex_list, ON_SubD *destination_subd) const | ON_SubD | |
CustomFacePackingId | ON_SubD | static |
DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
DefaultFacePackingId | ON_SubD | static |
DefaultSubDAppearance | ON_SubD | static |
DefaultTextureCoordinateType | ON_SubD | static |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) override | ON_SubD | virtual |
DeleteComponents(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, bool bMarkDeletedFaceEdges) | ON_SubD | |
DeleteComponents(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &cptr_list, bool bMarkDeletedFaceEdges) | ON_SubD | |
DeleteComponentsForExperts(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, bool bDeleteIsolatedEdges, bool bUpdateTagsAndCoefficients, bool bMarkDeletedFaceEdges) | ON_SubD | |
DeleteFacesOnPlane(ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation, double distance_tolerance) | ON_SubD | |
DeleteMarkedComponents(bool bDeleteMarkedComponents, ON__UINT8 mark_bits, bool bMarkDeletedFaceEdges) | ON_SubD | |
DeleteMarkedComponentsForExperts(bool bDeleteMarkedComponents, ON__UINT8 mark_bits, bool bDeleteIsolatedEdges, bool bUpdateTagsAndCoefficients, bool bMarkDeletedFaceEdges) | ON_SubD | |
Destroy() | ON_SubD | |
DestroyRuntimeCache(bool bDelete=true) override | ON_SubD | virtual |
DetachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
Dimension() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
DissolveOrDelete(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list) | ON_SubD | |
DissolveOrDelete(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &cptr_list) | ON_SubD | |
Dump(ON_TextLog &) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
DumpTopology(ON_TextLog &) const | ON_SubD | |
DumpTopology(ON_2udex vertex_id_range, ON_2udex edge_id_range, ON_2udex face_id_range, ON_TextLog &) const | ON_SubD | |
EdgeArray() const | ON_SubD | |
EdgeCount() const | ON_SubD | |
EdgeFromComponentIndex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index) const | ON_SubD | |
EdgeFromId(unsigned int edge_id) const | ON_SubD | |
EdgeHash(ON_SubDHashType hash_type) const | ON_SubD | |
EdgeIterator() const | ON_SubD | |
EdgesAreConsecutive(ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr0, ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr1) | ON_SubD | static |
EdgeTagFromContext(unsigned int edge_face_count, const ON_SubDVertexTag v0_tag, const ON_SubDVertexTag v1_tag) | ON_SubD | static |
EdgeTagFromContext(unsigned int edge_face_count, const ON_SubDVertex *v0, const ON_SubDVertex *v1) | ON_SubD | static |
EdgeTagFromUnsigned(unsigned int edge_tag_as_unsigned) | ON_SubD | static |
EdgeTagIsSet(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag) | ON_SubD | static |
EdgeTagToString(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, bool bVertose) | ON_SubD | static |
EmergencyDestroy() | ON_Object | |
Empty | ON_SubD | static |
ErrorCount | ON_SubD | static |
EvaluatePoint(const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ExpandEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &unsorted_edges, ON_SubDExpandEdgesParameters parameters) | ON_SubD | |
ExpandEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &unsorted_edges, ON_SubDExpandEdgesParameters parameters) | ON_SubD | |
ExpandEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges, ON_SubDExpandEdgesParameters parameters) | ON_SubD | |
ExtractMarkedComponents(ON__UINT8 mark_bits, ON_SubD *destination_subd) const | ON_SubD | |
Extrude(const ON_Xform &xform) | ON_SubD | |
ExtrudeComponents(const ON_Xform &xform, const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) | ON_SubD | |
ExtrudeComponents(const ON_Xform &xform, const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count) | ON_SubD | |
ExtrudeComponents(const ON_Xform &xform, const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, bool bExtrudeBoundaries, bool bPermitNonManifoldEdgeCreation) | ON_SubD | |
ExtrudeComponents(const ON_Xform &xform, const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, bool bExtrudeBoundaries, bool bPermitNonManifoldEdgeCreation) | ON_SubD | |
FaceArray() const | ON_SubD | |
FaceCount() const | ON_SubD | |
FaceFromComponentIndex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index) const | ON_SubD | |
FaceFromId(unsigned int face_id) const | ON_SubD | |
FaceHash(ON_SubDHashType hash_type) const | ON_SubD | |
FaceIterator() const | ON_SubD | |
FacePackingId() const | ON_SubD | |
FacePackingIsValid(bool bIfValidThenUpdateFacePackingTopologyHash) const | ON_SubD | |
FacePackingTopologyHash() const | ON_SubD | |
FacesArePacked() const | ON_SubD | |
FastAndSimpleFacePackingId | ON_SubD | static |
FindEdge(const class ON_SubDVertex *v0, const class ON_SubDVertex *v1) const | ON_SubD | |
FindOrAddEdge(class ON_SubDVertex *v0, class ON_SubDVertex *v1) | ON_SubD | |
FindOrAddFace(ON_SubDEdgeTag new_edge_tag, const class ON_SubDVertex *face_vertices[], size_t face_vertex_count) | ON_SubD | |
