Consider the following VBScript code, which does not work:
Option Explicit
s = "Hello"
Now, consider the following working code:
Option Explicit
s = "Hello"
Dim s
Why can a variable be used before declaring it in VBScript?
Consider this code:
Dim s
s = Foo(123)
Function Foo(x)
Foo = x + 345
End Function
Here the function is being used before it is declared. Similarly, variables can be used before they are declared. The behaviour is by design. Variable declarations and functions are logically “hoisted” to the top of their scope in VBScript.
Also, declaring a variable twice in the same script block is illegal, but redefinition in another block is legal. Procedures may be redeclared at will except if the procedure is in a class, in which case redeclaration is illegal.
The following is legal in VBScript:
s = Foo(123)
If Blah Then
Function Foo(x)
Foo = x + 345
End Function
End If
This is not recommended, but it is legal:
Dim i
For i = 1 To 2
Rhino.Print c
Const c = 10
And this works too:
For i = 1 To 2
Rhino.Print c
Dim i
Const c = 10
But, this fails with a “name redefined” error:
For i = 1 To 2
Rhino.Print c
Const c = 10
Dim i
In conclusion, in VBScript:
- Variable declarations are logically hoisted to the top of the scope.
- Constants are evaluated at code compilation time; the constants’ values are injected into the code.