Add Arrowheads to Curves
Windows only
Demonstrates how arrowheads can be added to any curve object my modifying attributes.
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
// Define a line
ON_Line line;
line.from = ON_3dPoint(0, 0, 0); = ON_3dPoint(10, 0, 0);
// Make a copy of Rhino's default object attributes
ON_3dmObjectAttributes attribs;
context.m_doc.GetDefaultObjectAttributes( attribs );
// Modify the object decoration style
//attribs.m_object_decoration = ON::no_object_decoration;
//attribs.m_object_decoration = ON::start_arrowhead;
//attribs.m_object_decoration = ON::end_arrowhead;
attribs.m_object_decoration = ON::both_arrowhead;
// Create a new curve object with our attributes
context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( line, &attribs );
return CRhinoCommand::success;