Export Points
Demonstrates how to export points with Python.
# Export the coordinates of point and point cloud objects to a text file.
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def ExportPoints():
#Get the points to export
objectIds = rs.GetObjects("Select Points",rs.filter.point | rs.filter.pointcloud,True,True)
if( objectIds==None ): return
#Get the filename to create
filter = "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
filename = rs.SaveFileName("Save point coordinates as", filter)
if( filename==None ): return
Using a 'with' loop to open the file, we do not need to clean
up or close the file when we are done, Python takes care of it.
Here, we'll write the points with a line break, otherwise
all the points will end up on one line.
with open(filename, "w")as file:
for id in objectIds:
#process point clouds
if( rs.IsPointCloud(id) ):
points = rs.PointCloudPoints(id)
for pt in points:
# convert the point list to a string,
# add a new line character, and write to the file
file.write(str(pt)+ "\n")
elif( rs.IsPoint(id) ):
point = rs.PointCoordinates(id)
file.write(str(point)+ "\n")
# Here we check to see if this file is being executed as the "main" python
# script instead of being used as a module by some other python script
# This allows us to use the module which ever way we want.
if( __name__ == '__main__' ):