Migrate your Options, Document Properties and Object Properties Pages
Windows only

You can find instructions regarding migrating your Rhino 5 plugin project to Rhino 6 here.

The code used in this document is available on GitHub here.

Migrating CRhinoPlugIn derived class

The Rhino 5 CRhinoPlugIn class includes AddPagesToObjectPropertiesDialog, AddPagesToOptionsDialog and AddPagesToDocumentPropertiesDialog virtual methods which may be overridden when adding custom pages to the Options, Document Properties and Object Properties dialogs. These methods have been modified in Rhino 6 and will require changes to your derived plug-in classes.

Rhino 5 code

void CSamplePropertiesPagesPlugIn::AddPagesToObjectPropertiesDialog(
  ON_SimpleArray<class CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage*>& pages)

void CSamplePropertiesPagesPlugIn::AddPagesToOptionsDialog(
  HWND hwndParent,
  ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoOptionsDialogPage*>& pages)
  pages.Append(new COptionsPage());

void CSamplePropertiesPagesPlugIn::AddPagesToDocumentPropertiesDialog(
  CRhinoDoc& doc,
  HWND hwndParent,
  ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoOptionsDialogPage*>& pages)
  pages.Append(new CDocumentPropertiesPage(doc));

Rhino 6 code

void CSamplePropertiesPagesPlugIn::AddPagesToObjectPropertiesDialog(
  CRhinoPropertiesPanelPageCollection& collection)

void CSamplePropertiesPagesPlugIn::AddPagesToOptionsDialog(
  CRhinoOptionsPageCollection& collection)
  collection.AddPage(new COptionsPage());

void CSamplePropertiesPagesPlugIn::AddPagesToDocumentPropertiesDialog(
  CRhinoOptionsPageCollection& collection)
  collection.AddPage(new CDocumentPropertiesPage());

Migrating CRhinoOptionsDialogPage derived pages

The CRhinoOptionsDialogPage class is used to add pages to both the Options and Document Properties dialog sections. The following is a description of what has changed in the Rhino 6 SDK and some simple examples of how to migrate your existing Rhino 5 code.

Virtual method changes

Several virtual methods in the CRhinoOptionsDialogPage and the CRhinoStackedDialogPage base class have changed in Rhino 6. The following is a list of commonly overridden Rhino 5 virtual methods and their Rhino 6 equivalents.

// V5 Method
virtual const wchar_t* EnglishPageTitle() = 0;
// V6 equivalent
virtual const wchar_t* EnglishTitle() const = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual const wchar_t* LocalPageTitle() = 0;
// V6 equivalent, returns EnglishTitle() by default
virtual const wchar_t* LocalTitle() const;

// V5 Method
virtual CRhinoCommand::result RunScript( CRhinoDoc& rhino_doc) = 0;
// V6 equivalent
virtual CRhinoCommand::result RunScript(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e) = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual int OnActivate( BOOL bActive);
// V6 equivalent, required in V6, called each time the page is displayed
virtual void UpdatePage(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e) = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual int OnApply();
// V6 equivalent, called when ever the page is hidden
virtual bool Apply(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e);

// V5 Method
virtual bool ShowDefaultsButton(void);
// V6 equivalent, can be used to add a Apply and/or Restore Defaults buttons to the
// main dialog.  Returns RhinoOptionPageButtons::None by default.
virtual RhinoOptionPageButtons ButtonsToDisplay() const;

// V5 Method
virtual void OnDefaults(void);
// V6 equivalent
virtual void OnRestoreDefaultsClick(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e);

Header file changes

  1. Open the H file containing your derived class.

  2. Add the following include to your H file:

    #include "rhinoSdkTMfcPages.h"
  3. Find your class declaration, for this example we will use the following:

    class CDocumentPropertiesPage : public CRhinoOptionsDialogPage

    Replace it with this:

    class CDocumentPropertiesPage : public TRhinoOptionsPage<CDialog>

    Your class will now use a Rhino provided template class which implements the IRhinoOptionsPage and IRhinoWindow interfaces. The IRhinoWindow interface will wrap the CDialog class and provide direct access to window methods for creating, sizing, painting and destruction. You can use any class that is derived from CDialog as long as the class constructor takes a resource Id and parent window. The TRhinoDialogWindow template always passes a nullptr as the parent window.