FindOrAddVertex(const double *control_net_point, double distance_tolerance) | ON_SubD | |
FindVertex(const double *control_net_point, double distance_tolerance) const | ON_SubD | |
FirstComponent(ON_SubDComponentPtr::Type component_type) const | ON_SubD | |
FirstEdge() const | ON_SubD | |
FirstFace() const | ON_SubD | |
FirstUserData() const | ON_Object | |
FirstVertex() const | ON_SubD | |
FragmentColorsMappingTag() const | ON_SubD | |
FragmentColorsSettingsHash() const | ON_SubD | |
FragmentTextureCoordinatesTextureSettingsHash() const | ON_SubD | |
FragmentTree() const | ON_SubD | |
GeometryContentSerialNumber() const | ON_SubD | |
GeometryHash() const | ON_SubD | |
GetBBox(double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
GetBoundaryEdgeChain(ON_SubDEdgePtr first_edge, bool bUseEdgeMarks, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &boundary_edge_chain) | ON_SubD | static |
GetBoundaryEdgeChains(unsigned int minimum_face_count, unsigned int maximum_face_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &boundary_edge_chains) const | ON_SubD | |
GetBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetBoundingBox(ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetComponentStatus(bool bGetVertexStatus, bool bGetEdgeStatus, bool bGetFaceStatus, bool bClearStatus, ON_ComponentStatus status_mask, ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_SubDComponentBase * > &component_list, ON_SimpleArray< ON_ComponentStatus > &status_list) const | ON_SubD | |
GetComponentsWithSetStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
GetComponentsWithSetStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &components_with_set_states) const | ON_SubD | |
GetConnectedRegions(bool bManifoldRegions, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubD * > &connected_regions) const | ON_SubD | |
GetControlNetMesh(class ON_Mesh *mesh, ON_SubDGetControlNetMeshPriority priority) const | ON_SubD | |
GetMarkedComponents(bool bIncludeVertices, bool bIncludeEdges, bool bIncludeFaces, ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_SubDComponentBase * > &marked_component_list) const | ON_SubD | |
GetMarkedComponents(bool bAddMarkedComponents, ON__UINT8 mark_bits, bool bIncludeVertices, bool bIncludeEdges, bool bIncludeFaces, ON_SimpleArray< class ON_SubDComponentPtr > &component_list) const | ON_SubD | |
GetMeshFragments(const class ON_SubDDisplayParameters &display_parameters, ON__UINT_PTR fragment_callback_context, bool(*fragment_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const class ON_SubDMeshFragment *)) const | ON_SubD | |
GetQuadSectorPointRing(bool bPermitNoSubdivisions, bool bObsoleteAndIgnoredParameter, const class ON_SubDVertex *obsolete_and_ignored_parameter, const class ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count, double *point_ring, size_t point_ring_stride) | ON_SubD | static |
GetQuadSectorPointRing(bool bPermitNoSubdivisions, const class ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count, unsigned int &subdivision_count, double *point_ring, size_t point_ring_stride) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorComponentRing(const class ON_SubDSectorIterator &sit, ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_capacity) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorComponentRing(const class ON_SubDSectorIterator &sit, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &component_ring) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorPointRing(bool bSubdivideIfNeeded, const ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count, double *subd_point_ring, size_t subd_point_ring_capacity, size_t subd_point_ring_stride) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorPointRing(bool bSubdivideIfNeeded, size_t component_ring_count, const ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &point_ring) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorPointRing(bool bSubdivideIfNeeded, const class ON_SubDSectorIterator &sit, double *point_ring, size_t point_ring_capacity, size_t point_ring_stride) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorPointRing(bool bSubdivideIfNeeded, const class ON_SubDSectorIterator &sit, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &point_ring) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorPointRing(const class ON_SubDSectorIterator &sit, unsigned &subdivision_count, double *point_ring, size_t point_ring_capacity, size_t point_ring_stride) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorPointRing(const class ON_SubDSectorIterator &sit, unsigned &subdivision_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &point_ring) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorSubdivisionPointRing(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &subd_point_ring) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSectorSubdivsionPointRing(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count, double *point_ring, size_t point_ring_capacity, size_t point_ring_stride) | ON_SubD | static |
