Array Points on Surface
Windows only
Demonstrates how to array points on a surface with a RhinoScript.
Option Explicit
Sub ArrayPointsOnSurface()
' Get the surface object
Dim srf : srf = Rhino.GetObject("Select surface", 8, vbTrue)
If IsNull(srf) Then Exit Sub
' Get the number of rows
Dim rows : rows = Rhino.GetInteger("Number of rows", 2, 2)
If IsNull(rows) Then Exit Sub
rows = rows - 1
' Get the number of columns
Dim cols : cols = Rhino.GetInteger("Number of columns", 2, 2)
If IsNull(cols) Then Exit Sub
cols = cols - 1
' Get the domain of the surface
Dim U : U = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(srf, 0)
Dim V : V = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(srf, 1)
If Not IsArray(U) Or Not IsArray(V) Then Exit Sub
' Turn off redrawing (faster)
Rhino.EnableRedraw vbFalse
' Add the points
Dim i, j, t(1), pt, obj
For i = 0 To rows
t(0) = U(0) + (((U(1) - U(0)) / rows) * i)
For j = 0 To cols
t(1) = V(0) + (((V(1) - V(0)) / cols) * j)
pt = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(srf, t)
If IsArray(pt) Then
obj = Rhino.AddPoint(pt) ' add the point
Rhino.SelectObject obj ' select the point
End If
' Turn on redrawing
Rhino.EnableRedraw vbTrue
End Sub