  4. Modify the CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage required virtual methods as follows:

    Rhino 5 class

    class CDocumentPropertiesPage : public CRhinoOptionsDialogPage
      CDocumentPropertiesPage(CRhinoDoc& doc);   // standard constructor
      virtual ~CDocumentPropertiesPage();
      // CRhinoOptionsDialogPage required overrides
      const wchar_t* EnglishPageTitle() override;
      const wchar_t* LocalPageTitle() override;
      CRhinoCommand::result RunScript( CRhinoDoc& rhino_doc) override;
      //... the rest of your class

    Rhino 6 class

    class CDocumentPropertiesPage : public TRhinoOptionsPage<CDialog>
      CDocumentPropertiesPage();   // standard constructor
      virtual ~CDocumentPropertiesPage();
      // CRhinoOptionsDialogPage required overrides
      const wchar_t* EnglishTitle() const override;
      const wchar_t* LocalTitle() const override;
      CRhinoCommand::result RunScript(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e) override;
      //... the rest of your class
  5. See the Virtual method changes section above for a list of virtual methods that will need to be modified for Rhino 6.

CPP Implementation file changes

  1. Open the CPP file containing your derived class implementation.

  2. Replace all references to CRhinoOptionsDialogPage with __base_class which dereferences to CDialog in our case because we are deriving from TRhinoOptionsPage<CDialog>.

    Rhino 5 class

    IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDocumentPropertiesPage, CRhinoOptionsDialogPage)
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDocumentPropertiesPage, CRhinoOptionsDialogPage)

    Rhino 6 class

    IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDocumentPropertiesPage, __base_class)
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDocumentPropertiesPage, __base_class)
  3. Modify your class constructor.

    Rhino 5 class

    : CRhinoOptionsDialogPage(CDocumentPropertiesPage::IDD)

    Rhino 6 class

    The TRhinoOptionsPage<CDialog> constructor takes three arguments:

    1. Contains the ID number of a dialog-box template resource.
    2. Contains the ID number of a icon resource which is not currently used on Windows and may be zero.
    3. If true the host will delete this page when the parent dialog window closes.
    : TRhinoOptionsPage<CDialog>(COptionsPage::IDD, 0, true)
  4. Rename your EnglishPageTitle and LocalPageTitle methods to EnglishTitle and LocalTitlerespectively and add a const decoration to the functions.

    Rhino 5 code

    const wchar_t* CDocumentPropertiesPage::EnglishPageTitle() { return L"Test Page"; }
    const wchar_t* CDocumentPropertiesPage::LocalPageTitle() { return EnglishPageTitle(); }

    Rhino 6 code

    const wchar_t* CDocumentPropertiesPage::EnglishTitle() const { return L"Test Page"; }
    const wchar_t* CDocumentPropertiesPage::LocalTitle() const { return EnglishTitle(); }

  5. Change the RunScript override.

Rhino 5 code

CRhinoCommand::result CDocumentPropertiesPage::RunScript(CRhinoDoc& rhino_doc)
  return CRhinoCommand::success;

Rhino 6 code

Replace the CRhinoDoc& argument with a CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs&.

