Displays a Windows file open dialog box allowing the user to select one or more file names. Note, this function does not open files.
Rhino.OpenFileNames ([strTitle [, strFilter [, strFolder [, strFilename [, strExtension]]]]])
strTitle |
Optional. String. A dialog box title. |
strFilter |
Optional. String. A filter string. The filter string must be in the following form: "Description1|Filter1|Description2|Filter2||", where "||" terminates filter string. If omitted, the filter (*.*) is used. |
strFolder |
Optional. String. A default folder. |
strFilename |
Optional. String. A default file name. |
strExtension |
Optional. String. A default file extension. |
Array |
An array of file names if successful. |
Null |
If not successful, or on error. |
Dim arrFileNames, strFileName
arrFileNames = Rhino.OpenFileNames("Open", "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||")
If IsArray(arrFileNames) Then
For Each strFileName In arrFileNames
Rhino.Print strFileName
End If