Eto Guides
Follow Along
If you’re new to Eto, or even an advanced user, it is recommended to open the script editor and copy/paste (or better yet write out!) the sample code so you can walk through and understand how Eto works.
Each page with samples will have both C# and Python 3 (The samples ARE NOT designed for Python 2), will work on both Windows and Mac and assumes little familiarity with Rhino.
If you’re new to programming, this guide will not cover the basics, but will help you dive head-first into C# and/or Python.
Eto Native Controls
- Basic Controls
- Advanced Controls
DataContext and View Models
View Models
This section is not for Python, python cannot use View Models and bindings in the same way as C#.
Further Reading
Rhino 8
The examples below assume you are using Rhino 8, many of these methods or controls may not exist in Rhino 7 or earlier.