CRhinoCommand::result CDocumentPropertiesPage::RunScript(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e)
  // Access to the document assoicated with this options page if the page
  CRhinoDoc* doc = e.Document();
  return CRhinoCommand::success;

  1. Change yourOnActivate method to UpdatePageand modify as appropriate.

Rhino 5 code

This Rhino 5 OnActivate method initializes the page when it is activated and shown and applies the page changes when the page is deactivated and hidden.

int CDocumentPropertiesPage::OnActivate( BOOL bActive)
  // Applychanges when the page is deactivated/hidden and 
  // initialize page values when the page is activated/shown.
  // This allows multiple pages to share settings values

  // Apply changes when the page is no longer active
  if (!bActive)
    return OnApply();

  // Initialize the page when activated
  return true;

Rhino 6 code

This Rhino 6 method gets called each time the page is made activated and shown. The Rhino 6 Apply method now gets called whenever the page is deactivated and hidden.

void CDocumentPropertiesPage::UpdatePage(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e)
  // Initialize the page when activated

  1. Change your OnApply method to Apply and add the new CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs parameter. Rhino 5 only called the OnApply when the dialog was closed, Rhino 6 calls Apply whenever the page is hidden.

Rhino 5 code

int CDocumentPropertiesPage::OnApply()
  // Set the document specific object color
  CApp::App().SetObjectColor(m_doc, m_color_button.Color());
  return true;

Rhino 6 code

Renamed to Apply and now takes a CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& parameter.

bool CDocumentPropertiesPage::Apply(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e)
  // Set the document specific object color
  CApp::App().SetObjectColor(e.Document(), m_color_button.Color());
  return true;
  1. If your options page supports the “Restore Defaults” button you will need to do the following:

Rhino 5 code

bool CDocumentPropertiesPage::ShowDefaultsButton(void)
  // Override and return true to display the "Restore Defaults" button
  return true;
// Called when the "Restore Defaults" button is clicked
void CDocumentPropertiesPage::OnDefaults(void)
  // Set the color button to the default application object color

Rhino 6 code

Rhino 6 supports optionally adding “Restore Defaults” and “Apply” buttons by overriding the ButtonsToDisplay method and returning the buttons to include or RhinoOptionPageButtons::None to hide all optional buttons. The base class implementation returns RhinoOptionPageButtons::None by default.

RhinoOptionPageButtons ButtonsToDisplay() const override
  // You may use the following to display both the "Restore Defaults" and "Apply" buttons:
  // return RhinoOptionPageButtons::DefaultButton | RhinoOptionPageButtons::ApplyButton
  // Just add the "Restore Defaults" button
  return RhinoOptionPageButtons::DefaultButton;

The OnDefaults method was replace by the OnRestoreDefaultsClick method and the Apply button calls the Apply method.

void CDocumentPropertiesPage::OnRestoreDefaultsClick(CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs& e)
  // Get access to the CRhinoDoc associated with this page instance
  // CRhinoDoc* doc = e.Document();
  // Set the color button to the default application object color

Migrating CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage or CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx derived pages

The CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage and CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx classes are used to add pages to the Rhino object properties panel in Rhino 5. The following is a description of what has changed in the Rhino 6 SDK and some simple examples of how to migrate your existing Rhino 5 code.

Virtual method changes

Several virtual methods in the CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage , CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx and the CRhinoStackedDialogPage base class have changed in Rhino 6. The following is a list of commonly overridden Rhino 5 virtual methods and their Rhino 6 equivalents.

// V5 Method
virtual const wchar_t* EnglishPageTitle() = 0;
// V6 equivalent
virtual const wchar_t* EnglishTitle() const = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual const wchar_t* LocalPageTitle() = 0;
// V6 equivalent, returns EnglishTitle() by default
virtual const wchar_t* LocalTitle() const;

// V5 Method
virtual CRhinoCommand::result RunScript(ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objects) = 0;
// V6 equivalent
virtual CRhinoCommand::result RunScRunScript(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e) = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual BOOL AddPageToControlBar( const CRhinoObject* obj = NULL) const = 0;
// V6 equivalent
virtual bool IncludeInNavigationControl(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& args) const = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual void InitControls( const CRhinoObject* new_obj = NULL) = 0;
// V6 equivalent, called when ever the page is hidden
virtual void UpdatePage(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e) = 0;

