Rhino C++ API  8.17
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CRhinoUiEdit Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkUiEdit.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoUiEdit:
CRhinoUiAutocompleteEdit CRhinoUiEditInt CRhinoUiEditReal CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox

Public Types

enum  edit_type {
  et_text = 0, et_int, et_double, et_ip,
  et_invalid, force_32bit_edit_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  on_number_error { one_use_last_good_number = 0, one_clamp_to_min_max_value, force_32bit_number_error = 0xFFFFFFFF }

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoUiEdit ()
virtual ~CRhinoUiEdit ()
void DDX_Text (CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, double &nValue)
void DDX_Text (CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, int &nValue)
void DDX_Text (CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, ON_wString &wValue)
int DisplayPrecision () const
void Format ()
const CString & FormatKeyword () const
int GetEditType () const
void GetNumericValue (double &d)
void GetNumericValue (int &n)
CSpinButtonCtrl * GetSpinButtonCtrl () const
void GetStringValue (ON_wString &w)
bool IncludeSpinner () const
void LinkToSliderCtrl (CRhinoUiSliderCtrl *)
afx_msg void OnChar (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg void OnKillFocus (CWnd *pNewWnd)
on_number_error OnNumberErrorMode () const
afx_msg void OnSetFocus (CWnd *pOldWnd)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
void SetAllowEmpty (bool bSet=true)
void SetDisplayPrecision (int precision)
int SetEditType (edit_type et)
void SetFormatKeyword (const char *lps)
void SetFormatKeyword (const wchar_t *lps)
bool SetIncludeSpinner (bool b)
void SetMax (bool bSet, double nMax=0.0)
void SetMax (bool bSet, int nMax=0)
void SetMin (bool bSet, double nMin=0.0)
void SetMin (bool bSet, int nMin=0)
void SetNonZero (bool bSet=TRUE)
void SetNumber (double d)
void SetNumber (int i)
void SetOnNumberErrorMode (on_number_error mode)
void SetStringValue (const char *s, bool bAppend=false)
void SetStringValue (const wchar_t *w, bool bAppend=false)
void SetValue (double nValue)
void SetValue (int nValue)
ON_wString StringValue ()
void SynchSlider ()
void VerifyValue (double &nValue)
void VerifyValue (int &nValue)

Protected Member Functions

bool CreateBuddy ()
void FormatInt ()
void FormatReal ()
void OnCharInt (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
void OnCharReal (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
virtual BOOL32 PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs)
virtual void PreSubclassWindow ()

Protected Attributes

bool m_allowemtpy
int m_displayprecision
int m_edit_type
bool m_hasmax
bool m_hasmin
bool m_include_buddy
CString m_key_word
CString m_last_good_string
double m_lastgoodnumber
double m_max
double m_min
bool m_nonzero
on_number_error m_on_number_error

Detailed Description


Description: Standard edit control to be used by CRhinoUiDialog classes. This edit control should provide all the standard edit control behavior for Rhino. See edit_type enum for currently supported edit modes.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ edit_type

Description: Available edit control modes et_text - Standard text type edit control. et_int - Only allow integer values. Make sure you replace the standard data exchange macro with the following to allow data validation: m_MyEditControl.DDX_Text( pDX, nIDC, m_nMyIntProperty); et_double - Only allow double values1. Make sure you replace the standard data exchange macro with the following to allow data validation: m_MyEditControl.DDX_Text( pDX, nIDC, m_nMyIntProperty); et_ip, - Windows IP input control


Default type.


for internal use only, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

◆ on_number_error


for internal use only, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiEdit()

CRhinoUiEdit::CRhinoUiEdit ( )

Description: Constructor

◆ ~CRhinoUiEdit()

virtual CRhinoUiEdit::~CRhinoUiEdit ( )

Description: Destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateBuddy()

bool CRhinoUiEdit::CreateBuddy ( )

Description: If GetEditType() is equal to et_int or et_double then create a CSpinButtonControl and attach it to the edit box.

Returns: If spin button control is created then true is returned.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::IncludeSpinner() CRhinoUiEdit::SetIncludeSpinner()

◆ DDX_Text() [1/3]

void CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text ( CDataExchange *  pDX,
int  nIDC,
double &  nValue 

◆ DDX_Text() [2/3]

void CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text ( CDataExchange *  pDX,
int  nIDC,
int &  nValue 

DoDataExchange methods

Description: Replace the DDX_Text(....) function call in your dialog class with m_?my_control?.DDX_Text( ...)