GetSurfaceBrep(const ON_SubDToBrepParameters &brep_parameters, ON_Brep *destination_brep) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceMesh(const class ON_SubDDisplayParameters &display_parameters, class ON_Mesh *mesh) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceMeshWireframe(ON__UINT_PTR curve_callback_context, bool(*curve_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *, unsigned int, const class ON_NurbsCurve &)) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceNurbs(ON_SubD::NurbsSurfaceType nurbs_surface_type, ON__UINT_PTR callback_context, bool(*nurbs_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const class ON_SubDFaceRegion &, class ON_NurbsSurface *)) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceNurbs(ON_SubD::NurbsSurfaceType nurbs_surface_type, ON_SimpleArray< ON_NurbsSurface * > &patches) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceNurbs(ON_SubD::NurbsSurfaceType nurbs_surface_type, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDFaceRegionAndNurbs > &patches) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceNurbsFragments(const class ON_SubDDisplayParameters &display_parameters, ON__UINT_PTR callback_context, bool(*begin_face_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const class ON_SubDFaceRegion &), bool(*fragment_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const class ON_SubDSurfaceNurbsFragment *)) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfacePointLinearSystem(ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDVertexSurfacePointCoefficient > &coefficients, ON_2udex *coefficient_matrix_size) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfacePointLinearSystem(ON_Matrix &m, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDVertex * > &v) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceWireframe(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, unsigned int minimum_face_count, unsigned int maximum_face_count, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type, ON__UINT_PTR curve_callback_context, bool(*curve_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *, unsigned int, const class ON_NurbsCurve &)) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSurfaceWireframe(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, unsigned int minimum_face_count, unsigned int maximum_face_count, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type, ON_SimpleArray< ON_NurbsCurve * > &nurbs_curves) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex, bool bPrimaryMotifFirst, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDVertex * > &vertex_symmetry_set) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDEdge *edge, bool bPrimaryMotifFirst, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edge_symmetry_set) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDFace *face, bool bPrimaryMotifFirst, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDFace * > &face_symmetry_set) const | ON_SubD | |
GetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr, bool bMotifFirst, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &component_symmetry_set) const | ON_SubD | |
GetTightBoundingBox(class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
GetUserData(const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserString(const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStringKeys(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStrings(ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const | ON_Object | |
GetWireframeEdgeChains(ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag, unsigned int minimum_face_count, unsigned int maximum_face_count, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type, ON__UINT_PTR edge_chain_callback_context, bool(*edge_chain_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *, unsigned int)) const | ON_SubD | |
GlobalSubdivide(unsigned int count) | ON_SubD | |
GlobalSubdivide() | ON_SubD | |
GlobalSubdivideQuadCount() const | ON_SubD | |
GlobalSubdivideQuadCount(unsigned int subdivision_count) const | ON_SubD | |
GlobeSphereFacePackingId | ON_SubD | static |
GroupConnectedRegions(bool bManifoldRegions) const | ON_SubD | |
GrowEdgeFaceArray(ON_SubDEdge *e, size_t capacity) | ON_SubD | |
GrowFaceEdgeArray(ON_SubDFace *f, size_t capacity) | ON_SubD | |
GrowVertexEdgeArray(ON_SubDVertex *v, size_t capacity) | ON_SubD | |
GrowVertexFaceArray(ON_SubDVertex *v, size_t capacity) | ON_SubD | |
HasBrepForm() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
HasFragmentColors() const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentColors(ON_MappingTag color_mapping_tag) const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentColors(ON_SHA1_Hash color_settings_hash) const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentColors(ON_SHA1_Hash color_settings_hash, ON_MappingTag color_mapping_tag) const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentTextureCoordinates() const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentTextureCoordinates(ON_MappingTag texture_mapping_tag) const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentTextureCoordinates(ON_SHA1_Hash texture_settings_hash) const | ON_SubD | |
