Script the Split Command
Windows only
Demonstrates how to script the Split command using RhinoScript.
Function DoBrepSplit(brep, cutter)
' Declare local variables
Dim saved, cmd
' Set default return value
DoBrepSplit = Null
' For speed, turn of screen redrawing
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
' Save any selected objects
saved = Rhino.SelectedObjects
' Unselect all objects
' Select the brep
Rhino.SelectObject brep
' Script the split command
cmd = "_Split _SelID " & cutter & " _Enter"
Rhino.Command cmd, 0
' By preselecting the brep, the results of
' Split will be selected. So, get the selected
' objects and return them to the caller.
DoBrepSplit = Rhino.SelectedObjects
' Unselect all objects
' If any objects were selected before calling
' this function, re-select them
If IsArray(saved) Then Rhino.SelectObjects(saved)
' Don't forget to turn redrawing back on
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End Function