Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_SubDEdgeChain, including all inherited members.
AddAllNeighbors(ON_ChainDirection direction, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
AddEdge(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
AddOneNeighbor(ON_ChainDirection direction, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
BeginEdgeChain(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef subd_ref, const ON_SubDEdge *initial_edge) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
BeginEdgeChain(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef subd_ref, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &initial_edge_chain) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
BeginEdgeChain(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef subd_ref, const ON_SubDEdge *const *initial_edge_chain, size_t edge_count) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
BeginEdgeChain(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef subd_ref, ON_SubDEdgePtr initial_edge) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
BeginEdgeChain(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef subd_ref, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &initial_edge_chain) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
BeginEdgeChain(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef subd_ref, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *initial_edge_chain, size_t edge_count) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
ClearEdgeChain() | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
ContinueChainDefaultCallback(ON__UINT_PTR continue_condition, ON_SubDEdgePtr left_eptr, ON_SubDEdgePtr right_eptr) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
ControlNetPoint(int vertex_index) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Dump(class ON_TextLog &text_log) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Edge(int edge_index) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
EdgeChain() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
EdgeChainNeighbor(ON_SubDEdgePtr starting_edge, ON_ChainDirection search_direction, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
EdgeChainNeighbor(ON_SubDEdgePtr starting_edge, ON_ChainDirection search_direction, ON_SubD::ChainType chain_type, bool bEnableStatusCheck, ON_ComponentStatus status_pass, ON_ComponentStatus status_fail) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
EdgeCount() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
EdgePtr(int edge_index) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
EdgeSurfaceCurve(ON_NurbsCurve *destination) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Empty | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
FirstControlNetPoint() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
FirstEdge() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
FirstEdgePtr() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
FirstVertex() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
GetEdgeSurfaceCurve(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain, unsigned int *converted_count, ON_NurbsCurve *destination) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
GetEdgeSurfaceCurve(const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_chain, size_t edge_count, unsigned int *converted_count, ON_NurbsCurve *destination) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
GetLoftCurve(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain, ON_NurbsCurve *destination) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
GetLoftCurve(const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_chain, size_t edge_count, ON_NurbsCurve *destination) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
GetLoftCurve(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain, bool bRequireCreases, ON_NurbsCurve *destination) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
GetLoftCurve(const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_chain, size_t edge_count, bool bReequireCreases, ON_NurbsCurve *destination) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
GetSideComponents(unsigned relative_side, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &side_components) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
GetSideComponents(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain, unsigned relative_side, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &side_components) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
Hash() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
HasPersistentEdgeIds() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
HasRuntimeEdgePtrs() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
InChain(const ON_SubDEdgePtr edge_ptr) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
InChain(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
InChain(const ON_SubDVertex *vertex) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
IsClosed(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
IsClosed(size_t edge_count, const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
IsClosedLoop() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
IsConvexLoop(bool bStrictlyConvex) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
IsSingleEdgeChain(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges, bool &bIsClosed, bool &bIsSorted) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
IsSingleEdgeChain(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
IsValidEdgeChain(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain, bool bCheckForDuplicateEdges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
IsValidEdgeChain(const ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_chain, size_t edge_count, bool bCheckForDuplicateEdges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
LastControlNetPoint() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
LastEdge() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
LastEdgePtr() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
LastVertex() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
LoftCurve(ON_NurbsCurve *destination) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
MergeCrossingEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains, ON__UINT_PTR callback_context, bool(*continue_chain_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, ON_SubDEdgePtr, ON_SubDEdgePtr), ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &merged_edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
ON_SubDEdgeChain()=default | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
ON_SubDEdgeChain(const ON_SubDEdgeChain &)=default | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
operator=(const ON_SubDEdgeChain &)=default | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
OrientEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SubD &subd, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
OrientEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
OrientEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
PersistentSubDId() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Read(class ON_BinaryArchive &archive) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
RefineEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &unconditional_edge_chains, bool bOrdinarySmoothChains, bool bOrdinaryCreaseChains, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &refined_edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
RefineEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &unconditional_edge_chains, ON__UINT_PTR callback_context, bool(*continue_chain_callback_function)(ON__UINT_PTR, ON_SubDEdgePtr, ON_SubDEdgePtr), ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &refined_edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
RemoveEdges(const ON_SubDEdge *first_edge, const ON_SubDEdge *last_edge) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Reverse() | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
ReverseEdgeChain(ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chain) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
ReverseEdgeChain(ON_SubDEdgePtr *edge_chain, size_t edge_count) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SetPersistentEdgeIdsFromRuntimeEdgePtrs() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
SetRuntimeEdgePtrsFromPersistentSubD(ON_UUID persistent_subd_id, ON_SubDRef persistent_subd_ref) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
SetStatusCheck(bool bEnableStatusCheck, ON_ComponentStatus status_check_pass, ON_ComponentStatus status_check_fail) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &unsorted_edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SubDEdgePtr *unsorted_edges, unsigned unsorted_edge_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &unsorted_edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SubDEdge *const *unsorted_edges, unsigned unsorted_edge_count, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &unsorted_edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SubD &subd, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &unsorted_edges, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &unsorted_edges, unsigned int minimum_chain_length, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains, const bool bIgnoreCorners) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &unsorted_edges, unsigned int minimum_chain_length, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &unsorted_edges, unsigned int minimum_chain_length, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains, const bool bIgnoreCorners) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdge * > &unsorted_edges, unsigned int minimum_chain_length, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDComponentPtr > &unsorted_edges, unsigned int minimum_chain_length, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &sorted_edges) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
SortEdgesIntoEdgeChains(const ON_SubD &subd, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &unsorted_edges, unsigned int minimum_chain_length, ON_SimpleArray< ON_SubDEdgePtr > &edge_chains) | ON_SubDEdgeChain | static |
StatusCheck(const ON_SubDEdge *edge) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
StatusCheckEnabled() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
StatusCheckFail() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
StatusCheckPass() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
SubD() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
SubDRef() const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Vertex(int vertex_index) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
Write(class ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const | ON_SubDEdgeChain | |
~ON_SubDEdgeChain()=default | ON_SubDEdgeChain |