Find Closest Curve to Point
Windows only

Demonstrates how to find the closest curve to test point using RhinoScript.

Sub FindClosestCurve
Const rhPoint = 1
Const rhCurve = 4
'Dim arrCurves : arrCurves = Rhino.ObjectsByType(rhCurve)
Dim arrCurves: arrCurves = Rhino.GetObjects("Select curves to test", rhCurve)
If Not IsArray(arrCurves) Then Exit Sub
Dim strPoint : strPoint = Rhino.GetObject("Select test point", rhPoint)
If IsNull(strPoint) Then Exit Sub
Dim arrPoint : arrPoint = Rhino.PointCoordinates(strPoint)
Dim dblDistance : dblDistance = Null
Dim strCurve : strCurve = Null
Dim dblParameter : dblParameter = Null
Dim arrPt : arrPt = Null
Dim i, b, t, pt, d
For i = 0 To UBound(arrCurves)
b = vbFalse
t = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint( arrCurves(i), arrPoint )
If Not IsNull(t) Then
pt = Rhino.EvaluateCurve( arrCurves(i), t )
If IsArray(pt) Then
d = Rhino.Distance(pt, arrPoint)
If IsNull(dblDistance) Then
b = vbTrue
ElseIf (d < dblDistance) Then
b = vbTrue
End If
If (b = vbTrue) Then
dblDistance = d
strCurve = arrCurves(i)
dblParameter = t
arrPt = pt
End If
End If
End If
If Not IsNull(dblDistance) Then
Rhino.Print "Closest curve = " & CStr(strCurve)
Rhino.Print "Curve parameter = " & CStr(dblParameter)
Rhino.Print "Point = " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrPt)
Rhino.Print "Distance = " & CStr(dblDistance)
Rhino.SelectObject strCurve
Rhino.SelectObject Rhino.AddPoint(arrPt)
End If
End Sub