Essential C# Scripting for Grasshopper
A full course on RhinoComon in Grasshopper using C#

This is an essential scripting guide

This manual is intended for designers who are experienced in Grasshopper® (GH) visual scripting, and would like to take their skills to the next level to create their own custom scripts using C# programming language. This guide does not assume nor require any background in programming. The document is divided into four parts.

  1. C# Component in Grasshopper explains the general interface of the C# scripting component in Grasshopper.
  2. C# Programming Basics reviews the basics of the C# DotNet programming language.
  3. RhinoCommon Geometry covers the main geometry types and functions in the RhinoCommon SDK.
  4. Design Algorithms includes examples of a number of design algorithms.

The guide includes many examples that are also available as a Grasshopper file available with the download of this guide. Note that all examples are written in version 8 of Rhinoceros® (Rhino) and Grasshopper.

I would like to acknowledge the excellent technical review by Mr. Steve Baer of Robert McNeel and Associates. I would also like to acknowledge Ms. Sandy McNeel for reviewing the writing and formatting of this document.

Rajaa Issa

Robert McNeel & Associates

Table of Contents