List Knot Vector of NURBS Curve
Windows only
Demonstrates how to print the knot vector of NURBS curve using RhinoScript.
Option Explicit
Sub ListKnotVector
Dim curve : curve = Rhino.GetObject("Select curve", 4)
If IsNull(curve) Then Exit Sub
Dim knot : knot = Rhino.CurveKnots(curve)
If Not IsArray(knot) Then
Rhino.Print "NULL knot vector"
End If
' order = degree + 1
Dim order : order = Rhino.CurveDegree(curve) + 1
If (order < 2) Then
Rhino.Print "knot vector order < 2"
End If
Dim cv_count : cv_count = Rhino.CurvePointCount(curve)
If (cv_count < order) Then
Rhino.Print "knot vector cv_count < order"
End If
Dim knot_count, i, i0, mult
If (order >= 2) And (cv_count >= order) And IsArray(knot) Then
knot_count = order + cv_count - 2
i = 0
i0 = 0
Rhino.Print "index, value, mult, delta"
While (i < knot_count)
mult = 1
Do While (i + mult < knot_count)
If (i + mult < knot_count) Then
If (knot(i) = knot(i+mult)) Then
mult = mult + 1
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
If (i = 0) Then
Rhino.Print CStr(i) & ", " & CStr(knot(i)) & ", " & CStr(mult)
Rhino.Print CStr(i) & ", " & CStr(knot(i)) & ", " & CStr(mult) & ", " & CStr(knot(i)-knot(i0))
End If
i0 = i
i = i + mult
End If
End Sub