HasFragmentTextureCoordinates(ON_SHA1_Hash texture_settings_hash, ON_MappingTag texture_mapping_tag) const | ON_SubD | |
HasPerFaceColors() const | ON_SubD | |
HasPerFaceColorsFromPackId() const | ON_SubD | |
HasPerFaceColorsFromSymmetryMotif() const | ON_SubD | |
HasPerFaceMaterialChannelIndices() const | ON_SubD | |
HasSharpEdges() const | ON_SubD | |
InSubD(const class ON_SubDVertex *vertex) const | ON_SubD | |
InSubD(const class ON_SubDEdge *edge) const | ON_SubD | |
InSubD(const class ON_SubDFace *face) const | ON_SubD | |
InSubD(ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr) const | ON_SubD | |
InSubD(const class ON_SubDComponentBase *b) const | ON_SubD | |
InterpolateControlNet() | ON_SubD | |
InterpolateSurfacePoints(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &surface_points) | ON_SubD | |
InterpolateSurfacePoints(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDVertex * > &vertices, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &surface_points) | ON_SubD | |
InterpolateSurfacePoints(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &vertices, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &surface_points) | ON_SubD | |
InterpolateSurfacePoints(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDVertexPtr > &vertices, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &surface_points) | ON_SubD | |
InterpolateSurfacePoints(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &vertices, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &surface_points) | ON_SubD | |
IsBuiltInFacePackingId(ON_UUID candidate_id) | ON_SubD | static |
IsCorrupt(bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Object | |
IsDeformable() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
IsEmpty() const | ON_SubD | |
IsKindOf(const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const | ON_Object | |
IsManifold(bool &bIsOriented, bool &bHasBoundary) const | ON_SubD | |
IsManifold() const | ON_SubD | |
IsMorphable() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
IsNotEmpty() const | ON_SubD | |
IsOriented() const | ON_SubD | |
IsSolid() const | ON_SubD | |
IsSubDFriendlyCurve(const ON_Curve *curve) | ON_SubD | static |
IsSubDFriendlySurface(const ON_Surface *surface) | ON_SubD | static |
IsValid(class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
IsValidSectorEdgeCount(ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag, unsigned int sector_edge_count) | ON_SubD | static |
IsValidSectorFaceCount(ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag, unsigned int sector_face_count) | ON_SubD | static |
LastEdge() const | ON_SubD | |
LastFace() const | ON_SubD | |
LastVertex() const | ON_SubD | |
LevelCount() const | ON_SubD | |
LevelForExperts(unsigned int level_index) const | ON_SubD | |
LocalSubdivide(class ON_SubDFace const *const *face_list, size_t face_count) | ON_SubD | |
LocalSubdivide(const ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_SubDFace * > &face_list) | ON_SubD | |
LocalSubdivide(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &face_list) | ON_SubD | |
MakeDeformable() override | ON_SubD | virtual |
MakeReflectSymmetric(ON_Symmetry symmetry) | ON_SubD | |
MakeSymmetric(ON_Symmetry symmetry) | ON_SubD | |
MakeSymmetric(ON_Symmetry symmetry, bool bIgnoredParameter1, bool bIgnoredParameter2) | ON_SubD | |
MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
MarkConnectedRegion(const ON_SubDComponentPtr seed_component, bool bManifoldRegions) const | ON_SubD | |
maximum_subd_level enum value | ON_SubD | |
MemoryRelocate() override | ON_SubD | virtual |
Merge(const ON_SubD &subd, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > &vertex_pairs, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents) | ON_SubD | |
Merge(const ON_SubD &subd, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > &vertex_pairs, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, const ON_SubDComponentTest &this_vertex_filter, const ON_SubDComponentTest &subd_vertex_filter, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents) | ON_SubD | |
Merge(const ON_SubD &subd, const class ON_SubDComponentPtrPair *vertex_pairs, size_t vertex_pairs_count, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents) | ON_SubD | |
Merge(const ON_SubD &subd, const class ON_SubDComponentPtrPair *vertex_pairs, size_t vertex_pairs_count, ON_SubDEdgeTag prefered_merged_edge_tag, bool bMergeAllCoincidentVertices, const ON_SubDComponentTest &this_vertex_filter, const ON_SubDComponentTest &subd_vertex_filter, bool bMarkMergedComponents, bool bMarkAddedComponents) | ON_SubD | |
MergeColinearEdges(bool bMergeBoundaryEdges, bool bMergeInteriorCreaseEdges, bool bMergeInteriorSmoothEdges, double distance_tolerance, double maximum_aspect, double sin_angle_tolerance) | ON_SubD | |