// V5 Method
virtual page_type PageType() const;
// V6 equivalent, can be used to add a Apply and/or Restore Defaults buttons to the
// main dialog.  Returns RhinoOptionPageButtons::None by default.
virtual RhinoPropertiesPanelPageType PageType() const;

// V5 Method
virtual int SelectedObjectCount() const;
const CRhinoObject* GetSelectedObject( int index) const;
// V6 equivalen
// You can call the following to get the IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs associated
// with a specific page.  IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs contains  ObjectCount and
// ObjectAt methods which provide access to the selected object list.
//IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs* args = IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs::FromPage(this);

// V5 Event watcher methods
virtual void OnCloseDocument(CRhinoDoc& doc );
virtual void OnNewDocument(CRhinoDoc& doc );
virtual void OnBeginOpenDocument(
  CRhinoDoc& doc,
  const wchar_t* filename,
  BOOL bMerge,
  BOOL bReference);
virtual void OnEndOpenDocument(
  CRhinoDoc& doc,
  const wchar_t* filename,
  BOOL bMerge,
  BOOL bReference);
virtual void OnBeginSaveDocument(
  CRhinoDoc& doc,
  const wchar_t* filename,
  BOOL bExportSelected);
virtual void OnEndSaveDocument(
  CRhinoDoc& doc,
  const wchar_t* filename,
  BOOL bExportSelected);
virtual void OnDocumentPropertiesChanged( CRhinoDoc& doc);
virtual void OnModifyObjectAttributes(
  CRhinoDoc& doc,
  CRhinoObject& object,
  const CRhinoObjectAttributes& old_attributes);
virtual void LayerTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::layer_event event,
  const CRhinoLayerTable& layer_table, 
  int layer_index,
  const ON_Layer* old_settings);
virtual void LightTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::light_event event,
  const CRhinoLightTable& light_table,
  int light_index,
  const ON_Light* old_settings);
virtual void MaterialTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::material_event event,
  const CRhinoMaterialTable& material_table,
  int material_index,
  const ON_Material* old_settings);
virtual void GroupTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::group_event event,
  const CRhinoGroupTable& group_table,
  int group_index,
  const ON_Group* old_settings);
virtual void FontTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::font_event event,
  const CRhinoFontTable& font_table,
  int font_index,
  const ON_Font* old_settings);
virtual void DimStyleTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::dimstyle_event event,
  const CRhinoDimStyleTable& dimstyle_table,
  int dimstyle_index,
  const ON_DimStyle* old_settings);
virtual void HatchPatternTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::hatchpattern_event event,
  const CRhinoHatchPatternTable& hatchpattern_table,
  int hatchpattern_index,
  const ON_HatchPattern* old_settings);
virtual void LinetypeTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::linetype_event event,
  const CRhinoLinetypeTable& linetype_table,
  int linetype_index,
  const ON_Linetype* old_settings);
void OnAppSettingsChanged(const CRhinoAppSettings& new_app_settings);
void OnUpdateObjectMesh(CRhinoDoc& doc, CRhinoObject& object, ON::mesh_type mesh_type);
void InstanceDefinitionTableEvent(
  CRhinoEventWatcher::idef_event event,
  const CRhinoInstanceDefinitionTable& idef_table,
  int idef_index,
  const ON_InstanceDefinition* old_settings);

//V6 equivalent, see the optional IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventWatcher interface

Header file changes

  1. Open the H file containing your derived class.

  2. Add the following include to your H file:

    #include "rhinoSdkTMfcPages.h"
  3. Find your class declaration, for this example we will use the following:

    class CPropertiesPage : public CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx

    Replace it with this:

    CPropertiesPage : public TRhinoPropertiesPanelPage<CDialog>

    Your class will now use a Rhino provided template class which implements the IRhinoPropertiesPanelPage and IRhinoWindow interfaces. The IRhinoWindow interface will wrap the CDialog class and provide direct access to window methods for creating, sizing, painting and destruction. You can use any class that is derived from CDialog as long as the class constructor takes a resource Id and parent window. The TRhinoDialogWindow template always passes a nullptr as the parent window.

