Orthogonal Mode

Demonstrates how to enable or disable orthogonal mode and its effects.

partial class Examples
  public static Result Ortho(RhinoDoc doc)
    var gp = new GetPoint();
    gp.SetCommandPrompt("Start of line");
    if (gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success)
      return gp.CommandResult();
    var start_point = gp.Point();

    var original_ortho = ModelAidSettings.Ortho;
    if (!original_ortho)
      ModelAidSettings.Ortho = true;

    gp.SetCommandPrompt("End of line");
    gp.SetBasePoint(start_point, false);
    gp.DrawLineFromPoint(start_point, true);
    if (gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success)
      return gp.CommandResult();
    var end_point = gp.Point();

    if (ModelAidSettings.Ortho != original_ortho)
      ModelAidSettings.Ortho = original_ortho;

    doc.Objects.AddLine(start_point, end_point);
    return Result.Success;
Partial Friend Class Examples
  Public Shared Function Ortho(ByVal doc As RhinoDoc) As Result
	Dim gp = New GetPoint()
	gp.SetCommandPrompt("Start of line")
	If gp.CommandResult() <> Result.Success Then
	  Return gp.CommandResult()
	End If
	Dim start_point = gp.Point()

	Dim original_ortho = ModelAidSettings.Ortho
	If Not original_ortho Then
	  ModelAidSettings.Ortho = True
	End If

	gp.SetCommandPrompt("End of line")
	gp.SetBasePoint(start_point, False)
	gp.DrawLineFromPoint(start_point, True)
	If gp.CommandResult() <> Result.Success Then
	  Return gp.CommandResult()
	End If
	Dim end_point = gp.Point()

	If ModelAidSettings.Ortho IsNot original_ortho Then
	  ModelAidSettings.Ortho = original_ortho
	End If

	doc.Objects.AddLine(start_point, end_point)
	Return Result.Success
  End Function
End Class
from Rhino import *
from Rhino.ApplicationSettings import *
from Rhino.Commands import *
from Rhino.Input.Custom import *
from scriptcontext import doc

def RunCommand():
    gp = GetPoint()
    gp.SetCommandPrompt("Start of line")
    if gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success:
        return gp.CommandResult()
    start_point = gp.Point()

    original_ortho = ModelAidSettings.Ortho
    if not original_ortho:
        ModelAidSettings.Ortho = True

    gp.SetCommandPrompt("End of line")
    gp.SetBasePoint(start_point, False)
    gp.DrawLineFromPoint(start_point, True)
    if gp.CommandResult() != Result.Success:
        return gp.CommandResult()
    end_point = gp.Point()

    if ModelAidSettings.Ortho != original_ortho:
        ModelAidSettings.Ortho = original_ortho

    doc.Objects.AddLine(start_point, end_point)
    return Result.Success

if __name__ == "__main__":