Converts a color from red-green-blue (RGB) to hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) format.
Rhino.ColorRGBToHLS (lngRGB)
lngRGB |
Required. Number. The RGB color value. |
Array |
An array containing the hue, luminance, and saturation values if successful. HLS values are constrained to the range [0, 240]. |
Null |
If not successful or on error. |
Dim arrHLS
arrHLS = Rhino.ColorRGBToHLS(RGB(128, 128, 128))
Rhino.Print "Hue = " & CStr(arrHLS(0))
Rhino.Print "Luminance = " & CStr(arrHLS(1))
Rhino.Print "Saturation = " & CStr(arrHLS(2))