  4. Modify the CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage required virtual methods as follows:

    Rhino 5 class

    class CPropertiesPage : public CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx
      CPropertiesPage();   // standard constructor
      virtual ~CPropertiesPage();
      // CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage required overrides
      void InitControls( const CRhinoObject* new_obj = NULL);
      BOOL AddPageToControlBar( const CRhinoObject* obj = NULL) const;
      CRhinoCommand::result RunScript( ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objects);
      // CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx required overrides
      HICON Icon(void) const;
      // CRhinoStackedDialogPag required overrides
      const wchar_t* EnglishPageTitle();
      const wchar_t* LocalPageTitle();
    //... the rest of your class

    Rhino 6 class

    class CPropertiesPage : public TRhinoPropertiesPanelPage<CDialog>
      CPropertiesPage();   // standard constructor
      virtual ~CPropertiesPage();
      // CRhinoOptionsDialogPage required overrides
      void UpdatePage(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e) override;
      bool IncludeInNavigationControl(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e) const override;
      CRhinoCommand::result RunScript(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e) override;
      // CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx required overrides
      // Handled by TRhinoPropertiesPanelPage, you can delete the Icon override
      //HICON Icon(void) const;
      // CRhinoStackedDialogPag required overrides
      const wchar_t* EnglishTitle() const override;
      const wchar_t* LocalTitle() const override;
      //... the rest of your class
  5. See the Virtual method changes section above for a list of virtual methods that will need to be modified for Rhino 6.

CPP Implementation file changes

  1. Open the CPP file containing your derived class implementation.

  2. Replace all references to CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx or CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage with __base_class which dereferences to CDialog in our case because we are deriving from TRhinoOptionsPage<CDialog>.

    Rhino 5 class

    IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CPropertiesPage, CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx)
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropertiesPage, CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx)

    Rhino 6 class

    IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CPropertiesPage, __base_class)
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropertiesPage, __base_class)
  3. Modify your class constructor.

    Rhino 5 class

    : CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx(CPropertiesPage::IDD, NULL)
    , m_icon(NULL)

    Rhino 6 class

    The TRhinoPropertiesPanelPage<CDialog> constructor takes three arguments:

    1. Contains the ID number of a dialog-box template resource.
    2. Contains the ID number of a icon resource.
    3. If true the host will delete this page when it is no longer referenced.
    : TRhinoPropertiesPanelPage<CDialog>(CPropertiesPage::IDD, IDI_PROPERTIES_PAGE, false)
  4. Rename your EnglishPageTitle and LocalPageTitle methods to EnglishTitle and LocalTitlerespectively and add a const decoration to the functions.

    Rhino 5 code

    const wchar_t* CPropertiesPage::EnglishPageTitle() { return L"Test Properties Page"; }
    const wchar_t* CPropertiesPage::LocalPageTitle() { return EnglishPageTitle(); }

    Rhino 6 code

    const wchar_t* CPropertiesPage::EnglishTitle() const { return L"Test Properties Page"; }
    const wchar_t* CPropertiesPage::LocalTitle() const { return EnglishTitle(); }
  5. Remove the CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx::Icon override, the icon resource Id is now passed to the base class constructor.

  6. Change the RunScript override.

    Rhino 5 code

    CRhinoCommand::result CPropertiesPage::RunScript(ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objects)
      return CRhinoCommand::success;

    Rhino 6 code

    Replace the CRhinoDoc& argument with a CRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs&.

    CRhinoCommand::result CPropertiesPage::RunScript(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e)
      return CRhinoCommand::success;
  7. Rename your InitControls method to UpdatePage and change the parameters accordingly.