MergeConsecutiveEdges(ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr0, ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr1) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaces(const class ON_SubDVertex *vertex) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaces(const class ON_SubDEdge *edge) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaces(ON_SubDFace const *const *face_list, size_t face_count, bool bFaceListMayBeInvalid) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaces(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDFace * > &face_list, bool bFaceListMayBeInvalid) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaces(const ON_SubDFacePtr *face_list, size_t face_count, bool bFaceListMayBeInvalid) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaceSets(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDFace * > &face_list) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaceSets(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &ci_list, bool bMergeSharedEdges) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaceSets(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &cptr_list, bool bMergeSharedEdges) | ON_SubD | |
MergeFaceSets(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, bool bMergeSharedEdges) | ON_SubD | |
MeshFragmentCount() const | ON_SubD | |
ModelObjectId() const | ON_Object | virtual |
Morph(const ON_SpaceMorph &morph) override | ON_SubD | |
ON_Geometry::Morph(const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) | ON_Object | |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
NurbsKnotType(int order, int cv_count, const double *knots) | ON_SubD | static |
NurbsKnotType(int order, int cv_count, const double *knots, ON_SimpleArray< double > *triple_knots) | ON_SubD | static |
NurbsSurfaceType enum name | ON_SubD | |
ObjectType() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
ObsoleteTextureDomainTypeFromTextureCoordinateType(ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType texture_coordinate_type) | ON_SubD | static |
Offset(double offset_distance, bool bOffsetSurface, bool bBothSides, bool bMakeSolid, ON_SubD *destination_subd) const | ON_SubD | |
Offset(double offset_distance, bool bOffsetSurface, bool bBothSides, bool bMakeSolid, bool bPreserveSymmetry, ON_SubD *destination_subd) const | ON_SubD | |
Offset(ON_3dVector offset_direction, bool bOffsetSurface, bool bBothSides, bool bMakeSolid, ON_SubD *destination_subd) const | ON_SubD | |
Offset(ON_3dVector offset_direction, bool bOffsetSurface, bool bBothSides, bool bMakeSolid, bool bPreserveSymmetry, ON_SubD *destination_subd) const | ON_SubD | |
ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Geometry(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object() ON_NOEXCEPT | ON_Object | |
ON_Object(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
ON_SubD(const ON_SubD &src) | ON_SubD | |
ON_SubDRef class | ON_SubD | friend |
operator=(const ON_SubD &src) | ON_SubD | |
ON_Geometry::operator=(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object::operator=(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
Orient() const | ON_SubD | |
PackFaces() | ON_SubD | |
PackFaces(ON_UUID face_packing_id) | ON_SubD | |
PatchStyle enum name | ON_SubD | |
ProjectVerticesToPlane(ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation, double distance_tolerance) | ON_SubD | |
ProxyBrep(ON_Brep *destination_brep) const | ON_SubD | |
ProxyBrepEdge(const ON_Brep *proxy_brep, unsigned subd_edge_id, const class ON_BrepEdge *prev_proxy_edge) const | ON_SubD | |
ProxyBrepFace(const ON_Brep *proxy_brep, unsigned subd_face_id, const class ON_BrepFace *prev_proxy_face) const | ON_SubD | |
ProxyBrepVertex(const ON_Brep *proxy_brep, unsigned subd_vertex_id) const | ON_SubD | |
PurgeUserData() | ON_Object | |
QuadSphereFacePackingId | ON_SubD | static |
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) override | ON_SubD | virtual |
RemoveAllCreases() | ON_SubD | |
RemoveEdgeVertexConnection(ON_SubDEdge *e, ON_SubDVertex *v) | ON_SubD | |
RemoveEdgeVertexConnection(ON_SubDEdge *e, unsigned evi) | ON_SubD | |
RemoveFaceConnections(ON_SubDFace *face) | ON_SubD | |
RemoveFaceEdgeConnection(ON_SubDFace *face, ON_SubDEdge *edge) | ON_SubD | |
RemoveFaceEdgeConnection(ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int i) | ON_SubD | |
RemoveFaceEdgeConnection(ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int i, ON_SubDEdgePtr &removed_edge) | ON_SubD | |
RemoveZeroLengthEdges() | ON_SubD | |
RenderContentSerialNumber() const | ON_SubD | |
ReplaceFaceWithTrianglation(class ON_SubDFace *face, ON_3dVector triangluation_plane_normal, bool bMarkFaces) | ON_SubD | |
ReplaceFaceWithTriangleFan(class ON_SubDFace *face, ON_3dPoint fan_center_point, bool bMarkFaces) | ON_SubD | |
ReturnEdgeForExperts(ON_SubDEdge *e) | ON_SubD | |
ReturnFaceForExperts(ON_SubDFace *f) | ON_SubD | |
