Unrolling Surfaces and Polysurfaces
Windows only
Demonstrates how to unroll surfaces and polysurfaces using RhinoScript.
' Description:
' Unroll a surface or polysurface.
' Parameters:
' strSurface - String, The identifier of the surface or polysurface to unroll.
' arrCurves - Array, The identifiers of one or more curves to unroll.
' blnExplode - Boolean, Explode the resulting objects.
' blnLabels - Boolean, Label the resulting objects with numbered dots.
' Returns:
' Array, The identifiers of the unrolled objects if successful.
' Null on error
Option Explicit
Function RhinoUnrollSurface(strSurface, arrCurves, blnExplode, blnLabels)
' Default return value
RhinoUnrollSurface = Null
' For speed, turn of screen redrawing
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
' Save any selected objects
Dim arrSaved : arrSaved = Rhino.SelectedObjects
' Unselect all objects
' Select the surface to unroll
Rhino.SelectObject strSurface
' Format curve string
Dim i : i = 0
Dim strCurves
If IsArray(arrCurves) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(arrCurves)
strCurves = strCurves & " _SelId " & arrCurves(i)
strCurves = strCurves & " _Enter"
End If
' Format explode string
Dim strExplode : strExplode = " _Explode=_Yes"
If (blnExplode = False) Then strExplode = " _Explode=_No"
' Format labels string
Dim strLabels : strLabels = " _Labels=_No"
If (blnLabels = True) Then strLabels = " _Labels=_Yes"
' Script the command
Dim strCommand : strCommand = "_-UnrollSrf" & strExplode & strLabels & strCurves
Call Rhino.Command(strCommand, 0)
' Return the results
RhinoUnrollSurface = Rhino.LastCreatedObjects
' Unselect all objects
' If any objects were selected before calling
' this function, re-select them
If IsArray(arrSaved) Then Rhino.SelectObjects(arrSaved)
' Don't forget to turn redrawing back on
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Function