Isometric Views
Windows only
AutoCAD has a VPOINT command that allows you to create isometric views of the model. The VPOINT command uses the point entered by the user to create a vector that defines the direction from which the drawing is viewed. You can do this in Rhino using the ViewportProperties command. In the ViewportProperties dialog, first set the view to parallel projection. Then, set the target location to 0,0,0 and the camera location to where you want to be viewing from.
If this seems too cumbersome, then you can also use the following RhinoScript subroutine…
The following example subroutine mimics the VPOINT command using RhinoScript…
Sub VPoint
Dim strView
strView = Rhino.CurrentView
If Rhino.ViewProjection(strView) = 2 Then
Rhino.Print "Viewport must be set for parallel projection."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim arrOptions
arrOptions = Array("NE Isometric", "NW Isometric", "SE Isometric", "SW Isometric", "User Defined")
Dim strOption
strOption = Rhino.ListBox(arrOptions, "Select viewing direction", "VPoint")
If IsNull(strOption) Then Exit Sub
Dim arrCamera
Select Case strOption
Case "NE Isometric" arrCamera = Array( 1, 1,1)
Case "NW Isometric" arrCamera = Array(-1, 1,1)
Case "SE Isometric" arrCamera = Array( 1,-1,1)
Case "SW Isometric" arrCamera = Array(-1,-1,1)
Case Else arrCamera = Rhino.GetPoint("View point")
End Select
If Not IsArray(arrCamera) Then Exit Sub
Dim arrTarget, v
arrTarget = Array(0,0,0)
v = Rhino.VectorCreate(arrCamera, arrTarget)
If Rhino.IsVectorTiny(v) Then Exit Sub
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
Rhino.ViewCameraTarget strView, arrCamera, arrTarget
Rhino.ZoomExtents strView
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End Sub