Add Radial Dimension
Demonstrates how to add radial dimensions to a selected curve.
partial class Examples
public static Rhino.Commands.Result AddRadialDimension(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc)
ObjRef obj_ref;
var rc = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("Select curve for radius dimension",
true, ObjectType.Curve, out obj_ref);
if (rc != Result.Success)
return rc;
double curve_parameter;
var curve = obj_ref.CurveParameter(out curve_parameter);
if (curve == null)
return Result.Failure;
if (curve.IsLinear() || curve.IsPolyline())
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Curve must be non-linear.");
return Result.Nothing;
// in this example just deal with planar curves
if (!curve.IsPlanar())
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Curve must be planar.");
return Result.Nothing;
var point_on_curve = curve.PointAt(curve_parameter);
var curvature_vector = curve.CurvatureAt(curve_parameter);
var len = curvature_vector.Length;
if (len < RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon)
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Curve is almost linear and therefore has no curvature.");
return Result.Nothing;
var center = point_on_curve + (curvature_vector/(len*len));
Plane plane;
curve.TryGetPlane(out plane);
var radial_dimension =
new RadialDimension(center, point_on_curve, plane.XAxis, plane.Normal, 5.0);
return Result.Success;
Partial Friend Class Examples
Public Shared Function AddRadialDimension(ByVal doc As Rhino.RhinoDoc) As Rhino.Commands.Result
Dim obj_ref As ObjRef = Nothing
Dim rc = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("Select curve for radius dimension", True, ObjectType.Curve, obj_ref)
If rc IsNot Result.Success Then
Return rc
End If
Dim curve_parameter As Double = Nothing
Dim curve = obj_ref.CurveParameter(curve_parameter)
If curve Is Nothing Then
Return Result.Failure
End If
If curve.IsLinear() OrElse curve.IsPolyline() Then
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Curve must be non-linear.")
Return Result.Nothing
End If
' in this example just deal with planar curves
If Not curve.IsPlanar() Then
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Curve must be planar.")
Return Result.Nothing
End If
Dim point_on_curve = curve.PointAt(curve_parameter)
Dim curvature_vector = curve.CurvatureAt(curve_parameter)
Dim len = curvature_vector.Length
If len < RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon Then
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Curve is almost linear and therefore has no curvature.")
Return Result.Nothing
End If
Dim center = point_on_curve + (curvature_vector/(len*len))
Dim plane As Plane = Nothing
Dim radial_dimension = New RadialDimension(center, point_on_curve, plane.XAxis, plane.Normal, 5.0)
Return Result.Success
End Function
End Class
from Rhino import *
from Rhino.DocObjects import *
from Rhino.Commands import *
from Rhino.Geometry import *
from Rhino.Input import *
from scriptcontext import doc
def RunCommand():
rc, obj_ref = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("Select curve for radius dimension", True, ObjectType.Curve)
if rc != Result.Success:
return rc
curve, curve_parameter = obj_ref.CurveParameter()
if curve == None:
return Result.Failure
if curve.IsLinear() or curve.IsPolyline():
print "Curve must be non-linear."
return Result.Nothing
# in this example just deal with planar curves
if not curve.IsPlanar():
print "Curve must be planar."
return Result.Nothing
point_on_curve = curve.PointAt(curve_parameter)
curvature_vector = curve.CurvatureAt(curve_parameter)
len = curvature_vector.Length
if len < RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon:
print "Curve is almost linear and therefore has no curvature."
return Result.Nothing
center = point_on_curve + (curvature_vector/(len*len))
_, plane = curve.TryGetPlane()
radial_dimension = RadialDimension(center, point_on_curve, plane.XAxis, plane.Normal, 5.0)
return Result.Success
if __name__=="__main__":