Select Named Objects from a List
Windows only
Demonstrates how to use a dialog box to select named objects using RhinoScript.
Option Explicit
Sub SelNamedObjects
' Get all the objects in the document
Dim arrAll
arrAll = Rhino.AllObjects
If Not IsArray(arrAll) Then
Rhino.Print "No objects added to selection."
Exit Sub
End If
' Find all of the object names
Dim arrNames(), strName, nBound, i
nBound = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(arrAll)
strName = Rhino.ObjectName(arrAll(i))
If Not IsNull(strName) Then
ReDim Preserve arrNames(nBound)
arrNames(nBound) = strName
nBound = nBound + 1
End If
' Exit if no names found
If nBound = 0 Then
Rhino.Print "No objects added to selection."
Exit Sub
End If
' Cull the duplicate names
Dim arrCulled
arrCulled = Rhino.CullDuplicateStrings(arrNames)
' Sort the list alphabetically
Dim arrSorted
arrSorted = Rhino.Sort(arrCulled) 'Error =>SortStrings
' Select one or more objects names from a list
Dim arrSelected
arrSelected = Rhino.MultiListBox(arrSorted, "Object names to select", "Select Named Objects")
If Not IsArray(arrSelected) Then Exit Sub
' Select, and count, the objects
Dim arrObjs, nCount
nCount = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(arrSelected)
arrObjs = Rhino.ObjectsByName(arrSelected(i), True)
If IsArray(arrObjs) Then
nCount = nCount + UBound(arrObjs) + 1
End If
'Print report to commandline
If nCount = 0 Then
Rhino.Print "No objects added to selection."
ElseIf nCount = 1 Then
Rhino.Print "1 object added to selection."
Rhino.Print CStr(nCount) & " objects added to selection."
End If
End Sub