Returns the mesh faces that share a specified mesh vertex.
Rhino.MeshVertexFaces (strObject, intVertex)
strObject |
Required. String. The identifier of a mesh object. |
intVertex |
Required. Number. The index of the mesh vertex. |
Array |
An array the indices of the faces that share the specified vertex if successful. |
Null |
If not successful, or on error. |
Sub TestMeshVertexFaces()
Dim strMesh, arrVertices, arrFaceVertices
Dim intVertex, arrVertexFaces, arrFace, i
Dim arrPolyline()
strMesh = Rhino.GetObject("Select mesh", 32)
arrVertices = Rhino.MeshVertices(strMesh)
arrFaceVertices = Rhino.MeshFaceVertices(strMesh)
intVertex = UBound(arrVertices) \ 2 ' Some vertex
arrVertexFaces = Rhino.MeshVertexFaces(strMesh, intVertex )
If IsArray(arrVertexFaces) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(arrVertexFaces)
arrFace = arrFaceVertices(arrVertexFaces(i))
If IsArray(arrFace) Then
If (arrFace(2) = arrFace(3)) Then
ReDim arrPolyline(3)
arrPolyline(0) = arrVertices(arrFace(0))
arrPolyline(1) = arrVertices(arrFace(1))
arrPolyline(2) = arrVertices(arrFace(2))
arrPolyline(3) = arrVertices(arrFace(0))
ReDim arrPolyline(4)
arrPolyline(0) = arrVertices(arrFace(0))
arrPolyline(1) = arrVertices(arrFace(1))
arrPolyline(2) = arrVertices(arrFace(2))
arrPolyline(3) = arrVertices(arrFace(3))
arrPolyline(4) = arrVertices(arrFace(0))
End If
Call Rhino.AddPolyline(arrPolyline)
End If
End If
End Sub