Returns summary information about a saved document (3dm).
Rhino.DocumentInfo ([strFileName])
strFileName |
Optional. String. The file name of the document to query. Of omitted, the currently loaded document will be queried as long as it has been saved to disk. |
Array |
An array of document if successful. The array will contain the following information:
Null |
If not successful, or on error. |
Sub TestDocumentInfo
Dim strFile, arrInfo, i
strFile = Rhino.OpenFileName("Open", "Rhino Model (*.3dm)|*.3dm||")
If IsNull(strFile) Then Exit Sub
arrInfo = Rhino.DocumentInfo(strFile)
If IsNull(arrInfo) Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 to UBound(arrInfo)
Rhino.Print arrInfo(i)
End Sub