The advanced display features in Rhino give the user almost unlimited control over how objects appear on the screen. All of these features are also exposed to the C/C++ developer.
Rhino maintains advanced display settings using the CDisplayPipelineAttributes
class. Rhino will maintain a number of these objects, one for each advanced display setting created by the user (i.e. Wireframe, Shaded, Rendered, Ghosted, X-Ray, etc.) or by 3rd party plugins.
The C/C++ developer can gain access to these objects using the Display Attributes Manager, which is implemented as a number of static functions found on the CRhinoDisplayAttrsMgr
The process for updating advanced display settings is similar to updating or modifying other objects in Rhino.
- Make a copy of the original.
- Modify one or more setting or parameters.
- Replace the original object with the modified copy.
// The following example code demonstrates how to modify advanced display settings using
// the Rhino SDK. In this example, a display mode's mesh wireframe thickness (in pixels)
// will be modified.
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
// Use the display attributes manager to build a list of display modes.
// Note, these are copies of the originals...
DisplayAttrsMgrList attrs_list;
int attrs_count = CRhinoDisplayAttrsMgr::GetDisplayAttrsList( attrs_list );
if( attrs_count == 0 )
return failure;
// Construct an options picker so the user can pick which
// display mode they want modified
CRhinoGetOption go;
go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Display mode to modify mesh thickness" );
ON_SimpleArray<int> opt_list( attrs_count );
opt_list.SetCount( attrs_count );
for( int i = 0; i < attrs_count; i++ )
// Verify the display mode had a valid
// CDisplayPipelineAttributes pointer
if( 0 == attrs_list[i].m_pAttrs )
opt_list[i] = 0;
// Get the display attributes English name
ON_wString english_name = attrs_list[i].m_pAttrs->EnglishName();
english_name.Remove( L'_' );
english_name.Remove( L' ' );
english_name.Remove( L'-' );
english_name.Remove( L',' );
english_name.Remove( L'.' );
// Get the display attributes localized name
ON_wString local_name = attrs_list[i].m_pAttrs->LocalName();
local_name.Remove( L'_' );
local_name.Remove( L' ' );
local_name.Remove( L'-' );
local_name.Remove( L',' );
local_name.Remove( L'.' );
// Add the command option
opt_list[i] = go.AddCommandOption( CRhinoCommandOptionName(english_name, local_name) );
// Get the command option
if( go.CommandResult() != success )
return go.CommandResult();
const CRhinoCommandOption* opt = go.Option();
if( 0 == opt )
return failure;
// Figure out which command option was picked
int attrs_index = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < opt_list.Count(); i++ )
if( opt_list[i] == opt->m_option_index )
attrs_index = i;
// Validate...
if( attrs_index < 0 | attrs_index >= attrs_count )
return failure;
// Get the display mode requested by the user
DisplayAttrsMgrListDesc desc = attrs_list[attrs_index];
if( 0 == desc.m_pAttrs )
return failure;
// Modify the desired display mode. In this case, we
// will just set the mesh wireframe thickness to zero.
desc.m_pAttrs->m_nMeshWireThickness = 0;
// Use the display attributes manager to update the display mode.
CRhinoDisplayAttrsMgr::UpdateAttributes( desc );
// Force the document to regenerate.
return success;