Rotate Plane Parallel to World
Windows only

Demonstrates how to rotate a plane so its x-axis is parallel to the world using RhinoScript.

Option Explicit
' Subroutine: XParallelPlane
' Purpose: Rotate a plane about it's z-axis so that it's x-axis
is parallel with the world xy-plane.
' Parameters:
' plane - A valid plane to rotate
' dir - Direction (True = positive, False = negative)
' Returns:
' A valid plane if successful, Null otherwise.
Function XParallelPlane(plane, dir)
Dim xaxis, yaxis, zaxis
XParallelPlane = Null 'default return value
zaxis = Rhino.VectorUnitize(plane(3))
If (dir = True) Then
xaxis = Rhino.VectorUnitize(Array(zaxis(1), -zaxis(0), 0.0))
xaxis = Rhino.VectorUnitize(Array(-zaxis(0), zaxis(1), 0.0))
End If
yaxis = Rhino.VectorCrossProduct(zaxis, xaxis)
If IsArray(yaxis) Then
yaxis = Rhino.VectorUnitize(yaxis)
XParallelPlane = Rhino.PlaneFromFrame(plane(0), xaxis, yaxis)
End If
End Function