Deviation between two Curves
Windows only
Demonstrates how to determine the deviation between two curves using the RhinoGetOverlapDistance() function.
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
CRhinoGetObject go;
go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select curves to test" );
go.SetGeometryFilter( ON::curve_object );
go.EnableSubObjectSelect( true );
go.GetObjects( 2, 2 );
if( go.CommandResult() != success )
return go.CommandResult();
if( go.ObjectCount() != 2 )
return failure;
const ON_Curve* crv_a = go.Object(0).Curve();
if( !crv_a )
return failure;
const ON_Curve* crv_b = go.Object(1).Curve();
if( !crv_b )
return failure;
double tol = context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance();
int count = 0;
double int_a[3][2];
double int_b[3][2];
double max_a, max_b, max_d;
double min_a, min_b, min_d;
bool rc = RhinoGetOverlapDistance(
crv_a, // curve A
0, // optional domain for curve A
crv_b, // curve B
0, // optional domain for curve B
tol, // tolerance for common normal detection
0.0, // limits acceptable overlap distance
&count, // overlap interval count (0 to 3)
int_a, // curve A interval(s)
int_b, // curve B interval(s)
&max_a, // curve B parameter at maximum overlap distance point
&max_b, // curve B parameter at maximum overlap distance point
&max_d, // maximum overlap distance
&min_a, // curve A parameter at minimum distance point
&min_b, // curve B parameter at minimum distance point
&min_d // minimum distance between curves
if( min_d <= ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE )
min_d = 0.0;
if( rc )
if( count == 0 )
RhinoApp().Print( L"Curves do not overlap.\n" );
context.m_doc.AddPointObject( crv_a->PointAt(max_a) );
context.m_doc.AddPointObject( crv_b->PointAt(max_b) );
context.m_doc.AddPointObject( crv_a->PointAt(min_a) );
context.m_doc.AddPointObject( crv_b->PointAt(min_b) );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
ON_3dPoint sp_a = crv_a->PointAt( int_a[i][0] );
ON_3dPoint sp_b = crv_b->PointAt( int_b[i][0] );
double sd = sp_a.DistanceTo( sp_b );
ON_3dPoint ep_a = crv_a->PointAt( int_a[i][1] );
ON_3dPoint ep_b = crv_b->PointAt( int_b[i][1] );
double ed = ep_a.DistanceTo( ep_b );
RhinoApp().Print( L"Overlap interval %d of %d:\n", i+1, count );
RhinoApp().Print( L" start: distance = %g\n", sd );
RhinoApp().Print( L" crvA(%10g) = (%g, %g, %g)\n",
int_a[i][0], sp_a.x, sp_a.y, sp_a.z );
RhinoApp().Print( L" crvB(%10g) = (%g, %g, %g)\n",
int_b[i][0], sp_b.x, sp_b.y, sp_b.z );
RhinoApp().Print( L" end: distance = %g\n", ed );
RhinoApp().Print( L" crvA(%10g) = (%g, %g, %g)\n",
int_a[i][1], ep_a.x, ep_a.y, ep_a.z );
RhinoApp().Print( L" crvB(%10g) = (%g, %g, %g)\n",
int_b[i][1], ep_b.x, ep_b.y, ep_b.z );
RhinoApp().Print( L"Minimum deviation = %g\n", min_d );
RhinoApp().Print( L"Maximum deviation = %g\n", max_d );
RhinoApp().Print( L"Unable to find overlap intervals.\n" );
return success;