Persistent Settings
Windows only
It can be annoying to enter the same custom parameter each time you run a script.
The following script demonstrates how to use a private variable to store a parameter during a Rhino session.
' How to script with persisting settings
' Jess Maertterer - 20.12.2004
Option Explicit
Private dblLength
If IsEmpty(dblLength) Then
dblLength = 2.00
End If
Sub Extend_Curve_Length_Persist
Dim arrCurves, strCurve, dblResult
arrCurves = Rhino.GetObjects("Select curves to extend", 4)
If Not IsNull(arrCurves) Then
dblResult = Rhino.GetReal("Length to extend", dblLength,0.00)
If Not IsNull(dblResult) Then
dblLength = dblResult
For Each strCurve in arrCurves
Rhino.ExtendCurveLength strCurve, 2, 2, dblLength
End If
End If
End Sub
If your script should remember the settings from the last session, then you have to use the RhinoScript methods SaveSettings
and GetSettings
to access a separate .ini file.