Example: Header file contains: CRhinoUiEdit m_IntCtrl; int m_nIntValue; CPP file would contain: void CTestDialog::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX) { CRhinoUiDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); ///<{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CTestDialog) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_IntCtrl); ///<}}AFX_DATA_MAP m_IntCtrl.DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_nIntValue); }

Parameters: pDX [in] A pointer to a CDataExchange object. The framework supplies this object to establish the context of the data exchange, including its direction. nIDC [in] The ID of an edit control in the dialog box, form view, or control view object. nValue [in] A reference to a data member in the dialog box, form view, or control view object. The data type of value depends on which of the overloaded versions of DDX_Text you use. Make sure SetEditType() is called with the correct data type also.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() DDX_Text MFC macro

◆ DDX_Text() [3/3]

void CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text ( CDataExchange *  pDX,
int  nIDC,
ON_wString wValue 

◆ DisplayPrecision()

int CRhinoUiEdit::DisplayPrecision ( ) const

Description: Returns the current decimal display precision when the control is displaying double values (CRhinoUiEdit::et_double).

Returns: Returns the current display precision

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::SetDisplayPrecison()

◆ Format()

void CRhinoUiEdit::Format ( )

Description: Format and verify current edit control value. If the value is invalid then it is set to the last good value and the control is updated.

◆ FormatInt()

void CRhinoUiEdit::FormatInt ( )

Description: Get text from edit control, convert to integer and clamp using minimum and/or maximum values as appropriate. If value changed (clamped) then edit control will reflect the modified value.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ FormatKeyword()

const CString& CRhinoUiEdit::FormatKeyword ( ) const

Description: Keyword allowed as value in edit control.

Returns: If a non NULL string the string is used to non-case sensitive match edit control value when validating. See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetFormatKeyword()

◆ FormatReal()

void CRhinoUiEdit::FormatReal ( )

Description: Get text from edit control, convert to double and clamp using minimum and/or maximum values as appropriate. If value changed (clamped) then edit control will reflect the modified value.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ GetEditType()

int CRhinoUiEdit::GetEditType ( ) const

Description: Current mode for this edit control.

Returns: Return current edit mode for this control.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::edit_type

◆ GetNumericValue() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::GetNumericValue ( double &  d)

Description: Get last good numeric value entered in control.

Parameters: n [out] Last good number entered

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ GetNumericValue() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::GetNumericValue ( int &  n)

Description: Get last good numeric value entered in control.

Parameters: n [out] Last good number entered

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ GetSpinButtonCtrl()

CSpinButtonCtrl* CRhinoUiEdit::GetSpinButtonCtrl ( ) const

Description: Get spin button control embedded in this edit control.

Returns: Returns pointer to spin button control if one was created otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::IncludeSpinner() CRhinoUiEdit::SetIncludeSpinner()

◆ GetStringValue()

void CRhinoUiEdit::GetStringValue ( ON_wString w)

Description: Get string from edit control.

Parameters: w [out] Current edit control string.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::GetNumericValue() CRhinoUiEdit::StringValue()

◆ IncludeSpinner()

bool CRhinoUiEdit::IncludeSpinner ( ) const

Description: If this method returns true a spinner control will be created and embedded in this edit control. Use the GetSpinButtonCtrl() method to gain access to the embedded control.

Returns: Returns true if Spinner will be created

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::GetSpinButtonCtrl()

◆ LinkToSliderCtrl()

void CRhinoUiEdit::LinkToSliderCtrl ( CRhinoUiSliderCtrl )

◆ OnChar()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiEdit::OnChar ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 

◆ OnCharInt()

void CRhinoUiEdit::OnCharInt ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 

Description: This method is used to validate character input. If the character can not be used to create an integer then a MessageBeep() is sounded and the character is discarded. If possible the new value is clamped to minimum and/or maximum values as appropriate.

Parameters: nChar [in] Specifies the virtual key code of the given key. For a list of standard virtual key codes, see Winuser.h nRepCnt [in] Specifies the repeat count, that is, the number of times the keystroke is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key. nFlags [in] Specifies the scan code, key-transition code, previous key state, and context code. See CWnd::OnChar() for table of possible state and codes. See Also: CWnd::OnChar() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ OnCharReal()

void CRhinoUiEdit::OnCharReal ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 

Description: This method is used to validate character input. If the character can not be used to create an double then a MessageBeep() is sounded and the character is discarded. If possible the new value is clamped to minimum and/or maximum values as appropriate.

