Print Instance Definition Tree
Windows only
Demonstrates how to print the names of all instance definitions, including objects and sub-instances, in a tree-style format.
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
const CRhinoInstanceDefinitionTable& idef_table = context.m_doc.m_instance_definition_table;
int idef_count = idef_table.InstanceDefinitionCount();
if (idef_count == 0)
RhinoApp().Print("No instance definitions found.\n");
return CRhinoCommand::nothing;
ON_wString writer;
ON_TextLog dump( writer );
dump.SetIndentSize( 4 );
for (int i = 0; i < idef_count; i++)
DumpInstanceDefinition( idef_table[i], dump, true );
RhinoApp().Print( L"%s\n", writer );
return CRhinoCommand::success;
void CCommandTest::DumpInstanceDefinition( const CRhinoInstanceDefinition* idef, ON_TextLog& dump, bool bRoot )
if( idef && ! idef->IsDeleted() )
ON_wString node;
if( bRoot )
node = L"\u2500";
node = L"\u2514";
dump.Print(L"%s Instance definition %d = %s\n", node, idef->Index(), idef->Name() );
const int idef_object_count = idef->ObjectCount();
if( idef_object_count )
for( int i = 0; i < idef->ObjectCount(); i++ )
const CRhinoObject* obj = idef->Object( i );
if( obj )
const CRhinoInstanceObject* iref = CRhinoInstanceObject::Cast( obj );
if( iref )
DumpInstanceDefinition( iref->InstanceDefinition(), dump, false ); // Recursive...
dump.Print(L"\u2514 Object %d = %s\n", i, obj->ShortDescription(false) );