Match Object Attributes
Windows only

Demonstrates a custom object attribute matching function in RhinoScript.

' Description:
'   Matches, or copies, the attributes of a source object to a
'   target object or an array of target objects. If the source
'   object is not specified, the attributes of the target object(s)
'   will be reset to Rhino's default object attributes.
' Parameters:
'   arrTargets - An array of strings identifying the target objects.
'   strSource  - The identifier of the source object. If the source
'                object is not specified, the attributes of the target
'                object(s) will be reset to Rhino's default object
'                attributes.
'   intMode    - The group mode flag, where:
'                  intMode = -1, remove all groups from targets
'                  intMode =  0, do not copy source groups to targets
'                  intMode =  1, copy source groups to targets
Function MatchObjectAttributesEx(arrTargets, strSource, intMode)

  Dim strTarget, arrGroups, strGroup

  If intMode < -1 Then
    intMode = -1
  ElseIf intMode > 1 Then
    intMode = 1
  End If

  For Each strTarget In arrTargets

    If intMode = 0 Then
      arrGroups = Rhino.ObjectGroups(strTarget)
      arrGroups = Null
    End If

    Call Rhino.MatchObjectAttributes(strTarget, strSource)

    If intMode = -1 Or intMode = 0 Then
      Call Rhino.RemoveObjectFromAllGroups(strTarget)
    End If

    If intMode = 0 And Not IsNull(arrGroups) Then
      For Each strGroup In arrGroups
      	Call Rhino.AddObjectToGroup(strTarget, strGroup)
    End If


End Function