Print Instance Definition Names
Windows only

Demonstrates how to print the names of all instance definitions in the document.

CRhinoCommand::result CCommandTest::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
  const CRhinoInstanceDefinitionTable& idef_table = context.m_doc.m_instance_definition_table;
  int idef_count = idef_table.InstanceDefinitionCount();
  if (idef_count == 0)
    RhinoApp().Print("No instance definitions found.\n");
    return CRhinoCommand::nothing;

  int num_printed = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < idef_count; i++)
    const CRhinoInstanceDefinition* idef = idef_table[i];
    if (idef != 0 && idef->IsDeleted() == false)
      ON_wString idef_name = idef->Name();
      RhinoApp().Print(L"Instance definition %d = %s\n", num_printed, idef_name);
      num_printed += 1;

  return CRhinoCommand::success;