    Rhino 5 code

    The selected object list is accessed via the CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage::SelectedObjectCount and CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage::GetSelectedObject methods in Rhino 5.

    void CPropertiesPage::InitControls( const CRhinoObject* new_obj)
      int our_color_objects = 0;
      CRhinoDoc* doc = nullptr;
      for (int i = 0, count = SelectedObjectCount(); i < count; i++)
        const CRhinoObject* object = GetSelectedObject(i);
        if (object && doc == NULL)
          doc = object->Document();
        if (IncludeObject(object) && IsOurColor(object))
      ON_wString message;
      message.Format(L"%d Colored objects selected", our_color_objects);
      if (doc)

    Rhino 6 code

    The selected object list is accessed via the provided IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs parameter in Rhino 6.

    void CPropertiesPage::UpdatePage(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e)
      int our_color_objects = 0;
      CRhinoDoc* doc = nullptr;
      for (int i = 0, count = e.ObjectCount(); i < count; i++)
        const CRhinoObject* object = e.ObjectAt(i);
        if (object && doc == NULL)
          doc = object->Document();
        if (IncludeObject(object) && IsOurColor(object))
      ON_wString message;
      message.Format(L"%d Colored objects selected", our_color_objects);
      if (doc)
  8. Rename your AddPageToControlBar method to IncludeInNavigationControl , change the return type to bool and change the parameters accordingly.

    Rhino 5 code

    The selected object list is accessed via the CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage::SelectedObjectCount and CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPage::GetSelectedObject methods in Rhino 5.

    BOOL CPropertiesPage::AddPageToControlBar( const CRhinoObject* obj) const
      // Only care if one or more meshable object is selected
      for (int i = 0, count = SelectedObjectCount(); i < count; i++)
        if (IncludeObject(GetSelectedObject(i)))
          return true;
      return false;
    bool CPropertiesPage::IncludeObject(const CRhinoObject* object) const
      return object && object->Document() && object->IsMeshable(ON::render_mesh);

    Rhino 6 code

    The selected object list is accessed via the provided IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs parameter in Rhino 6.

    bool CPropertiesPage::IncludeInNavigationControl(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& e) const
      // Only care if one or more mesh-able object is selected
      for (int i = 0, count = e.ObjectCount(); i < count; i++)
        if (IncludeObject(e.ObjectAt(i)))
          return true;
      return false;
    bool CPropertiesPage::IncludeObject(const CRhinoObject* object) const
      return object && object->Document() && object->IsMeshable(ON::render_mesh);

  9. Replace your object modification code with a call to ModifyPage and override OnModifyPage to preform the actual object modification.

    Rhino 5 code

    In Rhino 5 you would typically create a hidden test command and call it to modify the selected object list. This is done to provide undo support and trigger the correct update events in the properties panel.

