Offsetting Meshes
Windows only
RhinoScript can generate a closed mesh as a result of a base mesh and an offset. Rhino’s OffsetMesh command does this task very well if you use the solidify option, but RhinoScript’s MeshOffset
function does not have this option. Let’s take a look at creating a solid mesh with RhinoScript…
RhinoScript’s MeshOffset
function does not have a solidify option, but you can accomplish what you want by simply scripting Rhino’s OffsetMesh command, instead of calling RhinoScript’s MeshOffset
The following example function will offset a mesh by scripting Rhino’s OffsetMesh command…
' Offset and solidify a mesh object
Function OffsetMeshSolidify(strMesh, dblDistance)
' Declare local variables
Dim arrSaved, strCommand
' Save any selected objects
arrSaved = Rhino.SelectedObjects
' Unselect all objects
' Select the mesh
Call Rhino.SelectObject(strMesh)
' Script the OffsetMesh command
strCommand = "_-OffsetMesh _CapMeshes=_Yes " & CStr(dblDistance) & " _Enter"
Call Rhino.Command(strCommand, 0)
' Get the results of the command
If Rhino.LastCommandResult = 0 Then
OffsetMeshSolidify = Rhino.LastCreatedObjects()(0)
OffsetMeshSolidify = Null
End If
' Unselect all objects
' If any objects were selected before calling
' this function, re-select them
If IsArray(arrSaved) Then Rhino.SelectObjects(arrSaved)
End Function
You can test the above function with the following code…
' This procedure tests the OffsetMeshSolidify function
Sub TestOffsetMeshSolidify()
' Declare local constants and variables
Const rhMesh = 32
Dim strMesh, dblDistance, strOffset
' Select a mesh to offset
strMesh = Rhino.GetObject("Select mesh to offset", rhMesh, True)
If IsNull(strMesh) Then Exit Sub
' Get the offset distance
dblDistance = Rhino.GetReal("Offset distance", 1.0)
If IsNull(dblDistance) Then Exit Sub
If (dblDistance = 0.0) Then Exit Sub
' Call our mesh offsetting function...
strOffset = OffsetMeshSolidify(strMesh, dblDistance)
End Sub