
using Rhino; using Rhino.Commands; using Rhino.DocObjects; using Rhino.Geometry; using System.Drawing; using Rhino.Input; namespace examples_cs { class DeviationConduit : Rhino.Display.DisplayConduit { private readonly Curve m_curve_a; private readonly Curve m_curve_b; private readonly Point3d m_min_dist_point_a ; private readonly Point3d m_min_dist_point_b ; private readonly Point3d m_max_dist_point_a ; private readonly Point3d m_max_dist_point_b ; public DeviationConduit(Curve curveA, Curve curveB, Point3d minDistPointA, Point3d minDistPointB, Point3d maxDistPointA, Point3d maxDistPointB) { m_curve_a = curveA; m_curve_b = curveB; m_min_dist_point_a = minDistPointA; m_min_dist_point_b = minDistPointB; m_max_dist_point_a = maxDistPointA; m_max_dist_point_b = maxDistPointB; } protected override void DrawForeground(Rhino.Display.DrawEventArgs e) { e.Display.DrawCurve(m_curve_a, Color.Red); e.Display.DrawCurve(m_curve_b, Color.Red); e.Display.DrawPoint(m_min_dist_point_a, Color.LawnGreen); e.Display.DrawPoint(m_min_dist_point_b, Color.LawnGreen); e.Display.DrawLine(new Line(m_min_dist_point_a, m_min_dist_point_b), Color.LawnGreen); e.Display.DrawPoint(m_max_dist_point_a, Color.Red); e.Display.DrawPoint(m_max_dist_point_b, Color.Red); e.Display.DrawLine(new Line(m_max_dist_point_a, m_max_dist_point_b), Color.Red); } } public class CurveDeviationCommand : Command { public override string EnglishName { get { return "csCurveDeviation"; } } protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode) { doc.Objects.UnselectAll(); ObjRef obj_ref1; var rc1 = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("first curve", true, ObjectType.Curve, out obj_ref1); if (rc1 != Result.Success) return rc1; Curve curve_a = null; if (obj_ref1 != null) curve_a = obj_ref1.Curve(); if (curve_a == null) return Result.Failure; // Since you already selected a curve if you don't unselect it // the next GetOneObject won't stop as it considers that curve // input, i.e., curveA and curveB will point to the same curve. // Another option would be to use an instance of Rhino.Input.Custom.GetObject // instead of Rhino.Input.RhinoGet as GetObject has a DisablePreSelect() method. doc.Objects.UnselectAll(); ObjRef obj_ref2; var rc2 = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("second curve", true, ObjectType.Curve, out obj_ref2); if (rc2 != Result.Success) return rc2; Curve curve_b = null; if (obj_ref2 != null) curve_b = obj_ref2.Curve(); if (curve_b == null) return Result.Failure; var tolerance = doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance; double max_distance; double max_distance_parameter_a; double max_distance_parameter_b; double min_distance; double min_distance_parameter_a; double min_distance_parameter_b; DeviationConduit conduit; if (!Curve.GetDistancesBetweenCurves(curve_a, curve_b, tolerance, out max_distance, out max_distance_parameter_a, out max_distance_parameter_b, out min_distance, out min_distance_parameter_a, out min_distance_parameter_b)) { RhinoApp.WriteLine("Unable to find overlap intervals."); return Result.Success; } else { if (min_distance <= RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance) min_distance = 0.0; var max_dist_pt_a = curve_a.PointAt(max_distance_parameter_a); var max_dist_pt_b = curve_b.PointAt(max_distance_parameter_b); var min_dist_pt_a = curve_a.PointAt(min_distance_parameter_a); var min_dist_pt_b = curve_b.PointAt(min_distance_parameter_b); conduit = new DeviationConduit(curve_a, curve_b, min_dist_pt_a, min_dist_pt_b, max_dist_pt_a, max_dist_pt_b) {Enabled = true}; doc.Views.Redraw(); RhinoApp.WriteLine("Minimum deviation = {0} pointA({1}), pointB({2})", min_distance, min_dist_pt_a, min_dist_pt_b); RhinoApp.WriteLine("Maximum deviation = {0} pointA({1}), pointB({2})", max_distance, max_dist_pt_a, max_dist_pt_b); } var str = ""; RhinoGet.GetString("Press Enter when done", true, ref str); conduit.Enabled = false; return Result.Success; } } }
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