Loft Surfaces
Windows only

Demonstrates how to use the CArgsRhinoLoft class and the RhinoSdkLoftSurface function.

//The following sample code demonstrates how to use the CArgsRhinoLoft class and the RhinoSdkLoftSurface function.
//The definitions of these can be found in rhinoSdkLoft.h.
//Note, this example does not perform any curve sorting or direction matching.
//This is the responsibility of the the SDK developer.
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  // Select curves to loft
  CRhinoGetObject go;
  go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select curves to loft" );
  go.SetGeometryFilter( CRhinoGetObject::curve_object );
  go.SetGeometryAttributeFilter( CRhinoGetObject::open_curve );
  go.EnableSubObjectSelect( FALSE );
  go.GetObjects( 2, 0 );
  if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success )
    return go.CommandResult();

  // Fill in loft arguments class
  CArgsRhinoLoft args;
  args.m_bAllowStartTangent = FALSE;
  args.m_bAllowEndTangent = FALSE;
  args.m_bUseStartpoint = FALSE;
  args.m_bUseEndpoint = FALSE;
  args.m_bClosed = FALSE;
  args.m_loft_type = CArgsRhinoLoft::ltTight;
  args.m_simplify_method = CArgsRhinoLoft::lsNone;
  args.m_start_condition = CArgsRhinoLoft::leNatural;
  args.m_end_condition = CArgsRhinoLoft::leNatural;
  args.m_rebuild_point_count = 10;
  args.m_refit_tolerance = context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance();

  int i, object_count = go.ObjectCount();
  args.m_loftcurves.SetCapacity( object_count );

  // Add loft curves
  for( i = 0; i < object_count; i++ )
    const ON_Curve* curve = go.Object(i).Curve();
    if( curve )
      CRhinoLoftCurve* loft_curve = new CRhinoLoftCurve;
      loft_curve->m_curve = curve->DuplicateCurve();
      loft_curve->m_curve->RemoveShortSegments( ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, true );
      loft_curve->m_pick-point = ON_UNSET_POINT;
      loft_curve->m_pick_t = ON_UNSET_VALUE;
      loft_curve->m_trim = 0;
      loft_curve->m_bClosed =
          loft_curve->m_curve->IsClosed() ? true : false;
      loft_curve->m_bPlanar =
          loft_curve->m_curve->IsPlanar(&loft_curve->m_plane)? true : false;
      args.m_loftcurves.Append( loft_curve );

  // Do the loft operation
  ON_SimpleArray<ON_NurbsSurface*> surface_list;
  bool rc = RhinoSdkLoftSurface( args, surface_list );

  // Delete the loft curves used in the surface calculation
  for( i = 0; i < args.m_loftcurves.Count(); i++ )
    delete args.m_loftcurves[i];

  // If only one surface was calculated, add it to Rhino
  if( surface_list.Count() == 1 )
    CRhinoSurfaceObject* surf_obj = context.m_doc.AddSurfaceObject(*surface_list[0]);

    // AddSurfaceObject make a copy...
    delete surface_list[0];

    if( surf_obj )

    return ( surf_obj ? success : failure );

  // If more than one surface was calculated, create a list of breps.
  ON_SimpleArray<ON_Brep*> brep_list;
  for( i = 0; i < surface_list.Count(); i++)
    if( surface_list[i]->IsValid() )
      ON_Brep* brep = ON_Brep::New();
      brep->NewFace( *surface_list[i] );
      delete surface_list[i];
      brep_list.Append( brep );

  // Try joining all breps
  ON_Brep* brep = RhinoJoinBreps( brep_list, context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance() );
  if( brep )
    CRhinoBrepObject* brep_object = context.m_doc.AddBrepObject( *brep );

    // AddBrepObject makes a copy...
    delete brep;

    if( brep_object )

    return ( brep_object ? success : failure );

  // Othewise just add the individual breps to Rhino.
  for( i = 0; i < brep_list.Count(); i++ )
    if( brep_list[i] )
      CRhinoBrepObject* brep_object = context.m_doc.AddBrepObject( *brep_list[i] );

      // AddBrepObject make a copy...
      delete brep_list[i];


  return CRhinoCommand::success;