ReturnVertexForExperts(ON_SubDVertex *v) | ON_SubD | |
ReverseOrientation() const | ON_SubD | |
Rotate(double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Rotate(double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
RuntimeSerialNumber() const | ON_SubD | |
Scale(double scale_factor) | ON_Geometry | |
SeparateInteriorEdge(ON_SubDEdgePtr interior_edge, const ON_SubDEdge *separator0, const ON_SubDEdge *separator1) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edge_chains, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &edge_chains, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &edge_chains, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateInteriorEdges(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtrPair > *separated_edges) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateVertex(ON_SubDVertex *vertex, const ON_SubDEdge *separator0, const ON_SubDEdge *separator1) | ON_SubD | |
SeparateVertex(ON_SubDVertex *vertex, bool bApplyCreaseBias) | ON_SubD | |
SetAutomaticMeshToSubD(ON_SubD::AutomaticMeshToSubDContext context, bool bAutomaticallyCreateSubD) | ON_SubD | static |
SetColorsMappingTag(const class ON_MappingTag &) const | ON_SubD | |
SetComponentMarkBitsFromSymmetryMotif() const | ON_SubD | |
SetComponentMarks(bool bClearBeforeSet, const ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_SubDComponentBase * > &marked_component_list) const | ON_SubD | |
SetComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
SetComponentStates(ON_SubDComponentPtr component_ptr, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const | ON_SubD | |
SetComponentStatus(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
SetComponentStatus(ON_SubDComponentPtr component_ptr, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const | ON_SubD | |
SetComponentStatus(ON_ComponentStatus status_mask, const ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_SubDComponentBase * > &component_list, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_ComponentStatus > &status_list) const | ON_SubD | |
SetContentIsSymmetricForExperts(bool bContentIsSymmetric) const | ON_SubD | |
SetCurvatureColorAnalysisColors(bool bUpdateSurfaceMeshCache, bool bLazyColorSet, ON_SurfaceCurvatureColorMapping kappa_colors) const | ON_SubD | |
SetDraftAngleColorAnalysisColors(bool bUpdateSurfaceMeshCache, bool bLazyColorSet, ON_SurfaceDraftAngleColorMapping draft_angle_colors) const | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeSharpness(const class ON_SubDEdgeChain &edge_chain, ON_SubDEdgeSharpness edge_chain_sharpness, bool bPreserveSymmetry) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeSharpness(size_t edge_count, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_ptrs, const ON_SubDEdgeSharpness *edge_sharpness, size_t edge_sharpness_stride, bool bPreserveSymmetry) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeSharpness(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_ptrs, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgeSharpness > &edge_sharpness, bool bPreserveSymmetry) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeSharpness(size_t edge_count, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_ptrs, ON_SubDEdgeSharpness sharpness, bool bPreserveSymmetry) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeSharpness(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_ptrs, ON_SubDEdgeSharpness sharpness, bool bPreserveSymmetry) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeTags(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeTags(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
SetEdgeTags(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &cptr_list, ON_SubDEdgeTag edge_tag) | ON_SubD | |
SetFaceBoundary(ON_SubDFace *face, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edges, size_t edge_count) | ON_SubD | |
SetFaceBoundary(ON_SubDFace *face, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges) | ON_SubD | |
SetFacePackingIdForExperts(ON_UUID custom_packing_id) | ON_SubD | |
SetFragmentColorsFromCallback(bool bLazySet, ON_SHA1_Hash fragment_colors_settings_hash, ON_MappingTag fragment_colors_mapping_tag, ON__UINT_PTR callback_context, const ON_Color(*color_callback)(ON__UINT_PTR callback_context, const ON_MappingTag &mapping_tag, const ON_SubD &subd, ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr, const ON_3dPoint &P, const ON_3dVector &N, const ON_3dPoint &T, const ON_SurfaceCurvature &K)) const | ON_SubD | |
SetFragmentColorsMappingTag(const class ON_MappingTag &) const | ON_SubD | |
SetFragmentTextureCoordinates(const class ON_TextureMapping &mapping, bool bLazy) const | ON_SubD | |
SetPerFaceColorsFromPackId() const | ON_SubD | |
SetPerFaceColorsFromSymmetryMotif() const | ON_SubD | |
