Custom Undo Events
Windows only


The Rhino C/C++ SDK supports adding custom undo events. This way plugins can take advantage of Rhino’s built in Undo, Redo, UndoSelected, UndoMultiple, RedoMultiple and ClearUndo commands, and any future Rhino commands that deal with undo/redo operations.

How To

Basically, you create a class derived from CRhinoUndoEventHandler, pass it to Rhino, and let Rhino deal with all the details. Sample 1 below shows how to do this.

In order to have stable plugins, developers must follow the rules for using CRhinoDoc::AddCustomUndoEvent

// Description:
//   If you want to your plugin to do something when the Rhino
//   Undo/Redo command runs, the call AddCustomUndoEvent during
//   your command.
//   This function is for expert plugin developers.  If you
//   don't do a good job here, you will really break Rhino.
// Parameters:
//   undo_event_handler - [in]
//     Pointer to a class allocated with a call to new.
//     Never delete this class.
//     Never pass a pointer to a stack variable.
// Returns:
//   If a non zero number is returned, then this is the runtime
//   serial number Rhino has assigned to this undo event.
//   If zero is returned, then the user has disabled undo
//   and undo_event_handler was deleted.

unsigned int AddCustomUndoEvent(
  CRhinoUndoEventHandler* undo_event_handler

When you are debugging your code, you may find the AuditUndo command useful. This command lists all the undo information saved in Rhino.

You can also use and event watcher to monitor Rhino undo/redo activity. Sample 2 (below) is a simple undo event watcher that reports undo activity in the Rhino command windows…


Sample 1

This “plugin” has one piece of data, the account balance, and two commands, EarnTenEuros and SpendFiveEuros. The commands use CUndoEuroTransaction class to provide integrated Undo/Redo support…

// BEGIN CUndoEuroTransaction class definition

static double m_plugin_data_euro_balance = 0.0;

class CUndoEuroTransaction : public CRhinoUndoEventHandler

  // virtual CRhinoUndoEventHandler function
  void Undo(
    const CRhinoCommand* cmd,
    const wchar_t* action_description,
    bool bCreatedByRedo,
    unsigned int undo_event_sn

  double m_amount;

  m_amount = 0.0;


void CUndoEuroTransaction::Undo(
  const CRhinoCommand* cmd,
  const wchar_t* action_description,
  bool bCreatedByRedo,
  unsigned int undo_event_sn
  // undo the change to m_plugin_data_euro_balance
  m_plugin_data_euro_balance -= m_amount;
  RhinoApp().Print(L"New balance %g euros.\n",

// END CUndoEuroTransaction class definition

// BEGIN EarnTenEuros command

class CCommandEarnTenEuros : public CRhinoCommand
  CCommandEarnTenEuros() {}
  ~CCommandEarnTenEuros() {}
  UUID CommandUUID()
    // {658C21B8-221-4887-B4A4-09C39C3E38CA}
    static const GUID EarnTenEurosCommand_UUID =
    { 0x658C21B8, 0x221, 0x4887, { 0xB4, 0xA4, 0x09, 0xC3, 0x9C, 0x3E, 0x38, 0xCA } };
    return EarnTenEurosCommand_UUID;
  const wchar_t* EnglishCommandName() { return L"EarnTenEuros"; }
  CRhinoCommand::result RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& );

// The one and only CCommandEarnTenEuros object
static class CCommandEarnTenEuros theEarnTenEurosCommand;

CCommandEarnTenEuros::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  double amount = 10.0;

  CUndoEuroTransaction* pUndoHandler = new CUndoEuroTransaction();
  pUndoHandler->m_amount = amount;

  m_plugin_data_euro_balance += amount;
  RhinoApp().Print(L"New balance %g euros.\n", m_plugin_data_euro_balance);
  return CRhinoCommand::success;

