Selecting Curves by Type
Windows only

Non-Linear Curves

The following RhinoScript subroutine will select all non-linear curves in the document:

Sub SelNonLinearCrv()
  Dim arrCurves, strCurve
  arrCurves = Rhino.ObjectsByType(4)
  If IsArray(arrCurves) Then
    Rhino.EnableRedraw False
    For Each strCurve In arrCurves
      If Not Rhino.IsCurveLinear(strCurve) Then
        Rhino.SelectObject strCurve
      End If
    Rhino.EnableRedraw True
  End If
End Sub

Linear Curves

The following RhinoScript subroutine will select all linear curves in the document:

Sub SelLinearCrv()
  Dim arrCurves, strCurve
  arrCurves = Rhino.ObjectsByType(4)
  If IsArray(arrCurves) Then
    Rhino.EnableRedraw False
    For Each strCurve In arrCurves
      If Rhino.IsCurveL
      inear(strCurve) Then
        Rhino.SelectObject strCurve
      End If
    Rhino.EnableRedraw True
  End If
End Sub