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GH_PluginUtil Class

Grasshopper plugin utility class. This class exports some static (Shared in VB) methods to do with plugin loading and unloading.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Grasshopper.Plugin
Assembly:  Grasshopper (in Grasshopper.dll)
public sealed class GH_PluginUtil

The GH_PluginUtil type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBringRhinoToTop
Bring the Rhino window to the top of the stack.
Public methodStatic memberBringWindowToTop
Public methodStatic memberFocusOnRhino
Set the focus to the Rhino command line.
Public methodStatic memberSendKeyCodeToRhino(Char)
Send a key-code to the Rhino command line.
Public methodStatic memberSendKeyCodeToRhino(Int32)
Send a key-code to the Rhino command line.
Public methodStatic memberSendKeyCodeToRhino(String)
Send a string of characters to the Rhino command line.
Public methodStatic memberSendMessage
Public methodStatic memberSetFocus
See Also