
Calculates the intersection of two curve objects.


Rhino.CurveCurveIntersection (strObject1 [, strObject2 [, dblTolerance]])



Required.  String.  The identifier of the first curve object.


Optional.  String.  The identifier of the second curve object.  If omitted, the a self-intersection test will be performed on strObject1.


Optional.  Number.  The intersection tolerance. If omitted, the document's absolute tolerance is used.



A two-dimensional array of intersection information if successful.  The array will contain one or more of the following elements:




(n, 0)


The intersection event type, either Point (1) or Overlap (2).

(n, 1)


Array (3-D Point)

If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the first curve.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection start point on the first curve.

(n, 2)


Array (3-D Point)

If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the first curve.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection end point on the first curve.

(n, 3)


Array (3-D Point)

If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the second curve.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection start point on the second curve.

(n, 4)


Array (3-D Point)

If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the second curve.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection end point on the second curve.

(n, 5)



If the event type is Point (1), then the first curve parameter.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then the start value of the first curve parameter range.

(n, 6)



If the event type is Point (1), then the first curve parameter.

If the event type is Overlap (2),  then the end value of the first curve parameter range.

(n, 7)



If the event type is Point (1), then the second curve parameter.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then the start value of the second curve parameter range.

(n, 8)



If the event type is Point (1), then the second curve parameter.

If the event type is Overlap (2), then the end value of the second curve parameter range.


If not successful, or on error.


Sub CCX()

Const rhObjectCurve = 4

Dim strCurve1, strCurve2, arrCCX, i

strCurve1 = Rhino.GetObject("Select first curve", rhObjectCurve)

If IsNull(strCurve1) Or Rhino.IsCurve(strCurve1) = False Then Exit Sub

strCurve2 = Rhino.GetObject("Select second curve", rhObjectCurve)

If IsNull(strCurve2) Or Rhino.IsCurve(strCurve2) = False Then Exit Sub

arrCCX = Rhino.CurveCurveIntersection(strCurve1, strCurve2)

If Not IsArray(arrCCX) Then

Rhino.Print "Selected curves do not intersect."

Exit Sub

End If

For i = 0 To UBound(arrCCX)

If arrCCX(i,0) = 1 Then

Rhino.Print "Point"

Rhino.Print "Intersection point on first curve: " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCCX(i,1))

Rhino.Print "Intersection point on second curve: " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCCX(i,3))

Rhino.Print "First curve parameter: " & CStr(arrCCX(i,5))

Rhino.Print "Second curve parameter: " & CStr(arrCCX(i,7))


Rhino.Print "Overlap"

Rhino.Print "Intersection start point on first curve: " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCCX(i,1))

Rhino.Print "Intersection end point on first curve: " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCCX(i,2))

Rhino.Print "Intersection start point on second curve: " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCCX(i,3))

Rhino.Print "Intersection end point on second curve: " & Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCCX(i,4))

Rhino.Print "First curve parameter range: " & CStr(arrCCX(i,5)) & " to " & CStr(arrCCX(i,6))

Rhino.Print "Second curve parameter range: " & CStr(arrCCX(i,7)) & " to " & CStr(arrCCX(i,8))

End If


End Sub

Also See
