Split BReps with Planes

Split a Set of BReps with a Plane

partial class Examples
  public static Result SplitBrepsWithPlane(RhinoDoc doc)
    //First, collect all the breps to split
    ObjRef[] obj_refs;
    var rc = RhinoGet.GetMultipleObjects("Select breps to split", false, ObjectType.Brep, out obj_refs);
    if (rc != Result.Success || obj_refs == null)
      return rc;

    // Get the final plane
    Plane plane;
    rc = RhinoGet.GetPlane(out plane);
    if (rc != Result.Success)
      return rc;

    //Iterate over all object references
    foreach (var obj_ref in obj_refs)
      var brep = obj_ref.Brep();
      var bbox = brep.GetBoundingBox(false);

      //Grow the boundingbox in all directions
      //If the boundingbox is flat (zero volume or even zero area)
      //then the CreateThroughBox method will fail.
      var min_point = bbox.Min;
      min_point.X -= 1.0;
      min_point.Y -= 1.0;
      min_point.Z -= 1.0;
      bbox.Min = min_point;
      var max_point = bbox.Max;
      max_point.X += 1.0;
      max_point.Y += 1.0;
      max_point.Z += 1.0;
      bbox.Max = max_point;

      var plane_surface = PlaneSurface.CreateThroughBox(plane, bbox);
      if (plane_surface == null)
        //This is rare, it will most likely not happen unless either the plane or the boundingbox are invalid
        RhinoApp.WriteLine("Cutting plane could not be constructed.");
        var breps = brep.Split(plane_surface.ToBrep(), doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance);
        if (breps == null || breps.Length == 0)
          RhinoApp.Write("Plane does not intersect brep (id:{0})", obj_ref.ObjectId);
        foreach (var brep_piece in breps)
        doc.Objects.Delete(obj_ref, false);

    return Result.Success;
Partial Friend Class Examples
  Public Shared Function SplitBrepsWithPlane(ByVal doc As RhinoDoc) As Result
	'First, collect all the breps to split
	Dim obj_refs() As ObjRef = Nothing
	Dim rc = RhinoGet.GetMultipleObjects("Select breps to split", False, ObjectType.Brep, obj_refs)
	If rc IsNot Result.Success OrElse obj_refs Is Nothing Then
	  Return rc
	End If

	' Get the final plane
	Dim plane As Plane = Nothing
	rc = RhinoGet.GetPlane(plane)
	If rc IsNot Result.Success Then
	  Return rc
	End If

	'Iterate over all object references
	For Each obj_ref In obj_refs
	  Dim brep = obj_ref.Brep()
	  Dim bbox = brep.GetBoundingBox(False)

	  'Grow the boundingbox in all directions
	  'If the boundingbox is flat (zero volume or even zero area)
	  'then the CreateThroughBox method will fail.
	  Dim min_point = bbox.Min
	  min_point.X -= 1.0
	  min_point.Y -= 1.0
	  min_point.Z -= 1.0
	  bbox.Min = min_point
	  Dim max_point = bbox.Max
	  max_point.X += 1.0
	  max_point.Y += 1.0
	  max_point.Z += 1.0
	  bbox.Max = max_point

	  Dim plane_surface = PlaneSurface.CreateThroughBox(plane, bbox)
	  If plane_surface Is Nothing Then
		'This is rare, it will most likely not happen unless either the plane or the boundingbox are invalid
		RhinoApp.WriteLine("Cutting plane could not be constructed.")
		Dim breps = brep.Split(plane_surface.ToBrep(), doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance)
		If breps Is Nothing OrElse breps.Length = 0 Then
		  RhinoApp.Write("Plane does not intersect brep (id:{0})", obj_ref.ObjectId)
		  Continue For
		End If
		For Each brep_piece In breps
		Next brep_piece
		doc.Objects.Delete(obj_ref, False)
	  End If
	Next obj_ref

	Return Result.Success
  End Function
End Class
from Rhino import *
from Rhino.DocObjects import *
from Rhino.Commands import *
from Rhino.Input import *
from Rhino.Geometry import *
from scriptcontext import doc

def RunCommand():
    #First, collect all the breps to split
    rc, obj_refs = RhinoGet.GetMultipleObjects("Select breps to split", False, ObjectType.Brep)
    if rc != Result.Success or obj_refs == None:
        return rc

    # Get the final plane
    rc, plane = RhinoGet.GetPlane()
    if rc != Result.Success:
        return rc

    #Iterate over all object references
    for obj_ref in obj_refs:
        brep = obj_ref.Brep()
        bbox = brep.GetBoundingBox(False)

        #Grow the boundingbox in all directions
        #If the boundingbox is flat (zero volume or even zero area)
        #then the CreateThroughBox method will fail.
        min_point = bbox.Min
        min_point.X -= 1.0
        min_point.Y -= 1.0
        min_point.Z -= 1.0
        bbox.Min = min_point
        max_point = bbox.Max
        max_point.X += 1.0
        max_point.Y += 1.0
        max_point.Z += 1.0
        bbox.Max = max_point

        plane_surface = PlaneSurface.CreateThroughBox(plane, bbox)
        if plane_surface == None:
            #This is rare, it will most likely not happen unless either the plane or the boundingbox are invalid
            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Cutting plane could not be constructed.")
            breps = brep.Split(plane_surface.ToBrep(), doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance)
            if breps == None or breps.Length == 0:
                RhinoApp.Write("Plane does not intersect brep (id:{0})", obj_ref.ObjectId)
            for brep_piece in breps:
            doc.Objects.Delete(obj_ref, False)

    return Result.Success

if __name__ == "__main__":