
using System; using Rhino; using Rhino.DocObjects; using Rhino.Geometry; using Rhino.Input; using Rhino.Input.Custom; using Rhino.Commands; namespace examples_cs { public class ContourCommand : Command { public override string EnglishName { get { return "csContour"; } } protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode) { var filter = ObjectType.Surface | ObjectType.PolysrfFilter | ObjectType.Mesh; ObjRef[] obj_refs; var rc = RhinoGet.GetMultipleObjects("Select objects to contour", false, filter, out obj_refs); if (rc != Result.Success) return rc; var gp = new GetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Contour plane base point"); gp.Get(); if (gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success) return gp.CommandResult(); var base_point = gp.Point(); gp.DrawLineFromPoint(base_point, true); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Direction perpendicular to contour planes"); gp.Get(); if (gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success) return gp.CommandResult(); var end_point = gp.Point(); if (base_point.DistanceTo(end_point) < RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance) return Result.Nothing; double distance = 1.0; rc = RhinoGet.GetNumber("Distance between contours", false, ref distance); if (rc != Result.Success) return rc; var interval = Math.Abs(distance); Curve[] curves = null; foreach (var obj_ref in obj_refs) { var geometry = obj_ref.Geometry(); if (geometry == null) return Result.Failure; if (geometry is Brep) { curves = Brep.CreateContourCurves(geometry as Brep, base_point, end_point, interval); } else { curves = Mesh.CreateContourCurves(geometry as Mesh, base_point, end_point, interval); } foreach (var curve in curves) { var curve_object_id = doc.Objects.AddCurve(curve); doc.Objects.Select(curve_object_id); } } if (curves != null) doc.Views.Redraw(); return Result.Success; } } }
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