SetSubDAppearance(ON_SubDComponentLocation subd_appearance) const | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetryForExperts(const class ON_Symmetry &symmetry, bool SetContentSerialNumber) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDVertex * > &vertex_symmetry_set, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDVertex *const *vertex_symmetry_set, size_t vertex_symmetry_set_count, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edge_symmetry_set, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDEdge *const *edge_symmetry_set, size_t edge_symmetry_set_count, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDFace * > &face_symmetry_set, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDFace *const *face_symmetry_set, size_t face_symmetry_set_count, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &component_symmetry_set, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySet(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_symmetry_set, size_t component_symmetry_set_count, unsigned primary_motif_index) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySetNextForExperts(bool bVertexIsPrimaryMotif, const ON_SubDVertex *vertex, const ON_SubDVertex *next_vertex) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySetNextForExperts(bool bEdgeIsPrimaryMotif, const ON_SubDEdge *edge, const ON_SubDEdge *next_edge) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySetNextForExperts(bool bFaceIsPrimaryMotif, const ON_SubDFace *face, const ON_SubDFace *next_face) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySetNextForExperts(bool bComponentIsPrimaryMotif, ON_SubDComponentPtr component, ON_SubDComponentPtr next_component) | ON_SubD | |
SetSymmetrySetsForExperts(bool bUseCleanupTolerance) | ON_SubD | |
SetTextureCoordinateType(ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType texture_coordinate_type) const | ON_SubD | |
SetTextureMappingTag(const class ON_MappingTag &) const | ON_SubD | |
SetUserString(const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) | ON_Object | |
SetUserStrings(int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) | ON_Object | |
SetVertexSurfacePoint(unsigned int vertex_id, ON_3dPoint vertex_surface_point) | ON_SubD | |
SetVertexTags(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag) | ON_SubD | |
SetVertexTags(const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag) | ON_SubD | |
ShareContentsFrom(ON_SubD &subd) | ON_SubD | |
ShareDimple(const ON_SubD &) | ON_SubD | |
ShareDimple(const class ON_SubDMeshImpl &) | ON_SubD | |
SharpEdgeCount(ON_SubDEdgeSharpness &sharpness_range) const | ON_SubD | |
SharpEdgeCount() const | ON_SubD | |
SizeOf() const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
SizeOfActiveElements() const | ON_SubD | |
SizeOfActiveMeshFragments() const | ON_SubD | |
SizeOfAllElements() const | ON_SubD | |
SizeOfAllMeshFragments() const | ON_SubD | |
SizeOfUnusedElements() const | ON_SubD | |
SizeOfUnusedMeshFragments() const | ON_SubD | |
SnapPointsToPlane(ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation, double distance_tolerance) | ON_SubD | |
SolidOrientation() const | ON_SubD | |
SpinEdge(class ON_SubDEdge *edge, bool spin_clockwise=false) | ON_SubD | |
SpinEdge(ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr, bool spin_clockwise=false) | ON_SubD | |
SplitEdge(class ON_SubDEdge *edge, ON_3dPoint vertex_location) | ON_SubD | |
SplitEdge(ON_SubDEdgePtr eptr, ON_3dPoint vertex_location, unsigned new_edge_end) | ON_SubD | |
SplitFace(class ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int fvi0, unsigned int fvi1) | ON_SubD | |
SplitFace(class ON_SubDFace *face, const class ON_SubDVertex *v0, const class ON_SubDVertex *v1) | ON_SubD | |
SplitFace(class ON_SubDFace *face, unsigned int fvi0, unsigned int fvi1, unsigned new_face_side) | ON_SubD | |
SplitFace(class ON_SubDFace *face, const class ON_SubDVertex *v0, const class ON_SubDVertex *v1, unsigned new_face_side) | ON_SubD | |
SubDAppearance() const | ON_SubD | |
SubDControlNetMesh() const | ON_SubD | |
SubDFriendlyKnotType enum name | ON_SubD | |
SubDHash(ON_SubDHashType hash_type, bool bForceUpdate) const | ON_SubD | |
SubDimple() const | ON_SubD | |
SubDimpleUseCount() const | ON_SubD | |
SubdivideSector(const class ON_SubDVertex *center_vertex, const class ON_SubDComponentPtr *component_ring, size_t component_ring_count, class ON_SubD_FixedSizeHeap &fsh) | ON_SubD | static |
SubDModifiedNofification() | ON_SubD | |
SubDSurfaceMesh() const | ON_SubD | |
SurfaceMeshCacheExists(bool bTextureCoordinatesExist, bool bCurvaturesExist, bool bColorsExist) const | ON_SubD | |
SurfacePointRadiusFromControlPointRadius(unsigned int point_count, double control_point_radius) | ON_SubD | static |
SwapContents(ON_SubD &a, ON_SubD &b) | ON_SubD | static |
SwapCoordinates(int i, int j) override | ON_SubD | virtual |
SwapDimple(ON_SubD &) | ON_SubD | |
SwapDimple(class ON_SubDMeshImpl &) | ON_SubD | |
