Active3dmTable() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
AddManifestMapItem(const class ON_ManifestMapItem &map_item) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Archive3dmProperties() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Archive3dmSettings() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Archive3dmStartSectionComment() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Archive3dmTableStatus(ON_3dmArchiveTableType table_type) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Archive3dmVersion() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveContains3dmTable(ON_3dmArchiveTableType table) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveContains3dmTable(ON_3dmArchiveTableType table, unsigned int archive_3dm_version, unsigned int opennurbs_library_version) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
ArchiveCurrentDimStyle() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveCurrentDimStyleId() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveCurrentDimStyleIndex() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveDirectoryName() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveDirectoryNameAsPointer() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveFileMoved() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveFileName() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveFileNameAsPointer() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveFullPath() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveFullPathAsPointer() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveOpenNURBSVersionToWrite(unsigned int archive_3dm_version, unsigned int opennurbs_version) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
ArchiveRuntimeEnvironment() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveSavedAsFullPath() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveSavedAsFullPathPointer() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveStartOffset() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ArchiveTextStyleFromArchiveTextStyleIndex(int archive_text_style_index) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
AtEnd() const =0 | ON_BinaryArchive | pure virtual |
BadCRCCount() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmAnonymousChunk(int *version) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmBigChunk(unsigned int *, ON__INT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmBitmapTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmChunk(unsigned int expected_tcode, int *major_version, int *minor_version) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmDimStyleTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmGroupTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmHatchPatternTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmHistoryRecordTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmInstanceDefinitionTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmLayerTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmLightTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmLinetypeTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmMaterialTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmObjectTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmTextureMappingTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginRead3dmUserTable(ON_UUID &plugin_id, bool *bLastSavedAsGoo, int *archive_3dm_version, unsigned int *archive_opennurbs_version) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginReadDictionary(ON_UUID *dictionary_id, unsigned int *version, ON_wString &dictionary_name) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginReadDictionaryEntry(int *de_type, ON_wString &entry_name) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmAnonymousChunk(int version) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmBigChunk(ON__UINT32 typecode, ON__INT64 value) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmBitmapTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmChunk(unsigned int, int) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmChunk(unsigned int tcode, int major_version, int minor_version) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmDimStyleTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmGroupTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmHatchPatternTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmHistoryRecordTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmInstanceDefinitionTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmLayerTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmLightTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmLinetypeTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmMaterialTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmObjectTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmTextureMappingTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmUserTable(ON_UUID plugin_id, bool bSavingGoo, int goo_3dm_version, unsigned int goo_opennurbs_version) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWrite3dmUserTable(const ON_UUID &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWriteDictionary(ON_UUID dictionary_id, unsigned int version, const wchar_t *dictionary_name) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
BeginWriteDictionaryEntry(int de_type, const wchar_t *entry_name) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
CheckForRemappedIds() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ChunkBoundaryCheck() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ClearModelSerialNumber() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
CriticalErrorCount() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
CurrentArchiveVersion() | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
CurrentPosition() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Dump3dmChunk(ON_TextLog &text_log, int recursion_depth=0) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EnableCRCCalculation(bool bEnable) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EnableSave3dmAnalysisMeshes(unsigned int object_type_flags, bool bSave3dmAnalysisMeshes) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EnableSave3dmRenderMeshes(unsigned int object_type_flags, bool bSave3dmRenderMeshes) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Endian() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmBitmapTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmChunk() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmChunk(bool bSupressPartiallyReadChunkWarning) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmDimStyleTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmGroupTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmHatchPatternTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmHistoryRecordTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmInstanceDefinitionTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmLayerTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmLightTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmLinetypeTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmMaterialTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmObjectTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmTextureMappingTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndRead3dmUserTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndReadDictionary() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndReadDictionaryEntry() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmBitmapTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmChunk() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmDimStyleTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmGroupTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmHatchPatternTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmHistoryRecordTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmInstanceDefinitionTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmLayerTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmLightTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmLinetypeTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmMaterialTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmObjectTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmTextureMappingTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWrite3dmUserTable() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWriteDictionary() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
