Batch Render
Windows only

Demonstrates how to recurse through a folder and render every Rhino file using RhinoScript.

Option Explicit

' Run the subroutine
Call BatchRender

' BatchRender
Sub BatchRender()

  ' Allow the user to interactively pick a folder
  Dim sFolder
  sFolder = Rhino.BrowseForFolder(, "Select folder to process", "Batch Render" )
  If VarType( sFolder ) <> vbString Then Exit Sub

  ' Create a file system object
  Dim oFSO
  Set oFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

  ' Get a folder object based on the selected folder
  Dim oFolder
  Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder( sFolder )

  ' Process the folder
  RecurseFolder oFolder

  ' Open an empty model
  Rhino.Command "_-New _None", 0

  ' Release the objects
  Set oFolder = Nothing
  Set oFSO = Nothing

End Sub

' RecurseFolder
Sub RecurseFolder( oFolder )

  ' Process each file in the folder
  Dim oFile
  For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
    ProcessFile oFile.Path

  ' Remark out the following lines if you do not want
  ' to recursively process the folder

  ' Process each subfolder in this folder
  Dim oSubFolder
  For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
    RecurseFolder( oSubFolder )

End Sub

' ProcessFile
Sub ProcessFile( sFile )

  ' Once we have gotten here, we have a valid file name.
  ' In this case, we are interested in just 3DM files.

  Dim sBitmap
  If (InStr(LCase(sFile), ".3dm") > 0) Then
    sBitmap = Replace(sFile, ".3dm", ".jpg", 1, -1, 1)
    Rhino.DocumentModified False
    Rhino.Command "_-Open " & Chr(34) & sFile & Chr(34), 0
    Rhino.Command "_-Render", 0
    Rhino.Command "_-SaveRenderWindowAs " & Chr(34) & sBitmap & Chr(34), 0
    Rhino.Command "_-CloseRenderWindow", 0
    Rhino.DocumentModified False
  End If  

End Sub