    class CPropertiesPageCommand : public CRhinoTestCommand
      : m_by_layer(false)
      , m_page(nullptr)
      // Returns a unique UUID for this command.
      // If you try to use an id that is already being used, then
      // your command will not work.  Use GUIDGEN.EXE to make unique UUID.
    	UUID CommandUUID()
    		// {E547CD29-920F-4EF9-92EC-3F4AE9D9E619}
        static const GUID command_id =
        { 0xe547cd29, 0x920f, 0x4ef9, { 0x92, 0xec, 0x3f, 0x4a, 0xe9, 0xd9, 0xe6, 0x19 } };
        return command_id;
      // Returns the English command name.
    	const wchar_t* EnglishCommandName() { return L"TestPropertiesPageModifyObjects"; }
      // Returns the localized command name.
    	const wchar_t* LocalCommandName() const { return L"TestPropertiesPageModifyObjects"; }
      // Rhino calls RunCommand to run the command.
    	CRhinoCommand::result RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& );
      bool m_by_layer;
      CPropertiesPage* m_page;
      CRhinoCommand::result MakeByLayer(ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objectList);
      CRhinoCommand::result MakeObjectColor(ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objectList);
    // The one and only CPropertiesPageCommand object.  
    // Do NOT create any other instance of a CPropertiesPageCommand class.
    static class CPropertiesPageCommand thePropertiesPageCommand;
    CRhinoCommand::result CPropertiesPageCommand::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
      if (m_page == nullptr)
        return CRhinoCommand::failure;
      int modified = 0;
      for (int i = 0, count = m_object_ids.Count(); i < count; i++)
        const CRhinoObject* object = context.m_doc.LookupObject(m_object_ids[i]);
        if (object && !object->IsDeleted())
            modified += m_by_layer
            ? m_page->ToByLayer(object) 
            : m_page->ToObjectColor(object);
      m_page->ModifiedMessage(m_by_layer, modified);
      m_page = nullptr;
      return modified > 0 ? CRhinoCommand::success : CRhinoCommand::nothing;
    void CPropertiesPage::RunModifyCommand(bool byLayer)
      for (int i = 0, count = SelectedObjectCount(); i < count; i++)
        const CRhinoObject* object = GetSelectedObject(i);
        if (!IncludeObject(object))
        if (byLayer && object->Attributes().ColorSource() == ON::color_from_layer)
        if (!byLayer && IsOurColor(object))
      if (thePropertiesPageCommand.m_object_ids.Count() < 1)
        ::RhinoMessageBox(RhinoApp().MainWnd(), L"Nothing modified!", LocalPageTitle(), MB_OK);
      thePropertiesPageCommand.m_page = this;
      thePropertiesPageCommand.m_by_layer = byLayer;
      ON_wString macro;
      macro.Format(L"_noecho !_-%s", thePropertiesPageCommand.EnglishCommandName());
    void CPropertiesPage::OnBnClickedButton1()
    void CPropertiesPage::OnBnClickedButton2()
    int CPropertiesPage::ToByLayer(const CRhinoObject* object) const
      if (!IncludeObject(object))
        return 0;
      ON_3dmObjectAttributes attribs(object->Attributes());
      if (attribs.ColorSource() == ON::color_from_layer)
        return 0;
      return object->Document()->ModifyObjectAttributes(CRhinoObjRef(object), attribs) ? 1 : 0;
    int CPropertiesPage::ToObjectColor(const CRhinoObject* object) const
      if (!IncludeObject(object) || IsOurColor(object))
        return 0;
      ON_3dmObjectAttributes attribs(object->Attributes());
      attribs.m_color = CApp::App().ObjectColor(object->Document());
      return object->Document()->ModifyObjectAttributes(CRhinoObjRef(object), attribs) ? 1 : 0;
    void CPropertiesPage::ModifiedMessage(bool byLayer, int modifiedCount) const
      ON_wString message;
      if (modifiedCount < 1)
        message = L"Nothing was modified";
      else if (byLayer)
        message.Format(L"%d Objects were modified and are color by layer", modifiedCount);
        message.Format(L"%d Objects colors were changed", modifiedCount);
      ::RhinoMessageBox(RhinoApp().MainWnd(), message, L"Test Object Properties Page", MB_OK);

    Rhino 6 code

    In Rhino 6 you call ModifyPage on your page host and override OnModifyPage to modify the selected objects. ModifyPage Will call OnModifyPage when it is safe to modify objects.