// END EarnTenEuros command

// BEGIN SpendFiveEuros command

class CCommandSpendFiveEuros : public CRhinoCommand
  CCommandSpendFiveEuros() {}
  ~CCommandSpendFiveEuros() {}
  UUID CommandUUID()
    // {578712DE-D65C-4B9C-9EE6-401C57077057}
    static const GUID SpendFiveEurosCommand_UUID =
    { 0x578712DE, 0xD65C, 0x4B9C, { 0x9E, 0xE6, 0x40, 0x1C, 0x57, 0x07, 0x70, 0x57 } };
    return SpendFiveEurosCommand_UUID;
  const wchar_t* EnglishCommandName() { return L"SpendFiveEuros"; }
  CRhinoCommand::result RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& );

// The one and only CCommandSpendFiveEuros object
static class CCommandSpendFiveEuros theSpendFiveEurosCommand;

CCommandSpendFiveEuros::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  double amount = -5.0;

  CUndoEuroTransaction* pUndoHandler = new CUndoEuroTransaction();
  pUndoHandler->m_amount = amount;

  m_plugin_data_euro_balance += amount;
  RhinoApp().Print(L"New balance %g euros.\n", m_plugin_data_euro_balance);
  return CRhinoCommand::success;

// END SpendFiveEuros command

Sample 2

Using an event watcher to monitor undo events…

// BEGIN CMyUndoSnooper undo event watcher

class CMyUndoSnooper : public CRhinoEventWatcher
  // virtual
  void UndoEvent(
        CRhinoEventWatcher::undo_event event,
        unsigned int undo_record_serialnumber,
        const CRhinoCommand* cmd

void CMyUndoSnooper::UndoEvent(
        CRhinoEventWatcher::undo_event event,
        unsigned int undo_record_serialnumber,
        const CRhinoCommand* cmd
  CRhinoApp& app = RhinoApp();

  const wchar_t* cmd_name = cmd
                          ? cmd->LocalCommandName()
                          : 0;

  if( 0 == cmd_name )
    cmd_name = L;

  case begin_recording:  // Begin recording changes
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: Begin recording %s changes\n",
  case end_recording:
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: End recording %s changes\n",

  case begin_undo:       // Begin undoing a changes
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: Begin undoing %s changes\n",
  case end_undo:
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: End undoing %s changes\n",

  case begin_redo:       // Begin redoing a changes
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: Begin redoing %s changes\n",
  case end_redo:
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: End redoing %s changes\n",

  case purge_record:
    app.Print(L"UNDO SNOOP %5d: Purging %s changes\n",

// END CMyUndoSnooper undo event watcher

// BEGIN TestUndoSnoop command

class CCommandTestUndoSnoop : public CRhinoTestCommand
  CCommandTestUndoSnoop() { m_bRegistered = 0; }
  ~CCommandTestUndoSnoop() {}
  UUID CommandUUID()
    // {A7474CED-3C3D-4BCD-9124-4058D619BEA0}
    static const GUID TestUndoSnoopCommand_UUID =
    { 0xA7474CED, 0x3C3D, 0x4BCD, { 0x91, 0x24, 0x40, 0x58, 0xD6, 0x19, 0xBE, 0xA0 } };
    return TestUndoSnoopCommand_UUID;
  const wchar_t* EnglishCommandName() { L"TestUndoSnoop"; }
  CRhinoCommand::result RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& );

  CMyUndoSnooper m_snooper;
  bool m_bRegistered;

// The one and only CCommandTestUndoSnoop object
static class CCommandTestUndoSnoop theTestUndoSnoopCommand;

CCommandTestUndoSnoop::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  if( IDYES == RhinoMessageBox( L"Watch undo events?",
                                L"Undo Snooper",
                                MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION)
    if( !m_bRegistered )
      m_bRegistered = true;
    m_snooper.Enable( true );
    m_snooper.Enable( false );

  return CRhinoCommand::success;

// END TestUndoSnoop command