Uncommon Numeric Conversions
Windows only


This function converts numbers to their hexadecimal representation…

Function CHex(intNumber)

 Dim strChars, intSign

 strChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
 intSign = Sgn(intNumber)

 intNumber = Fix(Abs(CDbl(intNumber)))
 If (intNumber = 0) Then
   CHex = "0"
   Exit Function
 End If

 While (intNumber > 0)
   CHex = Mid(strChars, 1 + (intNumber - 16 * Fix(intNumber / 16)), 1) & CHex
   intNumber = Fix(intNumber / 16)

 If (intSign = -1) Then CHex = "-" & CHex

End Function

and can be used to…

Rhino.Print CHex(2008) '7D8


The following function converts numbers to their binary representation…

Function CBinary(intNumber, intBits)

  Dim strBinary, intMask, i

  strBinary =
  intMask = 1

  For i = 1 To intBits
    If (intNumber And intMask) Then
      strBinary = "1" & strBinary
      strBinary = "0" & strBinary
    End If
    intMask = intMask * 2

  CBinary = strBinary

End Function

and can be used to…

Rhino.Print CBinary(2008, 16) '0000011111011000

Roman Numerals

The following function converts numbers to their Roman numeral representation…

Function CRoman(intNumber)

  Dim v, w, x, y, arrOnes, arrTens, arrHund, arrThou

  arrOnes = Array(,"I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX")
  arrTens = Array(,"X","XX","XXX","XL","L","LX","LXX","LXXX","XC")
  arrHund = Array(,"C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM")
  arrThou = Array(,"M","MM","MMM","MMMM","MMMMM")

  v = ((intNumber - (intNumber Mod 1000)) / 1000)
  intNumber = (intNumber Mod 1000)

  w = ((intNumber - (intNumber Mod 100)) / 100)
  intNumber = (intNumber Mod 100)

  x = ((intNumber - (intNumber Mod 10)) / 10)

  y = (intNumber Mod 10)

  CRoman = arrThou(v) & arrHund(w) & arrTens(x) & arrOnes(y)

End Function

and can be used to…

Rhino.Print CRoman(2008) 'MMVIII

Roman Numeral to Base 10

The following function converts Roman numeral representations to their base 10 representation…

Function CUnRoman(strRoman)

  Dim intvalue, strChar, i
  intValue = 0

  If InStr(strRoman, "CM") Then
    intValue = intValue + 900
    strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "CM", )
  End If

  If InStr(strRoman, "CD") Then
    intValue = intValue + 400
    strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "CD", )
  End If

  If InStr(strRoman, "XC") Then
    intValue = intValue + 90
    strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "XC", )
  End If

  If InStr(strRoman, "XL") Then
    intValue = intValue + 40
    strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "XL", )
  End If

  If InStr(strRoman, "IX") Then
    intValue = intValue + 9
    strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "IX", )
  End If

  If InStr(strRoman, "IV") Then
    intValue = intValue + 4
    strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "IV", )
  End If

  For i = 1 To Len(strRoman)
    strChar = Mid(strRoman, i, 1)
    Select Case strChar
      Case "I" intValue = intValue + 1
      Case "V" intValue = intValue + 5
      Case "X" intValue = intValue + 10
      Case "L" intValue = intValue + 50
      Case "C" intValue = intValue + 100
      Case "D" intValue = intValue + 500
      Case "M" intValue = intValue + 1000
    End Select

  CUnRoman = intValue

End Function

and can be used to…

Rhino.Print CUnRoman(MMVIII) '2008