Symmetry() const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetCount(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetCount(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetCount(const ON_SubDFace *face) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetCount(ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetNext(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetNext(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetNext(const ON_SubDEdgePtr edge_ptr) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetNext(const ON_SubDFace *face) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetNext(ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetPrimaryMotif(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetPrimaryMotif(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetPrimaryMotif(const ON_SubDFace *face) const | ON_SubD | |
SymmetrySetPrimaryMotif(ON_SubDComponentPtr cptr) const | ON_SubD | |
TextureCoordinateType() const | ON_SubD | |
TextureCoordinateTypeFromObsoleteTextureDomainType(unsigned int obsolete_texture_domain_type_as_unsigned) | ON_SubD | static |
TextureCoordinateTypeFromUnsigned(unsigned int texture_coordinate_type_as_unsigned) | ON_SubD | static |
TextureCoordinateTypeToString(ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType texture_domain_type) | ON_SubD | static |
TextureDomainGridSize(unsigned minimum_rectangle_count, double image_width, double image_height) | ON_SubD | static |
TextureImageSuggestedMinimumSize enum value | ON_SubD | |
TextureMappingRequired() const | ON_SubD | |
TextureMappingTag(bool bIgnoreTextureCoordinateType) const | ON_SubD | |
TexturePointsAreSet() const | ON_SubD | |
TextureSettingsHash(ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType texture_coordinate_type, const class ON_MappingTag &texture_mapping_tag) | ON_SubD | static |
TextureSettingsHash() const | ON_SubD | |
ThisIsNullptr(bool bSilentError) const | ON_Object | |
TightBoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
ToggleSubDAppearanceValue(ON_SubDComponentLocation subd_appearance) | ON_SubD | static |
TopologyHash() const | ON_SubD | |
ToSubD(const class ON_Geometry *geometry, const class ON_SubDFromMeshParameters *from_mesh_parameters, const class ON_SubDFromSurfaceParameters *from_surface_parameters, ON_SubD *destination_subd) | ON_SubD | static |
Transform(const ON_Xform &xform) override | ON_SubD | virtual |
TransformComponents(const ON_Xform &xform, const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count, ON_SubDComponentLocation component_location) | ON_SubD | |
TransformComponents(const ON_Xform &xform, const ON_SubDComponentPtr *cptr_list, size_t cptr_count, ON_SubDComponentLocation component_location) | ON_SubD | |
TransformUserData(const class ON_Xform &xform) | ON_Object | |
Translate(const ON_3dVector &translation_vector) | ON_Geometry | |
UnselectComponents(bool bUnselectAllVertices, bool bUnselectAllEdges, bool bUnselectAllFaces) const | ON_SubD | |
Unset | ON_Geometry | static |
UpdateAllTagsAndSectorCoefficients(bool bUnsetValuesOnly) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateEdgeSectorCoefficients(bool bUnsetSectorCoefficientsOnly) const | ON_SubD | |
UpdateEdgeTags(bool bUnsetEdgeTagsOnly) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateReferencedComponents(const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) | ON_Object | virtual |
UpdateSurfaceMeshCache(bool bLazyUpdate) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateSurfaceMeshCache(bool bLazyUpdate, bool bComputeCurvature) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateSurfaceMeshCache(bool bLazyUpdate, bool bSetUnchangedFaceColor, ON_Color unchanged_face_color, bool bSetUpdatedFaceColor, ON_Color updated_face_color) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateSurfaceMeshCache(bool bLazyUpdate, bool bComputeCurvature, bool bSetUnchangedFaceColor, ON_Color unchanged_face_color, bool bSetUpdatedFaceColor, ON_Color updated_face_color) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateSymmetry(const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned int > &moved_vertices, bool bPermitTopologyChange) | ON_SubD | |
UpdateVertexTags(bool bUnsetVertexTagsOnly) | ON_SubD | |
UserDataConflictResolution enum name | ON_Object | |
UserStringCount() const | ON_Object | |
VertexArray() const | ON_SubD | |
VertexCount() const | ON_SubD | |
VertexFacetType enum name | ON_SubD | |
VertexFacetTypeFromUnsigned(unsigned int vertex_facet_type_as_unsigned) | ON_SubD | static |
VertexFromComponentIndex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index) const | ON_SubD | |
VertexFromId(unsigned int vertex_id) const | ON_SubD | |
VertexHash(ON_SubDHashType hash_type) const | ON_SubD | |
VertexIterator() const | ON_SubD | |
VertexTagFromUnsigned(unsigned int vertex_tag_as_unsigned) | ON_SubD | static |
VertexTagIsSet(ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag) | ON_SubD | static |
VertexTagToString(ON_SubDVertexTag vertex_tag, bool bVertose) | ON_SubD | static |
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const override | ON_SubD | virtual |
~ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
~ON_Object() | ON_Object | virtual |
~ON_SubD() | ON_SubD | virtual |