EndWriteDictionaryEntry() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ErrorMessageMask() const | ON_BinaryArchive | protected |
eStorageDeviceError enum name | ON_BinaryArchive | |
FindTableInDamagedArchive(unsigned int tcode_table, unsigned int tcode_record, ON_UUID class_uuid, int min_length_data) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
FirstFailed3dmTable() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Flush()=0 | ON_BinaryArchive | pure virtual |
GetCurrentChunk(ON_3DM_CHUNK &chunk) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
GetCurrentChunk(ON_3DM_BIG_CHUNK &big_chunk) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
InstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
IntentionallyWriteCorrupt3dmStartSectionForExpertTesting() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Internal_CurrentPositionOverride() const =0 | ON_BinaryArchive | protectedpure virtual |
Internal_Read3dmDimStyleOverrides(class ON_Annotation &annotation, bool bFromDimStyleTable) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Internal_ReadOverride(size_t, void *)=0 | ON_BinaryArchive | protectedpure virtual |
Internal_SeekFromCurrentPositionOverride(int)=0 | ON_BinaryArchive | protectedpure virtual |
Internal_SeekToStartOverride()=0 | ON_BinaryArchive | protectedpure virtual |
Internal_Write3dmDimStyleOverrides(const class ON_Annotation &annotation, const class ON_DimStyle *dim_style_overrides) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Internal_WriteOverride(size_t, const void *)=0 | ON_BinaryArchive | protectedpure virtual |
LoadUserDataApplication(ON_UUID application_id) | ON_BinaryArchive | virtual |
Manifest() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ManifestMap() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
MaskReadError(ON__UINT64 sizeof_request, ON__UINT64 sizeof_read) const | ON_BinaryArchive | protected |
Mode() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ModelSerialNumber() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ObjectHasUserDataToWrite(const class ON_Object *object) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ON_BinaryArchive(ON::archive_mode) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ON_DEPRECATED_MSG("ON_BinaryArchive::ReadSize is deprecated because it truncates to 32-bits.\n" " - If you are updating existing code use 'ReadInt' instead.\n" " - Else if you need to write a 64-bit size_t please call 'ReadBigSize'") bool ReadSize(size_t *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ON_DEPRECATED_MSG("ON_BinaryArchive::WriteSize is deprecated because it truncates to 32-bits.\n" " - If you are updating existing code use 'WriteInt' instead.\n" " - Else if you need to write a 64-bit size_t please call 'WriteBigSize'") bool WriteSize(size_t) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ON_SetBinaryArchiveOpenNURBSVersion(ON_BinaryArchive &, unsigned int) | ON_BinaryArchive | friend |
ON_TypecodeParse(unsigned int tcode, char *typecode_name, size_t max_length) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
PeekAt3dmBigChunkType(ON__UINT32 *typecode, ON__INT64 *big_value) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
PeekAt3dmChunkType(unsigned int *, int *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Previous3dmTable() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmAnonymousUserTable(int archive_3dm_version, unsigned int archive_opennurbs_version, ON_3dmGoo &goo) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmBitmap(class ON_Bitmap **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmChunkVersion(int *, int *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmDimStyle(class ON_DimStyle **ppDimStyle) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmEndMark(size_t *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmGoo(ON_3dmGoo &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmGroup(class ON_Group **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmHatchPattern(class ON_HatchPattern **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmHistoryRecord(class ON_HistoryRecord *&) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmInstanceDefinition(class ON_InstanceDefinition **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmLayer(ON_Layer **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmLight(class ON_Light **light, class ON_3dmObjectAttributes *attributes) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmLinetype(class ON_Linetype **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmMaterial(class ON_Material **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmModelGeometry(class ON_ModelGeometryComponent **model_geometry, unsigned int object_filter=0) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmModelGeometryForExperts(bool bManageGeometry, bool bManageAttributes, class ON_ModelGeometryComponent **model_geometry, unsigned int object_filter) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmModelLight(class ON_ModelGeometryComponent **model_light) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmObject(ON_Object **model_object, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *attributes, unsigned int object_filter=0) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmProperties(class ON_3dmProperties &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmReferencedComponentId(ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, ON_UUID *component_id) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmReferencedComponentIndex(ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, int *component_index) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmReferencedComponentIndexArray(ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, ON_SimpleArray< int > &component_index_array) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmSettings(class ON_3dmSettings &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmStartSection(int *version, ON_String &sStartSectionComment) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Read3dmTextureMapping(class ON_TextureMapping **) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArc(ON_Arc &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< bool > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< char > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON__INT8 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON__INT16 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON__INT32 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON__UINT8 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON__UINT16 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON__UINT32 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< float > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< double > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_Color > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_4dPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xform > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_4fPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidIndex > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidPtr > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_SurfaceCurvature > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_ClassArray< ON_String > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_DisplayMaterialRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_LinetypeSegment > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< ON_MappingChannel > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_ClassArray< ON_MaterialRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_ClassArray< ON_MappingRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_ClassArray< class ON_ObjRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ObjRef_IRefID > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_ObjectArray< class ON_Layer > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadArray(ON_SimpleArray< class ON_Layer * > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBigInt(size_t, ON__INT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBigInt(size_t, ON__UINT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBigInt(ON__INT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBigInt(ON__UINT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBigSize(size_t *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBigTime(time_t *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBool(bool *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadBuffer(ON__UINT64 sizeof_buffer, void *buffer) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadByte(size_t, void *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadChar(size_t, char *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadChar(char *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadChar(size_t, ON__INT8 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadChar(size_t, ON__UINT8 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadChar(ON__INT8 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadChar(ON__UINT8 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadCircle(ON_Circle &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadColor(ON_Color &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadColor(ON_4fColor &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadComponentIndex(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadCompressedBuffer(size_t sizeof__outbuffer, void *outbuffer, bool *bFailedCRC) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadCompressedBufferSize(size_t *sizeof__outbuffer) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadDisplayMaterialRef(ON_DisplayMaterialRef &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadDouble(size_t, double *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadDouble(double *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadFloat(size_t, float *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadFloat(float *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadInt(size_t, ON__INT32 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadInt(size_t, ON__UINT32 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadInt(ON__INT32 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadInt(ON__UINT32 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadInterval(ON_Interval &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadLine(ON_Line &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadLinetypeSegment(ON_LinetypeSegment &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadLong(size_t, long *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadLong(size_t, unsigned long *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadLong(long *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadLong(unsigned long *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadMode() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadModelComponentAttributes(ON_ModelComponent &model_component, unsigned int *attributes_filter) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadObject(ON_Object **ppObject) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadObject(ON_Object &object) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadObjectUserData(ON_Object &object) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadPlane(ON_Plane &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadPoint(ON_2dPoint &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadPoint(ON_3dPoint &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadPoint(ON_4dPoint &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadShort(size_t, ON__INT16 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadShort(size_t, ON__UINT16 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadShort(ON__INT16 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadShort(ON__UINT16 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadString(size_t str_array_count, char *str_array) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadString(size_t str_array_count, unsigned char *str_array) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadString(size_t str_array_count, unsigned short *str_array) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadString(ON_String &sUTF8) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadString(ON_wString &s) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadStringSize(size_t *str_array_count) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadStringUTF16ElementCount(size_t *string_utf16_element_count) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadStringUTF8ElementCount(size_t *string_utf8_element_count) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadTime(struct tm &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadUuid(ON_UUID &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_ANNOTATION(unsigned int, ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_CRV(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_FAC(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_LEGACY_SHL(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_MESH_OBJECT(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_RH_POINT(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_RHINOIO_OBJECT_BREP(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_RHINOIO_OBJECT_NURBS_CURVE(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadV1_TCODE_RHINOIO_OBJECT_NURBS_SURFACE(ON_Object **, ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadVector(ON_2dVector &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadVector(ON_3dVector &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadWideString(ON_wString &wide_string) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReadXform(ON_Xform &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReferencedComponentIdMapping() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReferencedComponentIndexMapping() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ReferenceModelSerialNumber() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Save3dmAnalysisMesh(ON::object_type object_type) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Save3dmAnalysisMeshObjectTypeFlags() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Save3dmPreviewImage() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Save3dmRenderMesh(ON::object_type object_type) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Save3dmRenderMeshObjectTypeFlags() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Seek3dmChunkFromCurrentPosition(unsigned int) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Seek3dmChunkFromStart(unsigned int) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SeekBackward(ON__UINT64 bytes_backward) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SeekForward(ON__UINT64 bytes_forward) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SeekFromStart(ON__UINT64 bytes_from_start) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetArchive3dmVersion(int) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetArchiveFullPath(const wchar_t *archive_full_path) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetArchiveFullPath(const wchar_t *archive_directory_name, const wchar_t *archive_file_name) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetCheckForRemappedIds(bool bCheckForRemappedIds) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetChunkBoundaryCheck(bool bChunkBoundaryCheck) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetModelSerialNumber(unsigned int model_serial_number, unsigned int reference_model_serial_number, unsigned int instance_definition_model_serial_number) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetOpenNURBS3dmVersion(unsigned int v) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetReferencedComponentIdMapping(bool bEnableReferenceComponentIdMapping) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetReferencedComponentIndexMapping(bool bEnableReferenceComponentIndexMapping) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetSave3dmPreviewImage(bool bSave3dmPreviewImage) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetShouldSerializeUserDataDefault(bool bSerialize) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetShouldSerializeUserDataItem(ON_UUID application_id, ON_UUID item_id, bool bSerializeUserDataItem) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetStorageDeviceError(ON_BinaryArchive::eStorageDeviceError storage_device_error) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetStorageDeviceError(unsigned int storage_device_error) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SetUseBufferCompression(bool bUseBufferCompression) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ShouldSerializeAllUserData() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ShouldSerializeNoUserData() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ShouldSerializeSomeUserData() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ShouldSerializeUserDataDefault() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ShouldSerializeUserDataItem(ON_UUID application_id, ON_UUID item_id) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
ShouldWriteUserDataItem(const class ON_Object *object, const class ON_UserData *object_user_data) const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
SizeofChunkLength() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
StorageDeviceError() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
StorageDeviceErrorFromUnsigned(unsigned int storage_device_error_as_unsigned) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
TableComponentType(ON_3dmArchiveTableType table_type) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
ToggleByteOrder(size_t, size_t, const void *, void *) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
TypecodeName(unsigned int tcode) | ON_BinaryArchive | static |
UnsetMode() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
UpdateManifestMapItemDestination(const class ON_ManifestMapItem &map_item) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
UseBufferCompression() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmAnonymousUserTable(const class ON_3dmGoo &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmAnonymousUserTableRecord(ON_UUID plugin_id, int goo_3dm_version, unsigned int goo_opennurbs_version, const class ON_3dmGoo &goo) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmBitmap(const class ON_Bitmap &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmChunkVersion(int, int) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmDimStyle(const class ON_DimStyle &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmDimStyleComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmDimStyleComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmEndMark() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmGoo(const ON_3dmGoo &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmGroup(const class ON_Group &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmGroupComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmGroupComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmHatchPattern(const class ON_HatchPattern &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmHatchPatternComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmHatchPatternComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmHistoryRecord(const class ON_HistoryRecord &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmHistoryRecordComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmHistoryRecordComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmImageComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmImageComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmInstanceDefinition(const class ON_InstanceDefinition &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmInstanceDefinitionComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmInstanceDefinitionComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLayer(const ON_Layer &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLayerComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLayerComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLight(const class ON_Light &, const class ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLinePatternComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLinePatternComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmLinetype(const class ON_Linetype &line_pattern) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmMaterial(const class ON_Material &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmMaterialComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmMaterialComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmModelGeometryComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmModelGeometryComponent(const class ON_ModelGeometryComponent *model_geometry) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmModelLightComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmModelLightComponent(const class ON_ModelGeometryComponent *model_light) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmObject(const ON_Object &, const ON_3dmObjectAttributes *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmProperties(const class ON_3dmProperties &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmReferencedComponentId(ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, ON_UUID model_component_id) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmReferencedComponentId(const ON_ModelComponent &model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmReferencedComponentIndex(ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, int model_component_index) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmReferencedComponentIndex(ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, ON_UUID model_component_id) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmReferencedComponentIndex(const ON_ModelComponent &model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmSettings(const class ON_3dmSettings &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmStartSection(int version, const char *sStartSectionComment) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmTextureMapping(const class ON_TextureMapping &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmTextureMappingComponent(const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