    class CPropertiesPageCommand : public CRhinoTestCommand
      : m_by_layer(false)
      , m_page(nullptr)
      // Returns a unique UUID for this command.
      // If you try to use an id that is already being used, then
      // your command will not work.  Use GUIDGEN.EXE to make unique UUID.
    	UUID CommandUUID()
    		// {E547CD29-920F-4EF9-92EC-3F4AE9D9E619}
        static const GUID command_id =
        { 0xe547cd29, 0x920f, 0x4ef9, { 0x92, 0xec, 0x3f, 0x4a, 0xe9, 0xd9, 0xe6, 0x19 } };
        return command_id;
      // Returns the English command name.
    	const wchar_t* EnglishCommandName() { return L"TestPropertiesPageModifyObjects"; }
      // Returns the localized command name.
    	const wchar_t* LocalCommandName() const { return L"TestPropertiesPageModifyObjects"; }
      // Rhino calls RunCommand to run the command.
    	CRhinoCommand::result RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& );
      bool m_by_layer;
      CPropertiesPage* m_page;
      CRhinoCommand::result MakeByLayer(ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objectList);
      CRhinoCommand::result MakeObjectColor(ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objectList);
    // The one and only CPropertiesPageCommand object.  
    // Do NOT create any other instance of a CPropertiesPageCommand class.
    static class CPropertiesPageCommand thePropertiesPageCommand;
    CRhinoCommand::result CPropertiesPageCommand::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
      if (m_page == nullptr)
        return CRhinoCommand::failure;
      int modified = 0;
      for (int i = 0, count = m_object_ids.Count(); i < count; i++)
        const CRhinoObject* object = context.m_doc.LookupObject(m_object_ids[i]);
        if (object && !object->IsDeleted())
            modified += m_by_layer
            ? m_page->ToByLayer(object) 
            : m_page->ToObjectColor(object);
      m_page->ModifiedMessage(m_by_layer, modified);
      m_page = nullptr;
      return modified > 0 ? CRhinoCommand::success : CRhinoCommand::nothing;
    void CPropertiesPage::RunModifyCommand(bool byLayer)
      thePropertiesPageCommand.m_by_layer = byLayer;
    void CPropertiesPage::OnModifyPage(IRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs& args)
      for (int i = 0, count = args.ObjectCount(); i < count; i++)
        const CRhinoObject* object = args.ObjectAt(i);
        if (!IncludeObject(object))
        if (thePropertiesPageCommand.m_by_layer && object->Attributes().ColorSource() == ON::color_from_layer)
        if (!thePropertiesPageCommand.m_by_layer && IsOurColor(object))
      if (thePropertiesPageCommand.m_object_ids.Count() < 1)
        ::RhinoMessageBox(RhinoApp().MainWnd(), L"Nothing modified!", LocalTitle(), MB_OK);
      thePropertiesPageCommand.m_page = this;
      ON_wString macro;
      macro.Format(L"_noecho !_-%s", thePropertiesPageCommand.EnglishCommandName());
      RhinoApp().RunScript(args.DocumentRuntimeSerialNumber(), macro);
    void CPropertiesPage::OnBnClickedButton1()
    void CPropertiesPage::OnBnClickedButton2()
    int CPropertiesPage::ToByLayer(const CRhinoObject* object) const
      if (!IncludeObject(object))
        return 0;
      ON_3dmObjectAttributes attribs(object->Attributes());
      if (attribs.ColorSource() == ON::color_from_layer)
        return 0;
      return object->Document()->ModifyObjectAttributes(CRhinoObjRef(object), attribs) ? 1 : 0;
    int CPropertiesPage::ToObjectColor(const CRhinoObject* object) const
      if (!IncludeObject(object) || IsOurColor(object))
        return 0;
      ON_3dmObjectAttributes attribs(object->Attributes());
      attribs.m_color = CApp::App().ObjectColor(object->Document());
      return object->Document()->ModifyObjectAttributes(CRhinoObjRef(object), attribs) ? 1 : 0;
    void CPropertiesPage::ModifiedMessage(bool byLayer, int modifiedCount) const
      ON_wString message;
      if (modifiedCount < 1)
        message = L"Nothing was modified";
      else if (byLayer)
        message.Format(L"%d Objects were modified and are color by layer", modifiedCount);
        message.Format(L"%d Objects colors were changed", modifiedCount);
      ::RhinoMessageBox(RhinoApp().MainWnd(), message, L"Test Object Properties Page", MB_OK);
  10. Replace your PageType override with the new version that returns a RhinoPropertiesPanelPageType instead of a page_type. This is an optional override and typically is only overridden to replace system pages such as the light page with a plug-in provided page.

Rhino 5 code

CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx::page_type CPropertiesPage::PageType() const
  return CRhinoObjectPropertiesDialogPageEx::custom_page;

Rhino 6 code

RhinoPropertiesPanelPageType CPropertiesPage::PageType() const
  return RhinoPropertiesPanelPageType::Custom;