Providing Arguments for By-Reference Parameters


Python functions can return multiple objects as a tuple.

On the other hand, .NET methods, like those provided by RhinoCommon, can only return one object as the result of a call. In order to return more than one object, by-reference, or by-ref, parameters are needed. These parameters are decorated with the ref and out keywords in C#.

More Information

A example of a method that requires a by-ref parameter is Dictionary.TryGetValue, which has a value output parameter. The method returns true if the dictionary contains an element with the specified key (the element value itself is returned to the parameter “value”), otherwise it returns false.

When making calls to such methods in IronPython, we may not pass in arguments for the output parameters. Instead, the result of such .NET method call in IronPython will likely be a tuple (unless the .NET method’s return type is void and the method has only one by-ref parameter), which contains the value of the output parameter (see the example below).

import System
d = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[int, str]()
d[1], d[2] = 'One', 'Two'
print d.TryGetValue(1) # (True, 'One')
print d.TryGetValue(2)[1] # Two
print d.TryGetValue(3) # (False, None)

We may also pass a clr.Reference object for the output parameter. The clr.Reference object has only one member “Value”, which will carry the output parameter value after the call. When encountering this type of argument, the IronPython code generation and runtime does something special to update the “Value”.

x = clr.Reference[str]()
print d.TryGetValue(1, x), x.Value # True One
print d.TryGetValue(3, x), x.Value # False None

For reference parameters, we are required to pass in something. If the argument is not a clr.Reference object, such reference argument value will also be part of the returned tuple; otherwise, the by-ref change is tracked inside clr.Reference.

Note, if the .NET method contains more than one by-ref parameter, Python expects the user to provide proper clr.Reference objects for either all or none of them. A mix of clr.Reference objects and normal argument/omission (for out parameter) will cause an error.


For a practical example, let’s look at RhinoCommon’s NurbsSurfacePointList.GetPoint method, which has two overloads:

// Gets a world 3-D, or Euclidean, control point at the given u,v index. 
// The 4-D representation is (x, y, z, 1.0).
public bool GetPoint(int u, int v, out Point3d point)

// Gets a homogeneous control point at the given (u, v) index, 
// where the 4-D representation is (x, y, z, w). 
// The world 3-D, or Euclidean, representation is (x/w, y/w, z/w).
public bool GetPoint(int u, int v, out Point4d point)

The following sample code calls each overloaded method. Notice how using clr.Reference eliminates the need for using the Overloads method, in this case.

import clr
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
srf_id = rs.GetObject("Select surface", rs.filter.surface)
srf = rs.coercesurface(srf_id)
ns = srf.ToNurbsSurface()
pt3d = clr.Reference[Rhino.Geometry.Point3d]()
for u in range(0, ns.Points.CountU):
for v in range(0, ns.Points.CountV):
if ns.Points.GetPoint(u, v, pt3d):
print pt3d
pt4d = clr.Reference[Rhino.Geometry.Point4d]()
for u in range(0, ns.Points.CountU):
for v in range(0, ns.Points.CountV):
if ns.Points.GetPoint(u, v, pt4d):
print pt4d