Write3dmTextureMappingComponent(const class ON_ModelComponent *model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArc(const ON_Arc &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< bool > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< char > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON__INT8 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON__INT16 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON__INT32 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON__UINT8 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON__UINT16 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON__UINT32 > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< float > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< double > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Color > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_4dPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_4fPoint > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2fVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3fVector > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xform > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidIndex > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidPtr > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_SurfaceCurvature > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_ClassArray< ON_String > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_DisplayMaterialRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_LinetypeSegment > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_MappingChannel > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_ClassArray< ON_MaterialRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_ClassArray< ON_MappingRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_ClassArray< class ON_ObjRef > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ObjRef_IRefID > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(const ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(int count, const class ON_Layer *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteArray(int count, const class ON_Layer *const *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBigInt(size_t, const ON__INT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBigInt(size_t, const ON__UINT64 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBigInt(ON__INT64) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBigInt(ON__UINT64) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBigSize(size_t) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBigTime(time_t) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBool(bool) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBoolFalse() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBoolTrue() | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteBoundingBox(const ON_BoundingBox &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteByte(size_t, const void *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteChar(size_t, const char *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteChar(char) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteChar(size_t, const ON__INT8 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteChar(size_t, const ON__UINT8 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteChar(ON__INT8) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteChar(ON__UINT8) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteCircle(const ON_Circle &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteColor(const ON_Color &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteColor(const ON_4fColor &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteComponentIndex(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteCompressedBuffer(size_t sizeof__inbuffer, const void *inbuffer) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteDisplayMaterialRef(const ON_DisplayMaterialRef &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteDouble(size_t, const double *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteDouble(double) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteFloat(size_t, const float *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteFloat(float) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteInt(size_t, const ON__INT32 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteInt(size_t, const ON__UINT32 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteInt(ON__INT32) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteInt(ON__UINT32) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteInterval(const ON_Interval &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteLine(const ON_Line &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteLinetypeSegment(const ON_LinetypeSegment &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteLong(size_t, const long *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteLong(size_t, const unsigned long *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteLong(long) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteLong(unsigned long) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteMode() const | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteModelComponentAttributes(const class ON_ModelComponent &model_component, unsigned int attributes_filter) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteModelComponentName(const ON_ModelComponent &model_component) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteObject(const ON_Object *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteObject(const ON_Object &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteObjectUserData(const ON_Object &object) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WritePlane(const ON_Plane &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WritePlaneEquation(const ON_PlaneEquation &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WritePoint(const ON_2dPoint &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WritePoint(const ON_3dPoint &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WritePoint(const ON_4dPoint &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteShort(size_t, const ON__INT16 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteShort(size_t, const ON__UINT16 *) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteShort(ON__INT16) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteShort(ON__UINT16) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteString(const char *sUTF8) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteString(const unsigned char *sUTF8) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteString(const ON_String &sUTF8) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteString(const ON_wString &s) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteTime(const struct tm &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteUTF16String(const unsigned short *sUTF16) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteUuid(const ON_UUID &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteVector(const ON_2dVector &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteVector(const ON_3dVector &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteWideString(const wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteWideString(const ON_wString &wide_string) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
WriteXform(const ON_Xform &) | ON_BinaryArchive | |
~ON_BinaryArchive() | ON_BinaryArchive | virtual |