Parameters: nChar [in] Specifies the virtual key code of the given key. For a list of standard virtual key codes, see Winuser.h nRepCnt [in] Specifies the repeat count, that is, the number of times the keystroke is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key. nFlags [in] Specifies the scan code, key-transition code, previous key state, and context code. See CWnd::OnChar() for table of possible state and codes. See Also: CWnd::OnChar() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ OnCreate()

afx_msg int CRhinoUiEdit::OnCreate ( LPCREATESTRUCT  lpCreateStruct)

◆ OnDestroy()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiEdit::OnDestroy ( )

◆ OnKillFocus()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiEdit::OnKillFocus ( CWnd *  pNewWnd)

◆ OnNumberErrorMode()

on_number_error CRhinoUiEdit::OnNumberErrorMode ( ) const

Description: Call this method to deterimine what happens when a numeric value is less then the specified minimum or greater than the specified maximum value.

Returns: one_use_last_good_number = If a value is specified that is out of range then the last valid value is used. one_clamp_to_min_max_value = If a value is specified that is out of range then the minimum or maximum values are used if specified.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ OnSetFocus()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiEdit::OnSetFocus ( CWnd *  pOldWnd)

◆ OnSize()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiEdit::OnSize ( UINT  nType,
int  cx,
int  cy 

◆ PreCreateWindow()

virtual BOOL32 CRhinoUiEdit::PreCreateWindow ( CREATESTRUCT cs)

◆ PreSubclassWindow()

virtual void CRhinoUiEdit::PreSubclassWindow ( )

◆ SetAllowEmpty()

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetAllowEmpty ( bool  bSet = true)

Description: If this is set to true then NULL values are allowed in control.

Parameters: bSet [in] If set to true then NULL values are allowed otherwise this control must contain at least one character.

◆ SetDisplayPrecision()

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetDisplayPrecision ( int  precision)

Description: Sets the current decimal display precision when the control is displaying double values (CRhinoUiEdit::et_double).

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::DisplayPrecison()

◆ SetEditType()

int CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType ( edit_type  et)

Description: Set current mode for this edit control. You can use GetSpinn

Parameters: [et] New edit mode for this control.

Returns: Previous edit mode

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::edit_type

◆ SetFormatKeyword() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetFormatKeyword ( const char *  lps)

Description: Allow keyword as value in edit control.

Parameters: lps [in] String to non-case sensitive match

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::FormatKeyword()

◆ SetFormatKeyword() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetFormatKeyword ( const wchar_t *  lps)

Description: Allow keyword as value in edit control.

Parameters: lps [in] String to non-case sensitive match

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::FormatKeyword()

◆ SetIncludeSpinner()

bool CRhinoUiEdit::SetIncludeSpinner ( bool  b)

Description: This function will set the create spinner control flag. If this is set to true then a spinner control will be created and embedded in this edit control. Use the GetSpinButtonCtrl() method to gain access to the embedded control.

Parameters: b [in] If true create spin control when this control is created.

Returns: Return previous value.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::IncludeSpinner() CRhinoUiEdit::GetSpinButtonCtrl()

◆ SetMax() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax ( bool  bSet,
double  nMax = 0.0 

Description: Set or clear maximum numeric value. This is only relevant if the EditType() is set to et_double or et_int.

Parameters: bSset [in] If true then check maximum value flag is set and the maximum allowable value is set to min. If false then check maximum value flag is unset. nMax = Maximum allowable value, only used if set is true otherwise is ignored.


See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ SetMax() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax ( bool  bSet,
int  nMax = 0 

Description: Set or clear maximum numeric value. This is only relevant if the EditType() is set to et_double or et_int.

Parameters: bSset [in] If true then check maximum value flag is set and the maximum allowable value is set to min. If false then check maximum value flag is unset. nMax = Maximum allowable value, only used if set is true otherwise is ignored.


See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ SetMin() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin ( bool  bSet,
double  nMin = 0.0 

Description: Set or clear minimum numeric value. This is only relevant if the EditType() is set to et_double or et_int.

Parameters: bSset [in] If true then check minimum value flag is set and the minimum allowable value is set to min. If false then check minimum value flag is unset. nMin = Minimum allowable value, only used if set is true otherwise is ignored.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

Notes: Constructor sets has minimum flag to FALSE

◆ SetMin() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin ( bool  bSet,
int  nMin = 0 

Description: Set or clear minimum numeric value. This is only relevant if the EditType() is set to et_double or et_int.

