
using Rhino; using Rhino.Input; using Rhino.Commands; namespace examples_cs { public class RenameBlockCommand : Command { public override string EnglishName { get { return "csRenameBlock"; } } protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode) { // Get the name of the insance definition to rename var instance_definition_name = ""; var rc = RhinoGet.GetString("Name of block to rename", true, ref instance_definition_name); if (rc != Result.Success) return rc; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instance_definition_name)) return Result.Nothing; // Verify instance definition exists var instance_definition = doc.InstanceDefinitions.Find(instance_definition_name, true); if (instance_definition == null) { RhinoApp.WriteLine("Block '{0}' not found.", instance_definition_name); return Result.Nothing; } // Verify instance definition is rename-able if (instance_definition.IsDeleted || instance_definition.IsReference) { RhinoApp.WriteLine("Unable to rename block '{0}'.", instance_definition_name); return Result.Nothing; } // Get the new instance definition name string instance_definition_new_name = ""; rc = RhinoGet.GetString("Name of block to rename", true, ref instance_definition_new_name); if (rc != Result.Success) return rc; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instance_definition_new_name)) return Result.Nothing; // Verify the new instance definition name is not already in use var existing_instance_definition = doc.InstanceDefinitions.Find(instance_definition_new_name, true); if (existing_instance_definition != null && !existing_instance_definition.IsDeleted) { RhinoApp.WriteLine("Block '{0}' already exists.", existing_instance_definition); return Result.Nothing; } // change the block name if (!doc.InstanceDefinitions.Modify(instance_definition.Index, instance_definition_new_name, instance_definition.Description, true)) { RhinoApp.WriteLine("Could not rename {0} to {1}", instance_definition.Name, instance_definition_new_name); return Result.Failure; } return Result.Success; } } }
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