Parameters: bSset [in] If true then check minimum value flag is set and the minimum allowable value is set to min. If false then check minimum value flag is unset. nMin = Minimum allowable value, only used if set is true otherwise is ignored.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

Notes: Constructor sets has minimum flag to FALSE

◆ SetNonZero()

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetNonZero ( bool  bSet = TRUE)

Description: If this is set to true then zero value is not allowed otherwise zero is okay.

Parameters: bSet [in] If true then values must be non zero.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetEditType() CRhinoUiEdit::DDX_Text

◆ SetNumber() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetNumber ( double  d)

Description: Convert double to string and put string in edit control.

Parameters: d [in] Value to place in edit control

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetStringValue()

◆ SetNumber() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetNumber ( int  i)

Description: Convert int to string and put string in edit control.

Parameters: i [in] Value to place in edit control

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetStringValue()

◆ SetOnNumberErrorMode()

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetOnNumberErrorMode ( on_number_error  mode)

Description: Call this method to specify what happens when a numeric value is less then the specified minimum or greater than the specified maximum value.

Parameters: mode [in] one_use_last_good_number = If a value is specified that is out of range then the last valid value is used. one_clamp_to_min_max_value = If a value is specified that is out of range then the minimum or maximum values are used if specified.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ SetStringValue() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetStringValue ( const char *  s,
bool  bAppend = false 

Description: Set string value for edit control.

Parameters: s [in] New value for edit control. bAppend [in] If true then value is appended to the end of the current edit control string otherwise; the edit control string is replaced with s.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::GetStringValue() CRhinoUiEdit::StringValue()

◆ SetStringValue() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetStringValue ( const wchar_t *  w,
bool  bAppend = false 

Description: Set string from edit control.

Parameters: w [in] New value for edit control. bAppend [in] If true then value is appended to the end of the current edit control string otherwise; the edit control string is replaced with w.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::GetStringValue() CRhinoUiEdit::StringValue()

◆ SetValue() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetValue ( double  nValue)

Description: Uses VerifyValue() to clamp value to minimu or maximum if appropriate and update edit control.

Parameters: nValue [in] New value for control. If this value is out of range then it will be clamped at minimum and/or maximum values as necessary.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax() CRhinoUiEdit::VerifyValue()

◆ SetValue() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::SetValue ( int  nValue)

Description: Uses VerifyValue() to clamp value to minimu or maximum if appropriate and update edit control.

Parameters: nValue [in] New value for control. If this value is out of range then it will be clamped at minimum and/or maximum values as necessary.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax() CRhinoUiEdit::VerifyValue()

◆ StringValue()

ON_wString CRhinoUiEdit::StringValue ( )

Description: Get string from edit control. /// Returns: Returns current edit control string.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::GetNumericValue() CRhinoUiEdit::GetStringValue()

◆ SynchSlider()

void CRhinoUiEdit::SynchSlider ( )

Description: Synchronize slider control which is companion to this edit control.

◆ VerifyValue() [1/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::VerifyValue ( double &  nValue)

Description: If nValue is out of range then clamps it to minimum or maximum value and updates the edit control. Will only clamp if minimum and or maximum values have been set.

Parameters: nValue [in/out] Value to validate.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

◆ VerifyValue() [2/2]

void CRhinoUiEdit::VerifyValue ( int &  nValue)

Description: If nValue is out of range then clamps it to minimum or maximum value and updates the edit control. Will only clamp if minimum and or maximum values have been set.

Parameters: nValue [in/out] Value to validate.

See Also: CRhinoUiEdit::SetMin() CRhinoUiEdit::SetMax()

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_allowemtpy

bool CRhinoUiEdit::m_allowemtpy

◆ m_displayprecision

int CRhinoUiEdit::m_displayprecision

◆ m_edit_type

int CRhinoUiEdit::m_edit_type

◆ m_hasmax

bool CRhinoUiEdit::m_hasmax

◆ m_hasmin

bool CRhinoUiEdit::m_hasmin

◆ m_include_buddy

bool CRhinoUiEdit::m_include_buddy

◆ m_key_word

CString CRhinoUiEdit::m_key_word

◆ m_last_good_string

CString CRhinoUiEdit::m_last_good_string

◆ m_lastgoodnumber

double CRhinoUiEdit::m_lastgoodnumber

◆ m_linked_slider

CRhinoUiSliderCtrl* CRhinoUiEdit::m_linked_slider

◆ m_max

double CRhinoUiEdit::m_max

◆ m_min

double CRhinoUiEdit::m_min

◆ m_nonzero

bool CRhinoUiEdit::m_nonzero

◆ m_on_number_error

on_number_error CRhinoUiEdit::m_on_number_error